57 posts tagged with movies.
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In 2024 I saw 1,289 movies...
In January of 2021, during Covid, I started logging the many films that I watch.
In the 4 years since then, I've seen 4,126 movies and wrote about each and every one.
Here is my summery for the year that just ended, and this is where all the reviews are archived.
I see about 20-25 movies each week, and post a shortish weekly write-up every Monday. I also include links to the free streamers where I saw them.
Ghost from the River: A Spiritualist-Inspired Film
I am the co-author and co-producer of a full length feature film project, "Ghost from the River." It's a family drama set among the Spiritualists of Camp Chesterfield, Indiana, an actual place that influences a story about personal growth. It has a ghost, but it isn't a horror story. I hope you will take a look.
Ghost from the River
Memento Movi - A Cinematic Progress Bar for Life
Memento Movi is a little toy app I made. The user enters date of birth and life expectancy, and chooses from a list of movies. The site then shows a frame from that movie that represents your place in your lifespan.
So, for instance, a twenty-year-old who selects Star Wars will likely get a frame from Tattooine, but a sixty-year-old who selects Jaws will be on the boat.
The internet’s no.1 “Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot” fansite, with a blog, GIFs, fanart, an imminent podcast, and more. Basically, I noticed the .mom TLD, couldn't resist buying the daft domain, then had to do something with it.
Movie Posters Perfected
I love movies—and especially movie posters. I have very fond memories as a kid in the 80s seeing new movie posters at my local theater teasing next summer's blockbusters. So I thought it’d be fun to turn an unused TV into a digital movie poster display to help recreate some of that nostalgia at home. I figured out the best way to mount a TV vertically and connect it to a cloud-based library to display my collection of movie posters. I love how it turned out, so I decided to write a guide to help people who might be interested in putting together their own. [more inside]
Any movie scene, rewritten like a Michael Bay movie
Needs More Boom is proof that sometimes you just need to do something stupid for no other reason than "because I can."
Just type the scene, hit the 💥LFG💥 button, and see how much better if would have been if Bay had shot it. [more inside]
More “More Info” for Netflix (desktop web)
This Chrome extension adds a small missing feature to Netflix’s user interface that may help you discover and explore things you’d like to watch. You can now click a “More Info” button to view the information page for a title Netflix suggests in the “More Like This” section. [more inside]
Project Herzog
Way back at the beginning of COVID I was living in South Korea and freaking out like everybody else. I decided that with my extra time, and lack of social outlets, I'd sit down and watch every film ever made by Werner Herzog -- the documentaries, the features, the short pieces, and the ephemera.
I'm planning on updating the project, hopefully for a long time. I made it up to his 2020 asteroid documentary Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds. [more inside]
PREY Isn't About What It's About: A Video Essay
A relatively short video essay on Prey (2022), the original Predator (1987), science fiction, and the value of central metaphors. [more inside]
The 885 films I saw and reviewed in 2021
Last year I started reviewing the many films I watch. Bit by bit, writing these reviews became my new “Art Project”, my main creative 'thing’ for 2021.
I usually only write a short personal paragraph or two about each film.
Here is the 2021 year-end summery with stats and a spreadsheet. I've continued with it now into the second year.
A browser extension that chooses a random movie from your Kanopy.com watchlist
Available for Firefox and Chrome. Is your Kanopy.com movie queue way too long and giving you decision paralysis? Let this extension choose for you! [more inside]
No Scary Parts: a browser extension that skips scary scenes on Disney+
No Scary Parts is a chrome extension that skips creepy scenes in classic Disney movies on Disney+. Since the beginning, every Disney film, without fail, has included a weird scene or two that traumatizes generations of kids, from Dumbo's pink elephants to Fantasia's Night on Bald Mountain. Currently I have 5 movies supported. If you have a sensitive toddler or don't want flashbacks to your own childhood, try out this extension.
Voleflix public domain movie site
I trawled some lists of public domain movies (lots of great film noir) and put together my own version of Netflix. It also has daft Voleflix Originals and rates your taste in movies from your watchlist.
Bill Watches Movies Podcast
A podcast where we talk about the stars and the stories of the B movies of yesteryear. A combination of humor, B movie weirdness, Hollywood biography and Old Time Radio. [more inside]
The Movie Crash Course
Being the blog of an ordinary movie buff, unschooled in film for the most part, who is attempting to watch (or rewatch as the case may be) and review each and every one of the films that has ever been in any edition of the 1001 Movies To See Before You Die. [more inside]
Lewton Bus' Western Month
Lewton Bus, the little film criticism site that could, just devoted the month of August to the Western. [more inside]
I’ve Been To A Marvelous Party
An excerpt from The Lavander Ledger, a manuscript in progress by John Leavitt about murder, gossip, and scandal in the gay underworld of 1940s Hollywood.
