303 posts tagged with humor.
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cartoon racoon news show
hey, so i've been playing around with scripts and assets and stuff got so dark last night that i was motivated to pull my first script live, complete with scrappy phonemes and a few fourth wall breaks. this is my first news hour cartoon edition, and i'm really happy to share it with this awesome community. please send suggestions!
magic science
magic science: cartoons, essays, and an ongoing manifesto [more inside]
Sadie Barton's Guide for Livin'
An ongoing webcomic of dubious artistic and literary merit following the misadventures of the titular Sadie Barton and a recurring cast of characters, who include but are not limited to: Baby Hitler, David Bowie, and a golden retriever cursed with the "gift" of prophecy. Enjoy?
The Great Post-Brexit British Bake-Off
The secret is the nettles.
My 18th Annual Halloween cartoon
It's that time o' the year when I rasterize my hallucinations to the dark and nameless interweb for a bit of fright entertainment. WARNING: it includes (shudder) Dick Cheney which may blaspheme some browsers. Enter if you dare and have a splendid Samhain!
Male Tears: A collage comic book about thwarted privilege
A cursed relic of our revolting age, Male Tears remixes vintage comic book imagery into a verbo-visual slurry for your shame or amusement: forty pages of thwarted privilege, humiliating failure and unchecked emotions exploding into weeping and/or violence. [more inside]
Definitely not made up Murder She Wrote title cards
There is no higher form of art than Murder She Wrote episode titles. Fortunately we have an endless supply.
BREX IT! Meal Kits
Take back control of your hunger! Inspired by the various doomsday scenarios in which Brexit will disrupt food supply chains to the UK, I made this very silly website to laugh and cry over the political disaster that Brexit has become.
Let's Rewatch (Podcast)
An animation project manager, a sound guy, a Youtuber, and a comic book superfan explore the phenomenon of being super hyped about showing your friends a movie you love, but being slightly worried you're over-selling it. I've been a cohost on this podcast, laughing and cringing our way through our old faves, for what is now entering our fourth year! We're asking for some audience write-ins or audio submissions for the next episode. [more inside]
Random Generators
When I get bored, I make random generators. Mostly story/plot or art prompt generators, but there's also one for pub and tavern names, and a collaboration with Yoon Ha Lee on a Tarot-type card reading generator based on the Machineries of Empire series.
How to Be Anxious
A longform user's guide to anxiety.
Craigslist Spelling Awards Twitter
Like any boat owner, I ceaselessly troll Craigslist, fantasy-shopping for more boats that "someone" should buy. In that process, I encounter a lot of creative spelling. The free section and the auto section are also gems of creative English.
Ladies and Genders, I present... Craigslist Spelling Awards Twitter.
Meme 45
Some quirky templates in case you need to channel your rage about the current inhabitant of the Oval Office into meme form. Starting off with one basic pose, but more to come! Suggestions welcome in comments.
Information Jones Database Detective - Short Stories
Information Jones is the world's greatest database detective and one of its least successful IT professionals. Technology managers knock on his door when they have nowhere else to turn. Follow Information Jones' adventures as he cracks the case contrary to all expectations. His expertise is Oracle. His specialty is unreason. Two collections of short stories, free on the web as HTML or an epub.
Shift Change
A few weeks ago I made a text based game with Twine with one of my brothers that puts you in the shoes of a missile alert system tester in Hawaii on a recent January morning. [more inside]
How I Became A 44 Year Old Rapper
After a night of being teased for performing both the Running Man and the Roger Rabbit, I bet my wife and her friends I could make a legitimate hip-hop video and make $10 from strangers on the internet. I decided to completely commit to this bet for the sake of pride, art and the culture of hip-hop. I present to the fine folks of Metafilter......."Never Bet Your Money On Another Man's Game" [more inside]
High-performance web site for business professionals with advanced business needs, keep up-to-date on all business facts for your business. Growth, leverage, portfolio, value-added, markets and other key business metrics. [more inside]
arreXted developMEN
“This is the story of a School for Gifted Youngsters that lost everything, and the one mutant who had no choice but to keep its superhero team together.” [more inside]
WAFFLES! A weekly radio show/podcast on varying themes
A different theme each week! MeFite Kitteh and I co-host a Saturday-morning radio show at CFRC in Kingston, Ontario, and for over three years we've picked a weekly theme and explored it through music, in every style imaginable.
