41 posts tagged with novel.
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Pick, Pack, or Die
Step into the infinite world of Zing Warehouse as employees try to survive a delivery drone uprising.
Half a decade ago, I asked a handful of MeFis if they’d be interested in being a beta reader for a novel inspired by Carl Hiaasen. Thanks to their feedback and the help of many others, I’m happy to announce that my comedy thriller Pick, Pack, or Die is ready for delivery! [more inside]
My new thriller, Floor 24, is now available.
Floor 24, a Hitchcockian thriller, is available from Oliver-Heber Books. [more inside]
I published a novel: The Ballad of the Grey Swan
My first novel. And I’m excited. [more inside]
Kraken Whispers - an interactive text adventure
A climate-fiction text adventure with dystopian themes, set in 2051. Can you survive for one week as a regular person under the rule of the York Emergency Authority? (Maybe you can do more than survive, and blow oxygen on embers of resistance.) With beautiful art by Dibujos de Pam! Play for free in your browser, desktop or mobile. [more inside]
Newsletter about passages in fiction
I've started a newsletter about influential passages in fiction as they relate to the craft of writing. One post every Tuesday. Each a five-minute read. [more inside]
Dog of the Dead
My first novel in a new fantasy series called "Ms. Whitaker's Last Year" is up on Kindle! Martha Whitaker is a middle school English teacher who refuses to let anything interfere with what she thinks is important, not even her own possible death, an immense egg on her kitchen table, or a mob of the deceased trying to retrieve their escaped dog. Martha is both utterly focused and utterly wrongheaded, but she will do anything, including braving the bleak concourses of the Afterlife, to help out the various young people who rely on her.
The Flaws of Gravity
My first novel's out! It's an urban fantasy set in Montreal and the Niagara Region of Ontario. If you like urban fantasy, or more specifically: mysterious Faeries, gravity-defying action, museum heists and lovers to enemies to...it's complicated? then please check it out! [more inside]
The Stick Princess
The third book in the Ways of Magic series is finally available, a mere twenty years late. [more inside]
Dead Lies Dreaming
Dead Lies Dreaming is published tomorrow (October the 27th) by Tor.com Publishing! It's my first novel in over two years, and it's the start of a new trilogy set in the same universe as the Laundry Files: you don't need to have read the other series first. As for what it's about, pick any or all of: eccentric artistically-inclined supervillains, queer found families, disgruntled ex-cops, sinister private equity billionaires, Transnistrian mafia "loss adjusters", and the long-lost concordance to the One True Necronomicon ...
Four and a half years ago, I thought I was a cis man. Then I wrote a book. [more inside]
A Forest Tale
A graphic novel retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, imagining the everyday within the mythical. [more inside]
The Unleashed
My late-middle-grade / YA urban fantasy novel about the ghosts of Seattle is free to read online. It follows Mira, a ghost who frees herself from the tether that bound her to the place where she died. Mira learns a terrible secret about the ghosts of Seattle and decides to do something about it. [more inside]
A Human Docum*nt
For NaNoGenMo 2017 I took an old Victorian book* and put it through a program for blotting out all of a particular symbol. That program starts out cautious, but it's way too angry by its finish. [more inside]
Shadow Over the Outlet Mall: A Novel of Lovecraftian Humor
A humorous story of real estate appraisal and cosmic horror inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, 90s adventure games, and some other stuff. [more inside]
I wrote a hard sci-fi novel about teleportation
I didn't want to post about it earlier because it might have been construed as crowdfunding. I wrote a hard science fiction novel about a man who inadvertently gets duplicated while teleporting (the en vogue method of transport in the mid-22nd century). The book is called The Punch Escrow, and it won the Geek & Sundry hard sci-fi contest on Inkshares. It's getting published July 25 and the movie rights have been optioned by Lionsgate. [more inside]
The Inventor, the Author, and the Killer
My latest novel, a thriller, A Predator's Game, Rook's Page Publishing, will be available on March 30th for general purchase and is available for pre-order (Amazon link). It is set in 1896 Manhattan. After the multi-murderer Henry H. Holmes has escaped execution, the eccentric inventor Nikola Tesla teams up with the touring author, Arthur Conan Doyle to track him down. The first chapter can be found here. [more inside]
April 86 - You get a free Kindle book, I get published
I'm trying to get my new novel April 86 published through Amazon's new Kindle Scout program. If you go to the link and click "Nominate Me", and enough other people do so, you will all get a free copy of the book.
