303 posts tagged with humor.
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Resurrected: Furnitures the Great Brown Oaf
One of the oldest sites on the internet that I still remember was a whimsical, yet slightly unsettling, page for a fake children's show called Furnitures the Great Brown Oaf. It's been gone from the internet since 2007, but no more! I have revived it on Neocities, with the permission of Henry Stokes, its creator, and I wrote this introduction too. By the standards of the current-day Web it may seem primitive, but I enjoyed bringing it back. Please take a few moments to immerse yourself in the world of a TV show that never was.
Pick, Pack, or Die
Step into the infinite world of Zing Warehouse as employees try to survive a delivery drone uprising.
Half a decade ago, I asked a handful of MeFis if they’d be interested in being a beta reader for a novel inspired by Carl Hiaasen. Thanks to their feedback and the help of many others, I’m happy to announce that my comedy thriller Pick, Pack, or Die is ready for delivery! [more inside]
Memento Movi - A Cinematic Progress Bar for Life
Memento Movi is a little toy app I made. The user enters date of birth and life expectancy, and chooses from a list of movies. The site then shows a frame from that movie that represents your place in your lifespan.
So, for instance, a twenty-year-old who selects Star Wars will likely get a frame from Tattooine, but a sixty-year-old who selects Jaws will be on the boat.
Partial Time Travel, and Other Thoughts on Our Media Diets
A consideration of how the Internet causes "samebrain", and some ways to break out of our digital ruts and buck our corporate recommendation engine overlords, including looking in unexpected places, consuming the media of other locations and times, and, um... just typing in random URLs.
Baby’s first stand-up set
Hey, remember earlier this spring when I asked the green how to learn more about stand-up comedy as a creative outlet? I followed some of your advice, found a local intro to stand up class, and just finished and did my first performance in my class show! [more inside]
Choco Chooser
Match with the perfect chocolate for you by building your taste profile. With more varieties of candy out there than ever, this tool will help you discover a new favorite just in time for Halloween.
Any movie scene, rewritten like a Michael Bay movie
Needs More Boom is proof that sometimes you just need to do something stupid for no other reason than "because I can."
Just type the scene, hit the 💥LFG💥 button, and see how much better if would have been if Bay had shot it. [more inside]
The Trashscarf Tales
So after a short break from writing of about 20 years, I'm starting up a little story that's just for fun. It's a whimsical fantasy adventure sort of thing with lots of silly jokes and bad puns. There is a talking mustache that is actually a mycelium network. That kinda thing.
Known Leaders
Here's a tool to fill you in on who the leaders (you know, the important ones it the front of the band photos) of various bands are. It will also tell you about games and novels. [more inside]
Season of Skulls — my latest novel — is published today
Season of Skulls is the third book in the New Management trilogy, following on from 2020's Dead Lies Dreaming and 2022's Quantum of Nightmares. (Link points to a reading extract.) [more inside]
Becoming a dad, ready or not
I'm a storyteller and standup comic in NYC, and I just posted this standup act/story about what it was like to have to prepare for my first baby while grieving my own father - and getting some surprise inspiration from my stoner mother-in-law. I'd greatly appreciate your checking it out and sharing it everywhere if you're so moved.
The Dalai Dalí Dolly Folly (Super Deluxe Edition)
Do you have 5 minutes? Do you want to hear 13 songs with rhyming titles? Have I got the album for you! [more inside]
21st Halloween Cartoon
Greetings succubi, incubi and mid-levelcubi!
The 21st Annual Jabo Halloween Cartoon is now alive and kicking and screaming and yelling. So carve out some time from your hectic havoc, toss those computer glasses and wreck your eyesight on some mildly amusing scrawlings. The full catalog of catastrophic cartoons can be unveiled here. Happy Halloween y Dias de los Muertos!
Mini-Project: Macho Man and George Michael
This has been running in my head for months if not longer. I finally managed to get the two to collaborate.
Great Lines: The Newsletter
I send out a newsletter twice a month with funny or insightful quotes, phrases and passages I've seen recently. It's not just stuff from the present; I also include material from the past. [more inside]
Day 2
I live-blogged the first days of the Biden administration.
In Which Dr. Strange Swears Like A Normal Person
Dumb fun where a re-read of Marvel Mastersworks' Doctor Strange compendiums leads to me swapping out his various oaths for the single most versatile word in the English language. Work in progress. Since I do have a professional life where I'm expected to maintain a level of decorum, there's a password. [more inside]
Brain Tape
Dogg, it is brain tape since young times. A deep dive / sacred reading podcast around the seminal webcomic Achewood, specifically the arc known as The Great Outdoor Fight. One of us knows everything about Achewood, the other knows basically nothing. Which one of us is Beef and which one is Ray is still undetermined. [more inside]
Mary Sue's Character Casino
A loving tribute to character tropes, gacha games, and freestyle music in the form of a simple, browser-based roguelike deckbuilder. [more inside]
Cha-Chinga Hotel Nor Casino!
