302 posts tagged with humor.
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World of Objects - Found product photography from eBay & Craigslist listings
Strange & wonderful vernacular photography collected from eBay and Craigslist listings. Witness as ordinary Objects take on other-worldly, pathetic or even menacing qualities. You will never look at Objects the same again.
Regret Labs science podcast
Did you study hard in science class? Neither did comics Aric and Levi. Regret Labs is their attempt to make up for lost time. In each episode they attempt to explain a scientific concept and then invite a guest expert to join them and tell them how very wrong they are. [more inside]
Internet Directory
According to ICANN, .COM domains were intended for business, .ORG for nonprofit, and .NET for internet providers and "Web Portals." Internet Directory is a listing of every domain using these TLDs -- beginning with the 115 million .COMs -- as they stand in early 2014. On a fast browser, it takes 599 days to watch every domain scroll by. [more inside]
November West
This is the story of a girl. And her two sons, Demon Child and Dark Warrior. She works for The Borganization... [more inside]
Tech industry April Fool's joke generator
For startups who haven't executed on their minimum viable funny yet.
Exponential Binary Clock Countdown
This is a fairly simple concept site to try to convey just how enormous exponential growth becomes. It counts to 2^63rd power at 100 increments per second, with notes about what might be happening when that next bit, in this case a square on an 8x8 grid, turns black. Hoping people can use it as a tool to inspire a little wonder in math.
Egress Methods
Paul Simon claimed that there must be fifty ways to leave your lover, but in his famous song he named far fewer than that. Egress Methods, a twitter bot, fulfills the promise that Mr. Simon could not—and then some—tweeting a randomly generated formula for lover-leaving every few hours, from now into eternity. [more inside]
This is my blog covering the Conservative Dinosaur Readiness Movement. It is a satirical blog about a right wing survivalist group that is paranoid that dinosaurs are going to return somehow and conquer earth. While it is satire, I also try to incorporate good science when I can, I interview legit people in the paleontology field such as Kirk Johnson and Peter Larson. [more inside]
What The F*ck Is My Brief?
An ode to the folks in ad land, WTFIMB generates a random creative brief to stimulate and excite...something. [more inside]
doge for all: make doges with ease.
A friend and I were sitting around lamenting the lack of decent shibe/doge generators out there on the internet. So we decided to make our own. http://dogeforall.biz/.
- Click to make new text blurb.
- Change font size/color.
- Use a custom background.
- Upload direct to imgur.
- Click to make new text blurb.
- Change font size/color.
- Use a custom background.
- Upload direct to imgur.
Juggling videos with a narrative arc.
Most jugglers today post "look-what-I-can-do" videos. This month, I tried to buck the trend by creating a juggling video with short vignettes and concrete narrative arcs.
A Christmas Boner: A Christmas Carol Remixed
I took Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol and remixed it so that throughout the entire story, Scrooge has a boner. It’s juvenile and incredibly stupid, but I dare say parts of it turned out pretty damn funny. It’s available as a free eBook, and you can download it in MOBI (Kindle), ePub (everything else), or Word formats. Or you can just read the whole thing online. [more inside]
Twitter: @FactsAboutEggs
Joke facts about eggs, on Twitter
Pizza Clones
You've heard this one: "Every pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard and believe in yourself." Pizza Clones is a Twitter bot that attempts to imitate this joke and elaborate on it, replacing the noun, adjective and condition with stuff it randomly finds on Twitter. Examples: "Every house is an open house unless you have NO pants on"; "Every weekend is a normal weekend if you regret at least one decision"; "Every time is an appropriate time if it wasn't for my aunt Barbara." [more inside]
Automatic Caution Door
Inspired by the awkward phrasing of Automatic Caution Door signs, I made an automatic caution sign generator.
My first novel - Gone Whalin'. It's funny.
One year, six months, eight days, 638 pages, 222,851 words, and 1,025,891 characters after I started writing it, my novel Gone Whalin’ is available on Amazon in paperback and on Kindle. Previously on MeFi Projects I've shared my two collections of bad Wikipedia writing, but this is the book I'm most proud of. It's about a college student who starts waking up on a whaling ship every other day, the adventures he has at sea, and the scheming that goes on between his roommate and the dean of his school to exploit his situation while he's back in time. You can read the first three chapters and watch the book trailer here! [more inside]
Applebee's emotionally unstable twitter account
Applebee's twitter account is by turns defensive, insecure, and angry with occasional delusions of grandeur.