Let's Rewatch (Podcast)
An animation project manager, a sound guy, a Youtuber, and a comic book superfan explore the phenomenon of being super hyped about showing your friends a movie you love, but being slightly worried you're over-selling it. I've been a cohost on this podcast, laughing and cringing our way through our old faves, for what is now entering our fourth year! We're asking for some audience write-ins or audio submissions for the next episode. [more inside]
'Smart' Phone
Connor's cell phone comes to life and accidentally breaks up his relationship with his girlfriend. It must then do everything a 'smart' phone can to get them back together. [more inside]
AI Generated Movie Posters
I built this website to generate movie posters using a neural network. The titles and tag-lines are generated by the AI, everything else is somewhat designed and randomized. Super random, so occasionally offensive.
The Wildest West
A podcast and blog looking at the good, the bad, and the WTF of western movies, country songs, and that sort of thing. [more inside]
Lewton Bus
A film criticism and review site I recently launched with a number of my film nerd buddies. [more inside]
The X-Men Made Me Gay
An autobiographic comic for The Nib about how early exposure to the 90s X-Men cartoon and subsequent movie gave a confused gay teenager a metaphor to deal with it.
Louie the Dog Horror Movie Posters
I have a dog named Louie and he's pretty disdainful of human horror movies. He doesn't get what the big deal is about vampires (not scary OR sexy), werewolves (friends!), or skeletons (yahm!).
So he's making horror movies for dogs now, about things that are REALLY scary, like BATHS and VACUUMS and THUNDER. Louie hired me to design his movie posters. Unfortunately he pays me in kibble, but other than that he's a great (decent) client!
Women in Today's Star Wars
A few weeks ago I decided to start a review of the role and place of women in Disney's Star Wars franchise through various mediums, television, cinematic, novels and comic books. It became surprisingly clear that the decision to make Felicity Jones' character the lead in Rogue One was not just a follow up on Rey's prominent position in The Force Awakens, but an overwhelming trend across every medium to feature many strong female characters in the Star Wars universe.
Studio Heads Of The Classic Era Ranked In Terms Of Personal Awfulness
The studio heads of Classic Hollywood ranks by how awful they where as people.
You Better Watch Out
"You better watch out. Better not cry, sucker. Because this month we’re taking a look at seven examples of cinematic revenge — the bloodier, the better." A series of revenge movie reviews to help you celebrate the Holidays. [more inside]
Picture a Flat Surface: The Enduring Mystery of "After Last Season"
After Last Season exists in the subconscious of the internet mostly as “that trailer with the cardboard MRI machine.” Even among the most diehard fans of weird cinema, it is something that may have made a momentary blip on their radar if they have even heard of it at all. [more inside]
Radioactive Trailers
COMING SOON TO OUR THEATER! Monsters! Aliens! Bikers! Vampires! Witches! Dinosaurs! Barbarians! Zombies! Natives! Swordsmen! Devil worshipers! Cool cats! Ass-kicking soul brothers! Sorceresses! Sharktopi! Action! Horror! Mystery! The occult! Low production values! Nonsensical editing! Cheesy acting! Cheap special effects! Ed Wood! Roger Corman! Bert I. Gordon! The Asylum! And much more! Please visit our snack bar! Movies are your best value! And now--OUR SHOW (NSFW in places) Extra: Drive-In Intermissions! [more inside]
Super Action Bros: Action Movie Podcast
My pal Ian and I discuss a different action movie every week. We talk about action movie tropes, montages, action scenes, and generally look at the structure and conventions of American action films. [more inside]
The Big Lebowskemoji
My attempt to emoji-ify the entire Big Lebowski movie. Now, all images (to ensure browser support), and at Medium, fully explained line-by-line below.
The Cat Vs Kirk
A man watches a movie. A cat takes a nap. Who used their time more wisely? [more inside]
Massive Head Canon
A short, satirical film about trans misrepresentation in the media. (TW included on YouTube page.) All trans girl soundtrack featuring Hearken!, Jenna and the Pups, Ex. by V., Femmepire and Haley Paille. Enjoy.
Irish-American Gangster Movies
I'm working my way through every single film made about Irish-American mobsters, gangsters, bootleggers, run-runners, and general thugs, offering commentary on the films, and comparing them with the actually history of Irish-American gangsterism.
She Looks Like Sunday Comics: Watching The Brenda Starr movie (1989)
Josh Fruhlinger of the Comics Curmudgeon and I sat down and watched the nearly unreleased Brenda Starr movie adaptation and talk about how it tackles camp, gender performance, romantic fantasy, and crazy shoulder-pads [more inside]
Manhunter Vs. Red Dragon
I made a video putting together the Hannibal Lecter scene from Manhunter (1986) and the remake Red Dragon (2006) as a way to compare direction and performance for a scene that is nearly identical in both movies.