Conan writer/performer Andrés DuBouchet is best known for his many characters on the show including Tony the Cameraman, the President of Boliviguay and gold iPhone designer Raffi Jaharian. His latest album, Poseidon’s Retreat, is a series of dark and absurd monologues recorded without an audience and set to a musical score. (I edited the album and also composed and performed the music to several tracks.) If you listen to just one track, make it the 10 minute and 43 second commercial parody “Cha-Chinga”, which fellow writer Rob Kutner calls “one of the most joke-dense, nonstop laugh machine bits ever recorded -- as solidly high-concept-funny as every great SNL fake ad combined into one.”
The Stick Princess
The third book in the Ways of Magic series is finally available, a mere twenty years late. [more inside]
Halloween is dead, long live Halloween…
It’s my 20th Annual Halloween Cartoon and it’s packed with bone-chilling bon mots and spine-tingling satire. It may be a tad bit behind schedule, but it is Dias de las Muertas… somewhere. And if you like this, be sure to visit the bowels (eyeeeeew) of my blog for departed versions from years past. Happy (late) Halloween!
The Worst House On The Internet
Remember when you went trick-or-treating and there was always that one house on the block that gave out the worst treats? Now everyone on the Internet can re-experience that same feeling of Halloween disappointment. You’re welcome! [more inside]
Ha-Ha-Haunted House... of Comedy
Gothtober is an annual Halloween "advent calendar" with a different participant providing media or digital art for each day. My contribution dropped today, Gothtober 24 (there's no way for me to link directly to my piece, you have to scroll down and tap /click "24"). It's a silly animation of classic monsters performing at a comedy open mic night. Totally SFW. [more inside]
Hot Dad Summer
My high school band is now my middle-aged band, and we’ve just written the jam of the summer (to be modest). Now streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and anywhere you stream music!
object: murder is a hand-drawn comic about objects with murderous intent
object: murder is a light-hearted view of the dark secrets hidden in the hearts of the objects around us. Hand-drawn in five minutes or less; no take-backs. I've been doodling for as long as I can remember, alongside more serious pursuits — and sillier ones. I'm committed to maintaining some sort of hand craft in the digital age, and so object: murder is my attempt to keep my doodling muscles limber while bringing a little bit of lightness to other people's days. [more inside]
Two old AF baby ARMYs unbox their first BTS light bombs & wax philosophical
Pirate-Bartender-Zombie-Monkey and I made a video about how we went from "vaguely aware that BTS exists" three months ago, to "unboxing our official BTS light bombs and setting the alarm to wake up at 4AM on December 31 for the Big Hit Entertainment 2021 New Year's Eve concert". Along the way we talked about a number of things, including music, culture, history, mental health, and more.
Dead Lies Dreaming
Dead Lies Dreaming is published tomorrow (October the 27th) by Tor.com Publishing! It's my first novel in over two years, and it's the start of a new trilogy set in the same universe as the Laundry Files: you don't need to have read the other series first. As for what it's about, pick any or all of: eccentric artistically-inclined supervillains, queer found families, disgruntled ex-cops, sinister private equity billionaires, Transnistrian mafia "loss adjusters", and the long-lost concordance to the One True Necronomicon ...
Do you love The Singing Bush from the 1986 comedy ¡Three Amigos!? [more inside]
[text deleted] [more inside]
Match Game '73: All the blanks!
For absolutely no reason, I have transcribed all the questions, answers and blanks of all 119 episodes of "Match Game '73." (Except for the 3 that are missing.) Just the questions and answers, and nothing more. The early episodes are interesting of course, because the show hadn't yet found its footing. Brett Somers didn't make an appearance until episode 11, and she was on the bottom tier! As someone who really likes the 4th-grade-level wordplay of the show, this gives me a big laugh. If there's more interest here or elsewhere, I'll start soon on '74.
The Mad Magazine Fold-In Effect in CSS
At age 99, comic artist Al Jaffee just announced his retirement. Jaffee was best known for his Mad Magazine fold-ins, where folding the page reveals a hidden message in the artwork. Plenty of examples can be found on the web. Unfortunately, they all show the before and after statically, diminishing the magic. There’s a whole generation who may have only seen the fold-ins in this format.
So of course I had to create the paper folding effect for the web.
A silly single page website I put up for April Fools, inspired by the line "the stock market is just astrology for men". [more inside]
Ultimate Quarantine House Selection!