Really, NOTHING is sadder?
A Twitter account of things that are sadder than things people on Twitter think nothing is sadder than.
Comedy Video - More Rock, Less Talk
A comedy video about a Classic Rock radical vs. a Classic Rock moderate. We put a lot of work into it. It's five minutes long, which I realize is on the long side, so thanks for taking a look. [more inside]
Panther Scouts: A comic about cats who go to school and do scouting
Panther Scouts is the oldest and largest cat youth civic organization in the world, where kittens and young cats learn the skills they need to be the cat leaders of tomorrow. You can follow their adventures in a new digital comic, launched this week, and with new issues on an every-six-weekly basis. The first issue is available from our web site as a low-res free PDF, CBZ, or in-browser read, as well as a high-res/bonus-content version from Etsy or iTunes for 99¢.
Un-creative Writing Prompts
Prompts for professional writers in un-creative fields. [more inside]
Horse of Thrones
Horse of Thrones is a single-concept mashup Tumblr combining tweets from infamous spam Twitter account @Horse_ebooks (previously on the blue) with stills from Game of Thrones.
Saucy vacation tips from Franklin the Ladies' Cat
My misguided, confident cartoon character is back with some invaluable advice for the romantic traveler... in his trademark, confident style seemingly informed by the infinite wisdom of men's magazines. [more inside]
Herebe: all you need to get started is a great idea.
There are dragons in Silicon Valley. Real, flapping, scaly ones, with teeth and claws; the kind that'll burn your Lower Haight apartment to cinders before you can pivot your way out of there. What's more, it looks like they can be harnessed and sold as a service. Can you say "opportunity"? Herebe is a short novel about Silicon Valley, startups, the battle for ideas ... and dragons. It's my first, and I would love MetaFilter's collective opinion. You can buy it on Amazon.com.
Policy Fallacy: The Podcast of Unintended Consequences
My friend and I have started a podcast about policies (public, private, or otherwise) with interesting consequences. Each episode we look back at a past policy and and then rampantly speculate about a current policy change. He is hilarious, I occasionally say something mildly amusing, and in general we have loads of nerdy fun. iTunes. RSS. Episodes:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [more inside]
What Are You Gonna Do? Mashup
A satirical compilation of very short video clips asking one of the main questions in storytelling. See how many shows you recognize. (SLYT) [more inside]
My new book! [Citation Needed] 2: The Needening
I just co-self-published my second collection of hilariously bad Wikipedia writing. It's over 200 of our favorite entries, with our own original commentary, plus a foreword by Mike Nelson of RiffTrax & MST3K! [more inside]
Make Your Own Visual Novel
I had a blast making this in about 2 weeks. Make your own visual novel with just a few clicks! It's for casual users. Please let me know if anything is too difficult. (Might be NSFW) [more inside]
The Cecilnomicon
So resident, mystical defender of Salem, Massachusetts, and fictional creation Cecil Crowninshield has put down his Lumurian Quartz topped wand and picked up the keyboard to help keep his neighbors informed of the weirder goings on around town. A shining beacon of etheric fortitude, Cecil eschews normal local news items and instead focuses on topics such as ghosts/sandwiches, spiders, and dating tips. [more inside]
The Lab Bunny
A mystic? A shaman? A makeup artist? An esthetician? A girl wearing A LOT of lipstick? The Lab Bunny is all of these things.
On January 4th, 2013, Authorized User said: “For the longest time I have had the theory that for every FPP there is a somewhat relevant Mitchell & Webb sketch.” This project is intended to both test that theory and act as an indispensable tool for MeFites.
CRAPCHA stands for Completely Ridiculous And Phony Captcha that Hassles for Amusement. It doesn't keep spammers out. It doesn't crowdsource book scanning either. CRAPCHA's only job is to baffle users, and you can add it to your site today.
