Pick, Pack, or Die
January 16, 2025 5:18 PM   Subscribe

Pick, Pack, or Die
Step into the infinite world of Zing Warehouse as employees try to survive a delivery drone uprising. Half a decade ago, I asked a handful of MeFis if they’d be interested in being a beta reader for a novel inspired by Carl Hiaasen. Thanks to their feedback and the help of many others, I’m happy to announce that my comedy thriller Pick, Pack, or Die is ready for delivery!

The substantial robotic workforce at Zing Warehouse ships everyzing: cat litter, exit signs, and carbonated bidets.

When an unexpected delivery sparks a media firestorm, Carmen Fitznagle, one of the few remaining humans, finds herself at the forefront of a revolution in automation, same-hour delivery, and artificial intelligence.

Check out the Book

A special thanks to nightrecordings, from this very community, for lending their copy editing expertise to the project.
Role: author, designer
posted by systematize (3 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite

I hate to see such big news with so little response! Fewer people on Metafilter these days, and fewer still visit all the satellite pages.

I have ordered a copy!
Congratulations on finishing this book, and that you have finished more than one book. Dang, that is great.
posted by Glinn at 6:13 PM on January 20 [2 favorites]

I loved every minute of working on this very funny, very clever novel. Thank you, systematize, for trusting me to handle your labor of love with care. You deserve to feel proud of this incredible accomplishment.

Fizz was leafing through my paperback copy the other day and was so impressed by the first few pages, he's moving it to the top of his "To Read" list. I hope others will do the same!
posted by nightrecordings at 11:11 AM on January 22 [2 favorites]

This looks like fun - by any chance do you happen to have it available as an epub? (I don't really like supporting the locked-in Kindle system)
posted by elizabot at 5:26 PM on January 28

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