Twitter: @HardSciFiMovies
It's a Twitter account that posts premises for hard sci-fi movies
Celluloid Chicago
A semi-comprehensive listing of all the upcoming analog film screenings in the Chicago area, big and small. [more inside]
I produced a horror movie called YOU'RE NEXT. It comes out this weekend in the US, and in the rest of the world over the next few weeks. Critics even like it, which is pretty rare for a horror film these days. So if you like horror movies, go see it. If you don't like horror movies, go see it anyway and help support MeFi's own me.
Supercut Of T-Shirts In Film
A visual history of the greatest prop t-shirts — and the occasional tank, polo, and sweatshirt — from film. Highlights include Bluto's iconic "College" top in Animal House , the Shark Cat design sported by James Franco in Pineapple Express, and all of the shirts worn by Chris Knight (Val Kilmer) in 1985's Real Genius. See a complete list of all 78 clips at It Goes To 11. Concept and editing by Brett Roberts and Travis Greenwood.
Analog film exhibitors list
A list of exhibitors who intentionally show films on film (35mm, 16mm, whathaveyou) to the public — cinemas, festivals, museums, and itinerant groups. It started out as a news digest looking at (1) cinemas that are switching to digital technology and (2) cinemas that are choosing to preserve analog film exhibition in some form, but I kept finding so many interesting little pro-analog cinema projects that I had to make a list of them. [more inside]
Waeguk-in is (a romanization of) the Korean expression that means 'foreigner,' and that's what I am. The site is Wonderchicken Industries™ newest entry into Korea blogging for fun and no profit whatsoever. I've dismantled my old neglected Korea-focused site and built a shiny new one devoted more to fun and interesting Korea-related stuff and less to turgid essays. If you're interested in Korea, come and have a look, or just follow @iamthewaegukin for updates. [more inside]
Spoilers, Beware!
Inspired by the Amazon/Goodreads deal (and advised by AskMe) I have decided to launch my own review site for books and any other media I feel like writing about. [more inside]
Quick Rotten
Rotten Tomatoes scores can be very helpful when trying to figure out what movie to watch, but I find their website to be incredibly slow and frustrating to navigate. Since Rotten Tomatoes has an API, I decided to make Quick Rotten as a way to quickly look up Rotten Tomatoes scores and get a sense of what critics think of new releases. My friend John Holdun then chipped in to make it look pretty.
Tilting at Werewolves
Looking at Teen Paranormal Romance books, shows, and movies, and particularly at how they present ideas of gender performance and relationship models. (Here's the inaugural post, where I lay out what the plan basically is. Highlights so far include this particularly cogent defense of (at least some aspects of) Twilight, and this epic takedown of Hush, Hush.) And today, we've started a new, 144-week-long project: watching and discussing each and every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. MeFi bonus: named via AskMe (thanks again, argonauta)!
Digitizing 100 miles of old 16mm educational films
I have over 24,000 16mm educational films from the 1920s thru 1980s and have been sharing them at avgeeks.com (previously). But I still have a ton of films no one else has made available online in good quality, if at all. So every day during the month of August, I'm digitizing and uploading public domain 16mm films that anyone can watch, download and/or repurpose for their own projects, free of charge. They're being collected at av-geeks.tumblr.com, and include The Potheads, a bizarre amateur anti-drug film from 1968, a 1958 interview with Ansel Adams about his craft, sexy industrial porn, Any Boy USA, in which Mr. Whiskey explains the perils of the big city to our hero, and lots more. I'm uploading at least 3 new films a day; the goal is to get to 100 miles (240 hours) of film by the end of the summer.
The Trailer Home Podcast
A podcast and blog about movies and movie trailers. [more inside]
I've just released my first iPhone app. It's called Double Feature, and it's for the kind of film fan who likes knowing who was in what with whom.
If you've ever been watching a movie and found yourself wondering “hey, wasn't that guy in $MOVIE_TITLE” or “say, what's got $PERSON_1 and $PERSON_2 in it”, Double Feature is for you. With its Movie Match feature, you can type in two movies and get back a list of the people that worked on both movies. With Name Search, you can punch in two names and get back all of the films those two people both worked on. That's literally all that Double Feature does. If you'd classify yourself as a movie buff, I think you'll really like it.
"China Girls / Leader Ladies"
A collection of frame enlargements I made of the mysterious photographs of (usually) women that sometimes appear in the unseen header footage of motion picture film. More will be added as I encounter them. [more inside]
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