I've been pushing the archives to podcast (legally, under a SOCAN 22F tariff) for a while now. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play (search for Waffles Radio)!
The site also archives a summer radio fill-in/podcast on video game music and composers, Virtualosos, which ultimately wasn't sustainable.
Hey boils and ghouls! My 17th annual cartoon madness has been stitched together and reanimated for your Halloween viewing pleasure. CAUTION - political humor directed at the ruinous right-wing. Read with care and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
PizzaGate: Truth Serum Injection
Oh, just some video madness that ensues when a couple of stoners start, you know, rappin' about Pizzagate and take it a little too far. [more inside]
Standup/Storytelling 12" Vinyl distributed by Dischord Records
My first album of standup and storytelling came out digitally in June of this year (previously) and I started an IndieGoGo campaign to raise funds to press a limited edition of the record onto hot pink vinyl. That campaign was fully funded, and the records are now in production. And as of today, venerated DC punk rock label Dischord Records (Fugazi, Minor Threat) will be distributing the 12" vinyl version of my album! You can preorder a copy here.
[more inside]
Shadow Over the Outlet Mall: A Novel of Lovecraftian Humor
A humorous story of real estate appraisal and cosmic horror inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, 90s adventure games, and some other stuff. [more inside]
Mk Mrc Grt Gn! A Disemvoweling Twitter Bot
Inspired by a tweet from (metafilter's own) Maciej Cegłowski, I made a dumb Twitter bot using Glitch one night that disemvowels 45's mouthspew on Twitter as if he were a dumb troll trying his best to annoy the mods. The resulting tweets are collected at @Dsmvwld_PTS. [more inside]
Men Say the Darndest Things (NSFW-ish)
I designed and animated this video which curates a cringe-worthy selection of funny and sad (and 100% real) comments left for Instagram models. While I didn't use the actual photos, the drawings of the models are probably NSFW, and the language used is... also interesting.
an easy lay
A short, free dating sim about romance, philosophy, anime, and laying your egg in a guy, because you are a wasp. [more inside]
A made a comic about a dog. That dog is a knight.
You can read the first issue here: The Book of Biscuits #1
Interested in any feedback. If you really dig it, then you can pick up a copy here: http://www.indyplanet.us/product/150457/
but you certainly don't have to.
If you're feeling extra adventurous, you can check out my other comics here: Most of them are free!
'And I Am Not Lying' - My first album of standup and storytelling
I'm a standup comic and storyteller in NYC, been a member of the blue for a long time. My stuff has been on 'This American Life' and The Moth's podcast - and my very first album of standup and storytelling just came out today! It's available on iTunes/Amazon/Google Play, and I'm also running an IndieGoGo to raise funds to press it on hot pink vinyl. You can also hear a sample track about my band with piano-playing chickens, and see video of another story featured on the album. [more inside]
Astrology Bitch
Bitching about life and bad astrology. Very sweary.
Find out what's #TRENTing from a brash cartoon character
Short comedy video series: Trent is a sort of Max Headroom for the social media era — but only sort of. He lives inside the matrix, telling you what's #TRENTing, in a brash style — mixing a Scandinavian accent with a Brooklyn attitude. In this episode, Trent weighs in on the Ghost in the Shell controversy, the Vice President's rule about dining alone with women, and your search history being up for sale. WARNING: "Mature" language. [more inside]
LinkedIn Thought Leadership Generator
I was interested in learning jquery at the same time I was feeling kind of irritated with all the 'thought leadership' articles flooding LinkedIn. So I made a generator that gives anyone industry influencer-level article ideas.
EveryName.info | An unordered list of every name
I don't know why it's never occurred to me to post to Projects before, so here is the latest and dumbest: an unordered, endless list of names. All the names there are.