Make fake iPhone and iPad apps to rickroll your friends (or worse...). More information about the project in this blog post.
Star Wars is the most deceptive and seductive pro-fascist narrative ever written
I used to be a huge fan of Star Wars, but I can no longer ignore the ugly truth. This is a video of a performance, part comedy, part political analysis of the Star Wars universe, wherein I present my take on the Star Wars mythology. Can you be leftist and pro-monarchy?
I'm Pope Oscar! dot com
Last week, the internet decided that George Bluth was the Pope. You've all made a huge mistake. Oscar holy, Michael!
Adorable Animals, Mildly Amusing Captions
A photo blog of adoptable animals at the Louisiana SPCA shelter, and what I imagine they might have been thinking or doing at the moment I took their picture. [more inside]
SpitShake: Free Contracts for Ridiculous Wagers
This site came about after a friend attempted to eat 6 Arby's roast beef sandwiches in an hour, on a dare. Halfway through, an argument ensued about the terms... and we found ourselves wishing we had some kind of formal document, listing out all the rules of the bet. In a nutshell, SpitShake lets you create a free, customizable contract that you can print out for everyone involved to sign. [more inside]
I Can Eat 50 Cadbury Creme Eggs
Not all at the same time. That's gross. No one can do that. My more modest and less lethal goal is to eat 50 by Easter Day. Follow along as I document each egg below. [more inside]
Jew On This! - What is Purim?
Join the surreal web series Jew On This as they attempt to answer the question that many non-Jews have: "What is Purim?"
Cold Cat (animated short)
A freezing cat seeks the warmth of a woman, but ends up having to rely on city infrastructure. Along the way, there's a bit of Gangnam Style, a hot-tub scene of sorts, and a very brief bedroom dalliance. [more inside]
Our Curious Obsession With the Ridiculous
For its ten-year anniversary, online magazine The Millions has kicked off its new series of shorter-form ebook originals with: Epic Fail: Bad Art, Viral Fame, and the History of the Worst Thing Ever. [more inside]
Twitov, a generative text bot based on your Twitter history
Twitov takes the Twitter history file some lucky folks have been given access to (Twitter says: Rolling it out "slowly" to everyone) and turns it into the brain for a Markov chatterbot. The results are slightly deranged and slightly stupid, but sometimes pretty funny. [more inside]
Houndton Tabby
In anticipation of the season 3 premiere of Downton Abbey, I've begun a series of portraits based upon the memorable characters from the show. Depicted as dogs and cats, naturally. I am selling them as prints in my Etsy shop.
GIFbites is a regular podcast and tumblr on/about/for animated GIFs. Each episode lasts no more than 15 seconds. [more inside]
Taoish: a place for irreverent spirituality
Spiritual but not pretentious (and occasionally downright funny). Taoish is a website (with printed annual) for manifestations of contemplative inspiration here and now, in the modern west. The article categories are Comedy, Politics, Cultures, Arts, Sports, and Deeper. [more inside]
Franklin the Ladies' Cat
I finished an animated comedy short this summer, about a lovesick cat, which I am now turning into a YouTube series. Franklin the Ladies' Cat combines animation with live action, and episode 1 is up! Hope you'll help me spread the word if you like it. [more inside]
Robot Hugs: A Webcomic
Robot Hugs is the webcomic about anything that's in my head. I do comics about weird animal hybrids, cats, being queer, and other random thoughts. I also often do comics about having depression. I currently update twice a week.
Kittens All The Way Down
After a few years of gathering ideas and saying we would make a webcomic, daisyk and I have started Kittens All The Way Down. It's about strange kittens and whatever else pops into our heads. It updates Saturdays, and we have strips for the rest of the year already queued up.
Heathrow Facts
Future Earth's surviving bacteria colonizing Heathrow Terminal 5. A superior airport experience. A place to replicate & escape the heat.So: a parody London Heathrow Twitter account, tweeting from an alternate, slightly less benign universe. Learn about Heathrow's sinister cosmic plans for expansion, upcoming Christmas specials, and the airport's occult connections with Ancient Egypt. Brought to you by that 0430 British Airways flight that swoops low over my house every morning and wakes me up.