So what's the book about? Read on . . . [more inside]
Jupiter, Floating Islands of Grease, and Angeloids - A Serial Web Novel
Some time back I read how if there was life in Jupiter's atmosphere, it might live on floating islands of congealed hydrocarbons. Next thing I knew, I was writing a serial novel (new posts on M, W, F) with that as a starting point. Of course once you get humans living in Jupiter's atmosphere, humans modified to have wings becomes a short next step.
Whispering Machine
is one of three strange glimpses into Us Conductors, a theremin novel by me. Each of the trio of sites visits a different passage from the book through the lens of a different designer, with different contributing musical artists: Whispering Machine, by Luc Mikelsons & Adam Benzen, has sounds by Bear In Heaven; Our shadows slanting by the lamps..., by Brendan Reed, has sounds by Owen Pallett; I gazed at a long shelf of batteries..., by Jez Burrows, has sounds by an unnamed musician.
BLOODSMOKE: A Tommy Darlington Novel
An editor for the New York Times said, "A sexy new voice in Old Florida fiction." She won't let me use her name, though, 'cos we had awesome sex for three months and I dumped her for another cute girl . . . in Costa Rica. It's the first in a series of 69-Minute Novels, cool thrillers you can read in about an hour (if you read kinda fast).
Gay erotic comics in DRM-free PDF format // purchase & download for $3.50 or less through Selz
Hi, folks! I am Dale Lazarov and I write and edit gay erotic comics drawn by distinctive and evocative illustrators like Steve MacIsaac, Drub and Chas Hunter, among others. Our smart, wholesome gay comics smut is full of man-on-man carnality and sweetness. They don't have dialogue or captions so they don't require translation; just your horniness! ;-D As you may know, I have published four hardcovers of gay erotic comics published and distributed internationally by Bruno Gmünder Verlag. Now we're selling both original-to-digital and digital-reprint homoerotic comics in PDF format directly to readers online using Selz, an Australian payment processor that's committed to distributing our art online for purchase and download. As you can imagine, direct digital sales to readers through the internet allows us to circumvent censorious apps and unadventurous bookstores. Also, we both keep more money from your purchase and drastically lower the price of the comics to prices competitive with mainstream comics. So go buy some now! Purchase and download at http://dalelazarov.selz.com/ ; NSFW page samples are available at http://www.dalelazarov.com/ [more inside]
ANGEL NUMBER NINE-A rock and roll road trip
Almost 10 years in the works, I've finally published my first novel through Amazon, available for Kindle or in paperback. Angel, my protagonist, is not your ordinary female lead. She drinks too much, fronts a band and counts Cupid, the God of Love, among her confidants. This is a book with great personal significance to me. Stories of loves first tragedies are so often told from the male view point, I really wanted to tell a young woman's story of heartbreak and redemption. [more inside]
NaNoWriMo Doom Clock
I made this for myself when flirting with the prospect of writing last autumn, but I felt compelled to clean it up and share it with the world for this year's contest. Starting November 1, it's going to start counting up from zero to 50,000, which will be reached at midnight on the 1st of December. It was designed as a tool to inspire, but I think the actual effect might be more troubling. I guess that depends whether you're on pace or behind.
Herebe: all you need to get started is a great idea.
There are dragons in Silicon Valley. Real, flapping, scaly ones, with teeth and claws; the kind that'll burn your Lower Haight apartment to cinders before you can pivot your way out of there. What's more, it looks like they can be harnessed and sold as a service. Can you say "opportunity"? Herebe is a short novel about Silicon Valley, startups, the battle for ideas ... and dragons. It's my first, and I would love MetaFilter's collective opinion. You can buy it on Amazon.com.
Aztec novel launching soon
I created this blog to allow fans of historical fiction to track the imminent publication of my novel 'New Fire'. You can read the first four chapters of the novel and sign up for a chance to win one of ten free, signed copies. Warfare, religion, politics and adventure. [more inside]
How tall is Jack Reacher?
I wanted to start learning how Twitter Bootstrap works, and to brush up on my very rough HTML skills, so in a fit of pique I decided to make a protest site about a certain actor of a certain stature casting himself for a certain movie about a certain men's adventure hero. Including actual-size height charts and short reviews of every Reacher novel according to my patented 4-D Reacher Review® system (Deadly/Daunting/Detective/Drifter).
Free Audiobook: The Tale of Rinji
"Brother and sister storytellers! I have seen wonders today." ...The Tale of Rinji is a fantasy novel that I published this year, an adult fairy tale set in Japan. The audiobook, unabridged and read by me, is available for free download from CDBaby.
