7 posts tagged with commentary.
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Find out what's #TRENTing from a brash cartoon character
Short comedy video series: Trent is a sort of Max Headroom for the social media era — but only sort of. He lives inside the matrix, telling you what's #TRENTing, in a brash style — mixing a Scandinavian accent with a Brooklyn attitude. In this episode, Trent weighs in on the Ghost in the Shell controversy, the Vice President's rule about dining alone with women, and your search history being up for sale. WARNING: "Mature" language. [more inside]
You Are Not Helping
A gallery of people being terrible to one another online, in the name of politics. [more inside]
Werewolf Gimmick
My brother and I are blogging about pro wrestling. He knows a lot about it, I know very damn little. About wrestling or blogging, for that matter. Those who do know about wrestling are seriously welcome to tell us what we're getting wrong.
Really, NOTHING is sadder?
A Twitter account of things that are sadder than things people on Twitter think nothing is sadder than.
We Have Such Films To Show You
So griphus was all "omg there's nine Hellraiser movies?" and I was like "I know, let's do a podcast about 'em!" and that's the story of We Have Such Films To Show You, our new podcast miniseries where we tackle every film in the increasingly-troubled Hellraiser franchise in loving, rambling detail. The first episode is now up; the podcast feed is here. [more inside]
Raging Titter Radio
This is probably as honest as I’ll ever be about what I’m trying to accomplish with my podcast, Raging Titter Radio. I have always had a lot of thoughts and I’m often overwhelmed by them. Since I was a kid, I imagined my thoughts as balloons, too many comic books I suppose. Anyway, I try to chase them down and grab them before they float away forever. The easiest way to hang onto them is to tie the strings together. If I can tie enough balloons together, I can float away. That’s Raging Titter Radio. Oh and there’s always a top notch indie band playing a great song that's thematically relevant. [more inside]
Hero Squad! A podcast about Arrested Development.
My friend Alex and I love Arrested Development. We decided to record our commentary on every episode. Now you can play our commentary simultaneously with the episodes and pretend that we're all friends and talking about the show together! The first four episodes are already up; you can subscribe to it as a podcast from the site or subscribe in iTunes. Let us know if we say interesting things! [more inside]