122 posts tagged with photography.
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100,000 Balloons - How the political convention balloon drops happen
For the past almost 40 years, Treb Heining has engineered the balloon drops at every Republican National Convention and most Democratic National Conventions. I photographed how he and his team inflated and then dropped 100,000 balloons on the final night of the RNC this year in Milwaukee. [more inside]
Diptychs From America
A short project featuing diptychs from a month long trip starting in Las Vegas, to Seattle, then down to Los Angeles. [more inside]
Hang a tiny bell / from a hungry, agile cat, / and alter all things.
I've launched a new blog called A Tiny Bell. It mixes both the "links to cool things" aspect of a traditional blog and the "personal essay" aspect of more modern blogs. I hope you like it enough to spread the word.
Every Diner in Whatcom County, WA
I'm a recent transplant to Bellingham, Washington. In addition to rain and deer, we have lots of diners. I have decided to eat at and review each one based on the following criteria: Vibe, Song Heard, Coffee, Did the yolk pop?, Can I sit and read a while?, and Price. I'm up to 14 so far, about eight more to go! [more inside]
INSIDE: The Photobook
Last June, my brother texted me a rave review urging me to watch Bo Burnham's Netflix special INSIDE, which had been languishing on my to-watch list along with a hundred other things. I ended up loving it so much that I made this exhaustive megapost about it. As thanks (and for his 30th birthday present), I embarked on a project to turn the entire special into a coffee table-style photobook. It took a biiit longer than I thought (about six months longer!), but the project is now complete. Process, photos, and full PDF available... Inside. [more inside]
Essex, England, May 2003
"On May 3rd, 2003, I got a digital camera as a present from my parents. I was 24, living at home, and in the middle of doing my degree. We had two cats, and were soon to get a third. Like everyone else with their first digital camera, I immediately spent the next month taking pictures of all the incredibly mundane things you were never really allowed to take pictures of before. Bookshelves and bathrooms and carpets and curtains. Desktops, cupboards, TV screens. Cats. So many cats. Then I forgot all about ever taking them, and never looked at any of them again until now. So here are nearly a thousand pictures of Essex, England, in May 2003. Almost all of them are extremely boring. A significant proportion of them are either of myself or my cats. 99% of them are in 640*480 format. 23% of them are extremely blurry."
Roadside New Mexico: a photographic journey
During the summer, I rode the motorcycle through the back roads of the Land of Enchantment, photographing the many towns where time has moved on.
Reverse engineering Apple Photos to extract photo metadata and do fun things with it
I've been building tools to liberate my photo metadata from Apple Photos. In addition to machine learning labels (it automatically tags my photos with categories as detailed as lemur, pelican and seal) I also found an intriguing collection of quality scores, with names like ZPLEASANTCAMERATILTSCORE and ZSHARPLYFOCUSEDSUBJECTSCORE. I've used them to identify my most aesthetically pleasing photographs of pelicans according to Apple's fancy machine learning algorithms!
Pictures and Stories
An editor friend of mine and I have been trying to keep occupied during the lockdown by collaborating on short (sometimes very short) fiction based around reader-submitted photos. These are the tales we have so far.
Due to COVID-19: Documenting the Signs of the Pandemic
I'm crowdsourcing a photo collection of all the COVID-19 closure signs that have popped up all over our communities. I'd love to include photos from your city! [more inside]
Images in Detail
Detail is a long-running series of photo galleries, predating Facebook and Flickr, where I've been posting my favourite photographs from two decades' wanderings. (I'm an Australian living in Scotland who has been around Europe, North America, Asia and the Pacific.) After a few quiet years I've been on a roll this year, and it now features over 120 galleries and several thousand images. Dig in at random at the main page, or search for galleries by region. And keep watching, as I'm scanning some old negatives to extend its coverage back another decade.
ButtyStock - the number one site for free crisp sandwich photos
I hired several people to produce photos of crisp (potato chip) sandwiches, paying them with hundreds of bags. Some fell by the wayside when faced with the challenge (and looming best-before dates on the crisps), others rose to the occasion and produced magnificent work. All images have been released under CC0/public domain.
Between Seasons on the North Head Trail
A longform visual essay (3000 words, 50 photos, and a song) about walking the historic North Head Trail in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. A tromp through local history, freezing rain, macrophotography, fog, a cholera hospital, moonlight hikes, tourists, foxes, and optical phenomena. [more inside]
Living #Ferguson
It has been five years since Michael Brown, Jr. was killed in Ferguson, Mo. I work at a local news organization, so my colleagues and I cover this story and its effects daily — not just when it happened or on anniversaries. But anniversaries can be an appropriate time for reflection. So for this anniversary, we found people who have been living #Ferguson these past five years, and let them tell their own stories. We built this site to share them.