A little toy that generates fresh instances of the "Pick Your Quarantine House" meme/game. Potential roommates are drawn from a pool of 3000+ celebrities and historical figures. [more inside]
Cooking Is Coping: One Funny Recipe Video a Week
I'm a standup comic in NYC, and I'm starting a video series called "Cooking is Coping" - I cook to cope with depression and anxiety. I'll demonstrate a recipe while doing jokes and answering audience questions. [more inside]
Get Afraid's Joy Generator
A fun little tool to distract you at home. Tap button. Get joy. [more inside]
Boston Driving School
Initially this was meant to be a series of comics about Boston drivers, who never cease to amaze me with their inventive ways of motoring, thus making me wonder what exactly the local driving schools were teaching. And then...it kind of morphed into a jumble of random sketches. One day I will redraw these properly, but that day is not today.
Voleflix public domain movie site
I trawled some lists of public domain movies (lots of great film noir) and put together my own version of Netflix. It also has daft Voleflix Originals and rates your taste in movies from your watchlist.
How You Doing Your Quarantine?
Comedian and Director Victor Varnado and I made a song and several comedians (Marina Franklin, Stacey Nightmare, John Gemberling, Hannibal Buress and many more) helped out with the video.
To create ‘the ultimate comic strip for millennials’, I gathered a list of tiresome “millennials are killing X” articles and made a page that generates speech bubbles over Jamie Smart’s artwork featuring Avocado, Toast and the delightful Mister Boomer.
Art Is My Middle Name
...is a newsletter I started as a birthday gift to myself. Each installment is a short thought about some topic in art (appreciation, analysis, or creation, and with a reallllly broad definition of art). So far, installments have covered Kurt Vonnegut's advice on appreciating paintings, the moral calculus of watching Watchmen, and East German kids using punk music and fashion to build identities.
My 19th Annual Halloween Cartoon!
Just getting this one in before the sun rises. Yet another mish-mash of miserable machinations all inspired by my unhealthy obsession with Creepy and Eerie magazines. But these are in color so you can see all the carnage without any imagination whatsoever! Happy Halloween!
Printable Totally Real Birds of the World 2020 Calendar
Last year during Inktober, I made up and drew a bunch of fake birds like the Barre Chord Owl, the Ruby-Throated Hoverbro, and the Gin-Soaked Penguin. At the request of a friend, I recently turned all of this into a 2020 calendar that should print nicely on regular old stolen-from-your-office 8.5x11" paper. And then I decided to make it free for the world. [more inside]
Rapper's Delight - Performed by Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant
Just in time for the song's 40th anniversary, I edited together the voices of Siri, Alexa & Google Assistant to make their first ever rap collaboration, a cover of the hip-hop classic, Rapper’s Delight. Yes, this is the kind of thing TV editors do when they're unemployed.
Bill Watches Movies Podcast
A podcast where we talk about the stars and the stories of the B movies of yesteryear. A combination of humor, B movie weirdness, Hollywood biography and Old Time Radio. [more inside]
VOLE.wtf - malevole reborn
Way back in 2002 I launched malevole.com, a site for my daftest creative projects, and tried reaching all the cool bloggers with a $10 MeFi text ad featuring an ASCII vole <",_,)~ This seemingly worked, and the site had a few viral hits, but by the end of 2004 I was too caught up in my day job and let it rot. Nearly 15 years later, I've brought it back with a completely new look, some revamped old stuff, and lots more lined up. [more inside]
Cooking Is Coping: One Funny Recipe a Week
I'm a standup comic in NYC and I cook to cope with the stress of a midlife career change to something with no path to stability. Let me just tell you, I cook a LOT. I'm writing these recipes down and sending them to my mailing list once a week. You can see the first recipe here, with more to come every week for at least the next three months.
H.i.P.O. (Hazardus Interstellar Perfessional Operations)
So, now that the NDA has been lifted, I can share the art installation I was working on that is at this year's Coachella. It's a rocket ship manned by hippos. Of course. I feel a little dumb posting this because it's not "my" project; I was just a cog in the machine. But my boyfriend was art director on this under the two lead artists so I watched this come together over several months, and I was part of the crew putting on the actual show last weekend. I'm still tired. I can't imagine how the leads are doing. [more inside]
18 short plays about Python and programming
At the PyGotham 2018 tech conference, Jason Owen and I presented "Python Grab Bag: A Set of Short Plays", inspired by the Neo-Futurists' show "The Infinite Wrench". The 40-minute video is up on YouTube and my blog post links to the script and slides, credits the crew and cast, deep-links to the specific timecodes for individual plays, and gives citations for the references we made. [more inside]
Trump Learned
Tweets when the president learns (and tweets) a word for the first time. Like @nyt_first_said, but applied to the president. [more inside]