Printable Totally Real Birds of the World 2020 Calendar
October 4, 2019 12:48 PM   Subscribe

Printable Totally Real Birds of the World 2020 Calendar
Last year during Inktober, I made up and drew a bunch of fake birds like the Barre Chord Owl, the Ruby-Throated Hoverbro, and the Gin-Soaked Penguin. At the request of a friend, I recently turned all of this into a 2020 calendar that should print nicely on regular old stolen-from-your-office 8.5x11" paper. And then I decided to make it free for the world.


January: A Gin-Soaked Penguin
February: A Crested Bee-Kisser
March: A Felt-Hatted Woodpecker
April: A Barre Chord Owl
May: A Great Blues Heron
June: A Southwestern Turd-Burglar
July: A Ruby-Throated Hoverbro
August: A Baking Duck
September: A Wisconsin Mullet Hawk
October: A Headless Horseraven
November: A Ross-Haired Chickadee
December: A Waxy Cedarwing
Role: Artist, designer
posted by COBRA! (1 comment total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

This is awesome. Thank you!
posted by SLC Mom at 5:56 PM on October 20, 2019 [1 favorite]

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