This is the worst party I've ever been to. (2020 edition)
A photographic examination of the 2020 campaigns and the people's response to Trump. [more inside]
Some Dark Place
The Christopher L. Jorgensen Collection:
A digitized and cataloged private collection of historical cabinet cards and CDVs.
Updated daily. [more inside]
Oliva, 2017 -- Poems + Photos
In late 2017, I moved to Oliva, Spain, a small city on the Mediterranean coast, 70km south of Valencia. I spent 87 days taking photos in the streets and alleys, laneways and boardwalks. Nights, I wrote poems and worked on my first novel, often dining at one of the local bars or restaurants. Here are some of my favorite poems, pictures, and snippets from the trip. (Best viewed NOT on a phone.)
Driving Around Wisconsin Photographing Bar Signs
Last year I acquired a panoramic format camera and needed something to do with it. When I ultimately decided on using it on was to document the many locations, mostly in Wisconsin, that still have a certain style of vintage bar signs from the 60s and 70s visible in them. [more inside]
Found Story
What's your story?
Found Story is an app where people share their own stories on handwritten notes for others to discover.
Whether happy, hopeful, or heartbreaking, these anonymous stories give us an unfiltered view into who we are and bring us together through our true experiences. [more inside]
Tom Scola Photography
I finally got around to making a portfolio site of my color and black & white film photography, mostly around Brooklyn.
Solo - An app for sharing loneliness and aloneness
Solo is a mobile web app and ongoing community project where people can share their thoughts and experiences alone. My hope is that by sharing this experience we’ll feel a sense of connection when we’re alone, and find more acceptance of ourselves and our aloneness. [more inside]
Follow Along At Home
as I travel around the US in a truck and tiny camper, taking pictures and writing, well, blog entries. I left Asheville, NC on October 10, 2017 and one month in, I’m in New Mexico. So if you enjoy slow travel stories and photography, please join me!
Why I Love Sex (NSFW)
Coming soon! My second collaboration with photographer Ralf Mitsch. The first one was called Why I Love Tattoos. This one is Why I Love Sex. It features more than 50 personal stories about embracing eroticism and sexuality in life and work, including a few famous ones like Xaviera Hollander and Kaat Bollen. I translated the interviews into English. Contains lots of pictures of naked people, and some really interesting stories. [more inside]
Film photography website get!
I'm a film photographer based in NYC and I finally bit the bullet, scanned a load of negatives, bought a URL + hosting, and put up a website. Mostly black and white (some color), mostly medium format (some 4x5 large format or 35mm), in a couple different genres. There's some moody street work, a fun hot sauce expo, NYC Pride 2016, and much more for your delectation. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by!
True Words
True Words is an ongoing community art project where people anonymously share words of wisdom, advice, and guidance based on their own life experiences. [more inside]
Used Photos
3 Generations of Tools, Photographed
I'm a third generation stagehand. My father and grandfather were both theatrical carpenters, and my father is also an antique tool collector. Many of the images are literally the drawers out of his roadbox and various tool chests at his home, others are some of my favorite pieces of his. I've been posting them with my recollections of a lifetime with these tools, or with stories from my father or grandfather. [more inside]
Documenting a local tradition's full menu
I'm trying to eat the entire menu at my local beachfront Chinese restaurant. [more inside]
This Land, This Year
I'm traveling to every state in the USA in 2017 and writing about it. For several reasons. I've been to eight states so far. There's an Instagram to go along with the blog.
One Light Portrait Project
I've been photographing everyone at my workplace. I have one light, a grey wall, and about 5 minutes per person.
Ibadan’s Tailors, Traders, and Textiles: A Narrative Photodocumentary
Proud to announce my first collaboration with fellow Mefite glasseyes - we met in an AskMe about textiles and ethnic fashions a few years ago, and this is teh culmination of months of work. Join us in this journey through fabric shops and fashion magazines to see how brands are built through word of mouth and hard work in the informal economy.
Evening.Camera: Fragments of my life from twilight
I'm a photographer. I wanted to make more, better pictures, so I started going out a couple of evenings a week with my camera. I've found myself drawn to what I've pompously called "liminal light", as artificial lights take over from the daytime. There's a blog post about the first 100 days of the project here.
cloud | light: photographs, mostly of clouds
I enjoy clouds, and maybe you do to. If so, you may enjoy my tumblr of my cloud photos, many from New Mexico, but not exclusively. I'm slowly working through my archive of photos, so I'll be prolific for a while, until I finally catch up with my current photos.
