303 posts tagged with humor.
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Wladimir Putin looking at things
Our dear leader loves to look at things. You can look at him looking at things here.
Inspired by the famous Kim Jong Il Looking ah things Website. I made a Wladimir Putin Version!
Methsnake - A Schoolies bloodfest (ebook)
Australia's Surfers Paradise is under attack by a killer snake, addicted to methamphetamines and steroids. It's Schoolies Week and thousands of teenagers party hard on the beach not suspecting the biggest night of their lives is about to be gate crashed by a drug-fuelled reptile whipped into a frenzy.
Dave Taylor's dire warnings are ignored by money-hungry bureaucrats. Suddenly, the beach is awash with blood and body parts. Now it's up to Dave to save the day [more inside]
Werewolf Gimmick
My brother and I are blogging about pro wrestling. He knows a lot about it, I know very damn little. About wrestling or blogging, for that matter. Those who do know about wrestling are seriously welcome to tell us what we're getting wrong.
Rhum Biologique
Our wildlife education nonprofit developed the Caribbean's first artisanal rum inspired by nature and infused with the natural heritage of the islands. The rums are flavored with 100% natural, 100% sustainable ingredients, handcrafted in small batches on the island of St. Martin.
Cookbook Title Generator
Today's bestselling cookbooks can seem a little formulaic. The titles start to sound the same. The success of one book begets sequels, riffs and shameless wannabes. With such nakedly formulaic titles, couldn't you assemble a cookbook title by slapping together some diet buzzwords, food trends and publishing tropes? Why, yes you could!
Measuring and Understanding Dance
Can you objectively measure dance? In this brief educational film, the Bureau of Non Verbal Communication shows you how to quantify your get-down and avoid common mistakes -- like having poor taste.
Fauxtoshop CC: haven't you always thought that photoshop was missing a "rainbow penis" tool?
a student-made painting app in the tradition of Kid Pix: one that embraces chaos, randomness and amateurism instead of pixel perfection. All brushes in this app were created by students at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in the 'New Media Crash Course', Spring 2016 (don't worry, not really NSFW) [more inside]
Studio Heads Of The Classic Era Ranked In Terms Of Personal Awfulness
The studio heads of Classic Hollywood ranks by how awful they where as people.
Hieronymous Bosch Work Memes
Observational humor memes about how much work sucks can only benefit from the feverish apocalyptic stylings of Hieronymous Bosch, right? [more inside]
Erowid Sarah Palin
A Markov Twitter bot remixing Sarah Palin speeches and Erowid trip reports.
American History Trump
A friend came up with the idea and I spent a day and a half pulling it off. I think it's both funny and terrifying. Enjoy this little video project.
What Your Facebook Birthday Wish Says About You
Building on the groundbreaking research of Virginia Heffernan, I have finally, after months of tireless research, completed my exhaustive taxonomy of Facebook birthday wishes. Published in the "Daily Shouts" section of the academic Journal of Upper East Side Sociology (aka "The New Yorker").
at least one butt a day. every day. for a year.
I'm drawing a butt every day for 2016. [more inside]
Antartic Fairy Tales
Folklore from the inhabitants of the 7th continent
Meddling Auntie icebreaker comics for families
Bullies? Drugs? Puberty? Some topics are important to talk about but hard to bring up. For the past six years, I've been making comics for my niece to start conversations on tough subjects and soften harsh truths with cartoons. Now they're finally ready to share. Behold my total lack of qualifications. Appreciate the editing of Consultant Kristine Chester. Read the comics online or order hard copies for giving, sharing, and adding your own notes. No matter what, get motivated to break the ice with a kid you love. The only wrong way to talk about these things is not to talk about them at all.
Final Consternation 4
An 11-minute supercut of screams [more inside]
FACTHOLE: Entirely true news about politics and technology
Facthole makes other news outlets seem mainstream. Join us for stunning exposes that will literally make you wonder what you are reading.
Otherfoot: Only Pen and Paper Required
I put together a website dedicated to my all-time favorite game, Otherfoot (mentioned previously in my 2006 FPP about ink-and-paper games). Otherfoot is a card game, played with a newly-created homemade deck every time. Gameplay is similar to Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity (pre-dating the latter), with key differences laid out in the FAQ (and reposted below). The game concept was developed by friends of my brother, and I've derived a lot of joy from playing Otherfoot with old and new friends for more than 10 years. [more inside]
Very MetaFilter (@VeryMetaFilter) tweets out humorous lines, phrases, memorable quotes and other ephemera from the community weblog, MetaFilter. [more inside]
better than being a
doginouter.space. I had a dream last night about my friend Rick, who died in the Bali bombing back in 2002, and so I spent the morning making this thing about an in-joke we shared to give myself (and hopefully a few other people) a slightly melancholy chuckle. [more inside]
Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse with Android
A new take at "Getting Started with Android". Rather than yet-another-boring-screencast, we've interspersed it with a narrative story (involving zombies). [more inside]
TauntBot is an exercise in generated language. It uses a rather huge and growing corpus of hand-selected words, and an interesting set of rules, for hand-crafting them into verbose insults. It then posts these to Twitter. It replies to people, I'm hoping to get it to trade barbs with them. Yes, I'm a terrible person. Now, with that out of the way... [more inside]
Twitter bots 4 momz!
A trio of parenting-related Twitter bots: @FakeMomAdvice, @FakePregAdvice, and @TrendyNames. [more inside]
How do I get my Facebook back? Is the Internet good or bad? How do ads know my location?