Tulpendiebe is the companion tumblr for my novel Kino, dedicated to Weimar Republic art, people, music, and events -- especially German silent film, along with anything related to the world of the book (which I mentioned here before.) And because copyright, piracy, and remixing are among the themes of Kino, I am inviting anyone to participate and send their own artwork, music, photos, and writing inspired by the tumblr. You can see submissions so far here.
The trailer for my novel KINO
My novel Kino will be published by Atticus Books on Tuesday. It's about a German silent film director whose movies are believed lost during World War II -- until his granddaughter receives a print of his 1927 debut The Tulip Thief under mysterious circumstances... [more inside]
GIFT -- the book, the music, the Minecraft map!
Today marks the official publication of my new young adult novel GIFT, a multimedia ebook featuring original music, art -- and a playable Minecraft map of the world of the book. [more inside]
Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow
My middle grade children's horror novel, Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow, has been published by Knopf and is officially available today! I both wrote and illustrated it, and it's loosely based on my art and animated series, Childrin R Skary. Book trailer here.
My new book - The Gleaming
I've just published my new book, The Gleaming Part One - Discovery. It's high fantasy and I'm receiving great feedback so far.
Part Two should be out in a couple of weeks.
Lisa Star and the Solstice Academy
...is a book that I wrote in 2005. I shopped it around to a dozen different publishers when I finished it, but I didn't really know what I was doing, and none of them were interested, so I just ended up shelving it for a few years. When I read the Amanda Hocking post here on MeFi I decided I might as well dust it off and publish it to Kindle, which was a fairly simple process, and the Lois Lane, Girl Reporter post reminded me to post about it here in MeFi Projects. [more inside]
Like Mandarin
My debut young adult novel, Like Mandarin, will be released by Random House Tuesday! [more inside]
Codex Nekromantia, a serialized online novel
What do three necromancers, a city full of zombies, a sandwich maker, and a three hundred year old French voyageur who was single-handedly responsible for the extinction of the chupacabra north of the Rio Grande have in common? They're all featured in my serialized online novel, Codex Nekromantia, now in its seventeenth installment because I wanted to make my announcement on a nice, even number.
My first (metafiction) novel free for ereaders
The first iteration of my first novel is out for any curious and adventurous readers. A deluxe book/app is currently in the works. Modern Mythology is a metafiction novel comprised for four parts: modern mythology, a sequel of sorts to Goethe's Faust in the form of poetic screenplay. Small Wood Volumes, a horror tinged bildungsroman set in a small town on the Oregon coast. The Earthman Chronicles, a science fiction jaunt through 1940s Pasadena by way of suburban sprawl, L. Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons and many more. #, prose and poetry dealing with brain damaged souls, the death of education as an institution, artificial life, and creeping madness. The texts can stand alone or together as a whole. [more inside]
Epic, a Multimedia Novel
Ok guys, hypertext novels sure are the worst. Here's another nonetheless. [more inside]
My mother's novel
In the late 1960's, my mom, young and naive, was arrested entering the US with a little bit of pot. She was thrown into a Texas jail, and threatened with years behind bars. This experience ended up being the basis of an experimental / poetic novel she wrote during the '70s, which was meant to be published in the '80s, but things fell apart and it never actually made it to press. Shortly after that, my parents divorced, and then a few years later, my mother was diagnosed with MS. The novel has been sitting on the back burner for a long time, but is finally available. (It's like time travel.) [more inside]
Nanowrimo novel published: "Fault -or- The Man Who Made Earthquakes"
I'm happy to say my nanowrimo novel, "Fault -or- The Man Who Made Earthquakes", is done and available for discerning readers everywhere to devour. It's a tale of suburban angst and isolation, and one man's decent into his own complex hell. Available through CreateSpace and on Amazon. There's also a Kindle version. For those unfamiliar with nanowrimo, I wrote this during the month of November, then did the editing and designed the cover.
Why Not A Spider Monkey Jesus?
Hey! I wrote a book! "Why Not A Spider Monkey Jesus?" first appeared as a 30 page excerpt in McSweeney's #11. Now you can get the complete book from www.agpbooks.com! Written by A.G. Pasquella (that's me) with cover art by Michael Kupperman. Available as a Print Edition or in PDF, EPUB, or Kindle editions! Stop by my blog! Let me know what you think. Why not order "Why Not A Spider Monkey Jesus?"
Post-Apocalypse Dead Letter Office
Post-Apocalypse Dead Letter Office is a speculative/experimental novel in epistolary form written by yours truly and physically realized by dozens of creative Mefi Mail Art group members, Metafilter members and other collaborators. (RSS feed). [more inside]