Season of Skulls — my latest novel — is published today
May 16, 2023 5:06 AM   Subscribe

Season of Skulls — my latest novel — is published today
Season of Skulls is the third book in the New Management trilogy, following on from 2020's Dead Lies Dreaming and 2022's Quantum of Nightmares. (Link points to a reading extract.)

Elevator pitch: If you liked the Laundry Files/New Management books and you've ever wondered what "The Prisoner" would be like if it was set in 1816 and The Village was full of captured French magicians, then this is the book for you! (May also contain Frankenstein, Nyarlathotep, Napoleon clones, and an Eve Starkey who is indignant about being expected to wade through all the Regency tropes.)
Role: author
posted by cstross (2 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

Yay, a new cstross book!!
posted by wenestvedt at 8:13 AM on May 20, 2023

The next Laundry book is already with my editors, but won't be out until roughly this time next year. (Title: A Conventional Boy. Subject matter: the Satanic D&D panic in the Laundryverse. Series: none of them, it's a standalone side-quest off the Laundry Files, mostly simultaneous with books 4 and 6.)

We'll be seeing Eve again, but not for a book or two ...
posted by cstross at 10:07 AM on May 20, 2023

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