Nebula One, a cartoon set in space
I've created a fun and hopefully good-looking new animated series set in space. There are three short episodes, and they're all in one video. Later episodes — assuming I'll have the time and inclination to keep going — will reveal that the mission for these astronauts is establishing a sports franchise in space, for television. But for now, dodging space rocks and worrying about avatars takes up most of their time. Enjoy! [more inside]
Jackass Letters: Archive Volume 1
This is the first volume in a projected three volume set. All letters are taken from the back catalog of jackassletters.com and are published by Run Amok Books.
Previously. And previously. [more inside]
Scream into The Void
There's something cathartic about firing off a moany tweet or a frustrated status update, but who wants to be that person? The Void is a nocial media tool that spares your dignity while providing that lovely feeling of release. Before long your post will literally fade away without contributing to the net negativity of the universe. [more inside]
after making a real life holiday sign about donald trump being poopy, it was decided that a website about trump being poopy was needed. [more inside]
A Collection of Artisanal Memes
A Facebook photo gallery of painstakingly hand drawn (on Android phone) internet cartoons I'm calling "artisanal memes." I produced these two dozen original illustrations working like a demon over a roughly one week stretch of time. [Alternate link: DeviantArt] [more inside]
Classic Monster Horrorscopes
The traditional western hororscope, mapped onto the classic movie monsters.
The Wire: Season 13
Man, The Wire really went downhill after season 5. Plot points from season 13 of HBO's award winning drama The Wire.
Guided By Voices song title bot (@favoriteGBVsong)
My first Twitter bot project! I trained a Markov chain generator on ~2500 Guided By Voices / Robert Pollard song & record titles, and set it loose to generate fairly believable GBV song names. Song titles from the wonderful Guided By Voices Database.
Media/digital literacy, with snarky puppets.
An update on what we've been up to at The Media Show, including an interview with the head of punk label Kill Rock Stars and arguing with a puppet version of Richard Stallman. [more inside]
You Are Not Helping
A gallery of people being terrible to one another online, in the name of politics. [more inside]
all GRSSK to me
A fun, frivolous one-trick-pony Tumblr. Inspired by a Mediterranean restaurant in my neighborhood that swaps Δs for As and Σs for Es in their logo, this blog regularly publishes examples of swapped-in geometrically similar letters from various alphabets, regardless of the letters' phonetic similarity. In post descriptions, I also try and swap the original phonemes back in; thus GRΣΣK becomes GRSSK, and (mild) hilarity ensues. Submissions welcome! Shout-out to Bulgaroktonos for blog-naming inspiration.
Pokémon in Space, Pokémon in the NYPL
It's a pair of Twitter bots: Pokémon in the NYPL, which sends Pokémon into the depths of the New York Public Library Digital Collections, and Pokémon in Space!, which uses the Astronomy Picture of the Day as a guide for Pokémon space exploration. [more inside]
Every few hours, this Twitterbot picks two random artists, then pairs them up with a random song to cover. The result is a randomly generated duet that doesn't exist...but totally should.
Just a little random text generator using chunks of the musical Hamilton and the WordPress plugin Any Ipsum. Because you can't get Hamilton out of your head AND you have a project that needs filler text.
From The Desk Of The Director Of The Cold War Reenactment Society
For my last piece on The Toast, ending my espionage series: A letter from the Director of the Cold War Reenactment Society to new members.
Make Donald Trump say (almost) anything - Mishmasher
In the vein of Talk Obama To Me, we've created a Trump talking machine capable of making gems about Mexico, China, and snake oil. Please enjoy responsibly.
A pun generator
Generates puns written in the form "You could say he they put the 'demons' in 'demonstrators.'" Written in pure JavaScript, this pun generator can provide a few minutes of amusement, and might even generate something witty and worth sharing! [more inside]
A new pompous title from a parallel universe every weekday. Perfect for all your speculative fiction, knockoff Steam game, or prog-rock concept album titling needs. [more inside]