A handful of new puppety Media Show episodes for your entertainment, and possible use in helping friends, family, and students understand media and technology better: [more inside]
Rook Trader, an interesting and occasionally alarming internet game
A game where you play as a bird, or possibly as a chess piece, or somehow both. You want shiny and warm things for your nest. Fly to other nests and negotiate trades for your existing shiny and warm things. Accrue wealth. Crash the economy for fun and profit. [more inside]
Brian & Lindsay Will Totally Eat That
I created this show - the first video series from our media network MaximumFun.org. It's called Brian & Lindsay Will Totally Eat That, and I made two very nice young people eat all kinds of weird stuff and I'm very proud of it.
Bork bork bork!
I am reenacting clips of the Swedish Chef cooking things. [more inside]
Live standup/storytelling: 'New Yorkers Scream At Each Other When They're Being Nice.'
I told this story at The Moth's 'Grand SLAM' in Brooklyn a while back about the time that I was just trying to take the subway home and eat an entire container of Ben and Jerry's ice cream when my groceries spilled all over the train and I got in a screaming match with a really nice lady. [more inside]
George, the Self-Esteem Cat
George is here to tell you that you are a good person, and has some tips to share about good self-esteem. He's also a little black cat. Remember: Be like cat. Be good to self. [more inside]
Knock knock jokes via autocomplete
This bot creates knock knock jokes by hitting up autocomplete on Google. This is perhaps the dumbest bot of all time. And yet! I am compelled to share amazing jokes like these.
Box Vs. Can
Since the beginning of time man has wondered, "What receptacle is superior, the box or the can?" This web series aims to answer that question. [more inside]
Conservative Book Title Generator. If the Ted Cruz-New York Times controversy has taught us anything, it's that (1) all books written by conservatives are bestsellers; and (2) all such books have pretty much indistinguishable titles.
Counterfeit Content
My short, sorry stint in SEO was the strangest job I've ever had. I was asked to create hundreds of imaginary webmasters and write little "About Me" biographies of their lives for fake blogs that only Google's webcrawlers were meant to read. They gave me the site name, I wrote the bio, and a coworker added manipulated photos. I did this for many months. I began to get bored... and then I began to get weird.
At the Zoo: a comic strip
Meet Toby the lion, Herman the penguin, Frank the zookeeper, Dr. Sara the vet, Misha the bear, Mr. and Mrs. Flamingo, and more... Fun for all ages. [more inside]
I'm Getting Really Tired Of My Mysterious Flakey Friend
Having friends can be hard! Especially when your friend is constantly jetting off to exotic destinations or cleaning guns or scaling office buildings n black turtlenecks....
What Do You Want, A Medal?
@wdywam gives self-congratulatory twitterers what they claim to deserve.
Odd Vice
I made a thing that tweets weird mashed-up VICE headlines. Some of them are funny I think, if you're familiar with VICE.
Twitter-based Pluto "Facts"
In commemoration of the impending flyby of Pluto by the New Horizons mission, I have created a twitter account, inspired by other such "fact" oriented accounts as @CatTipps, @FactsAboutEggs. Will publish a fact or two about Pluto every day up through the NASA flyby, or as long as the inspiration lasts.
Scorched Earth
Follow an opportunistic, money-minded piranha -- and his unsuccessful assistant -- in the comic strip Scorched Earth. Described as "3 panel goodness!" by Crowd Share user MisterJ. [more inside]
Ten morbidly modern sources of the dreads in daily life.
Tours of Failed Civilizations
Metafilter saved my life on so many days when I felt hopeless and alone.
Here is my love letter back.
It's about systems collapse, intimacy, and grief. I tried to keep it as funny as possible, but it did turn out a little dark.
I hope you like it.
If financial concerns prevent you from enjoying this work at this time, ping me. I think a crate of .pdf's fell off the Amazon truck.
Tales of Whoa
My attempt to document a lifetime of embarrassments and missteps. Tumblr updated semi-regularly.
Console Obscura - a retro gaming culture and history podcast
Console Obscura is a podcast dedicated to video games and the people who play them. Ephemera, nostalgia, absurdity, history, culture, arcana and trivia are all fair game. If you remember what a new power pad smelled like, or Ganon's laugh sounds like, OR If none of that rings a bell but you enjoy a group of funny children of the 80s talking trash, this podcast is for you. Game on!
Slavoj Žižek or Dan Harmon
I made a dumb internet quiz for my own amusement and hopefully yours. [more inside]
Media literacy, and a terrible spoof of "Tomorrow"
We've kicked off the latest season of our YouTube series on media and digital literacy with a spoof of "Tomorrow" from the movie Annie. (OK, so this particular episode isn't really about media literacy... aside from taking the piss out of yet another movie retread.) [more inside]
Rabbit, Rabbit
A short play I wrote for a holiday-themed new works festival. Some of the video quality is a bit shaky, but the whole play is there!
NES My Life
My latest t-shirt project: mundane everyday challenges (such as finding a job, dealing with ultra conservative relatives, or deleting unwanted dick pics on a dating site) envisioned as classic black box retro 8bit Nintendo games. Hope they give you a chuckle!
The Painful Threshold
The Painful Threshold is a brand new podcast based on the UK-style panel show format, where all the questions asked to the panel are determined by the audience submitting questions to the show's Tumblr, Twitter or Facebook page. Episode one has just been posted (at the main link), and the panel features Kittysneezes contributor Jenny Byfield, Seattle comedian Nick Decktor and KEXP DJ Troy Nelson (also of the excellent band The Young Evils).
Please Hold: A Representative Will Be With You Shortly!
A humorous interactive fiction/visual novel game about dealing with customer service representatives. Available free for download on Windows, Linux & OSx (40mb .zip). [more inside]
These Are Just To Say
aka "Variations on a Theme by Kenneth Koch": versions of "This is Just to Say" hybridized with other poems (such as "This Be The Verse" or "To Lucasta, on Going to the Wars") or just recast into different forms (such as the double dactyl or the villanelle). [more inside]