Lost In Shinjuku
A series of double, triple, quadruple, and quintuple exposures taken over one night in October in the Shinjuku area.
Pokémon in Space, Pokémon in the NYPL
It's a pair of Twitter bots: Pokémon in the NYPL, which sends Pokémon into the depths of the New York Public Library Digital Collections, and Pokémon in Space!, which uses the Astronomy Picture of the Day as a guide for Pokémon space exploration. [more inside]
The Body Parts Project
This is an ongoing participatory art project about body positivity that starts with the question: What's your favorite part of your body? Parts, scars, moles, freckles, warts and all - funny or poignant... what's the part of your body you appreciate most? It might be a part of you that does something you like, or maybe you just like how it looks or feels. [NSFW] [more inside]
In Training, photographs of bonsai trees
A few years ago, I began photographing bonsai trees as a personal project. Fast forward two years later, I have a beautifully-designed book of my photos I'd love to share.
I wasn't sure why, but I felt a deep, visceral connection to these ancient trees. The bonsai, themselves, seemed the very opposite of the subjects I usually photographed - they stood before me fully present, their sense of time measured in decades, even centuries. From my first glimpse of the trees all those years ago, I knew implicitly that there was something to be learned from them, from their endurance and quiet dignity. [more inside]
A Visit to Cementland
Here's an album of photos that I took one day in Cementland. Cementland is an abandoned/unfinished industrial playground/amusment park kind of place (if you're in to that sort of thing).
This is the worst party I've ever been to.
Photos from the New Hampshire presidential primary. [more inside]
I Butchered a Pig
I butchered a pig this weekend, and decided to write about the process. [more inside]
Airports (and more!) of New England (and beyond!)
I've undertaken a small project to photograph the airports of New England and along my usual flight routes down the mid-Atlantic. [more inside]
Time Lapse of Daily Show set change
I'm a lighting tech and a photographer who loves to make time lapse movies of shows I work on, when I'm there for the whole run of an install. Occasionally the show finds out. Sometimes I get in trouble and sometimes I don't...my latest time lapse is a 7 week long shoot of the set change from the the set change from the Jon Stewart Daily Show to the Trevor Noah Daily Show. [more inside]
Through 50 States in 70 Days (with an American flag)
General Peter Pace (former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) and his wife asked my friend Larry, a retired Maine schoolteacher, to carry an American flag through all 50 states. He invited me to come along as navigator and trip photographer. [more inside]
word.camera generates paragraphs from a photograph
With Clarifai, an image concept extraction API utilizing convolutional neural networks, and ConceptNet, a lexical relationship database, I built a template system to generate paragraphs of text from photographs. word.camera is responsive — it works on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. The code behind it is open source and available on GitHub, because lexography is for everyone. [more inside]
Firestone Walker Brewery in Paso Robles, California: My brewery tour
I took my first brewery tour at the Firestone Walker Brewing Company and tweeted my experience. This tour took place Sunday, October 12, 2014, in Paso Robles, California. [more inside]
SeattleFocus: Personal Photography Portfolio
I recently moved to Seattle, and so I decided to use the move as an excuse to redesign my personal photography website. I would love to hear comment, critique and constructive criticism about my photography or the website. I am hoping to use it to both get my photography projects out there and pick up freelance work in my new home city. I have done quite a bit of freelance work back home, but this is very much a new market for me. Thanks!
f/5.6: a photoblog
I've been focusing on photography (mostly street photography) for the last few years, and I put together this photoblog to showcase past and current work. For best results, view in correct order. If you only have time to look at one image, I suggest this triptych.
#BringBackOurGirls and the Misuse of Imagery
The Twitter campaign #BringBackOurGirls helped galvanize a response to the kidnapping of 276 Nigerian girls by the Islamic militant group Boko Haram in early May. Accompanying the hashtag are images that have been reposted thousands of times—by everyone from Chris Brown to the BBC. The only problem? These are pictures from Guinea-Bissau, three years ago, of girls that have never been kidnapped.
Coachella Valley Photo Spheres Project (Tumblr)
I want to map cool, interesting, and (mostly) scenic places in a region I live and drive around a lot in, and have come to appreciate and love. It happens to host the largest music festival in the USA at the moment. It's kind of a quiet, nice place to explore and relax in (though not as much in the scorching-hot summer). [more inside]
A love song for New Orleans, except in photos
I've tried to present my New Orleans; how I see this place that surrounds me and won't let me go. It's the result of years' worth of photography and my desire to show what the Crescent City means - it's not a commentary about crime, or Katrina, or Bourbon St. tourism, but the scenes that stand out in the everyday.