303 posts tagged with humor.
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Heathrow Facts

Future Earth's surviving bacteria colonizing Heathrow Terminal 5. A superior airport experience. A place to replicate & escape the heat.
So: a parody London Heathrow Twitter account, tweeting from an alternate, slightly less benign universe. Learn about Heathrow's sinister cosmic plans for expansion, upcoming Christmas specials, and the airport's occult connections with Ancient Egypt. Brought to you by that 0430 British Airways flight that swoops low over my house every morning and wakes me up.
posted by Sonny Jim on Nov 28, 2012 - 1 comment


Hey! I wrote another book! My first book Why Not A Spider Monkey Jesus? was about a talking chimpanzee who becomes a televangelist. My new book NewTown is about a cybernetic man-plane battling a con artist for control of an alien spacecraft. Available as a Print Edition or ebook with cover art by Michael Kupperman!
posted by Fuzzy Monster on Oct 30, 2012 - 1 comment

Our First Babysitter

Just in time for Halloween, here's a new comedy improv short that my wife and I made. She stars, and I directed. New parents get a very special visit from their first babysitter. It's Spooktacular! Starring Adria Dawn (NCIS, Nip/Tuck) as Raven, and guest starring Joel Stoffer (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) and Thanna Vickerman (Ultimate Reality.)
posted by MythMaker on Oct 26, 2012 - 0 comments

Reach Around America

I started this project as way to get people interested in voting while at the same time offering a satirical approach to the typically bland ways people are implored to vote.
posted by PHINC on Oct 25, 2012 - 1 comment

The Zombie Survival and Risk Analysis Quiz

Are you ready for the next zombie attack? Can you survive all of the many dangers, both undead and human? A new online quiz has been published on the Zombies of the World website to help educate the public. The quiz assesses personality, skills, and attitudes toward the undead and other survivors in order to determine how likely the individual is to survive in a zombie attack.
posted by clockworkjoe on Oct 5, 2012 - 3 comments

The Compleat Aberree: The Non-Serious Voice of Scientology, 1954-1965

The Aberree was a 'zine, or newletter, published from 1954 through 1965 by a former Dianetics practitioner. The Aberree started out as "the non-serious voice of Scientology" and ultimately encompassed all kinds of spiritual and self-help interests, from psychic phenomena and UFOs to improving eyesight. It shows that convention and uniformity weren't the whole story of the 50s, by a long shot. The Compleat Aberree offers text and images from all 110 issues. [more inside]
posted by kristi on Sep 25, 2012 - 0 comments


Those who refuse to learn from the past… have obviously never read some of the frankly bizarre advice our grandparents thought fit to commit to print. Obsolessons is here to bring you the questionable wisdom of our ancestors, with the occasional useful tip like how to gild a live fish. Because how could that NOT come in handy?
posted by MsMolly on Aug 28, 2012 - 10 comments

My debut novel Nothingness

Years in the making, my first novel Nothingness is finally available as an e-book on Smashwords. It's a darkly comic satire on America drowning in delusion. A family is dissolving in a community turning more paranoid with every additional inch of rain that falls. It's like Don Quixote meets Lord of the Flies. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll believe anything. [more inside]
posted by Fritz Langwedge on Aug 27, 2012 - 3 comments

The Waiting Game : A Boring Videogame About Wasting Time.

The Waiting Game is a free downloadable videogame for Mac and PC about wasting time. In it, you play as yourself. Tap your fingers on your desk. Earn points. If you get enough points, you'll get a better desk. You must balance speed, accuracy and endurance if you want to become the TAPPING MASTER and eventually reach TRANSCENDENCE. Are you up for the task? [more inside]
posted by chriscollins on Aug 24, 2012 - 8 comments

Learnin' With Vermin: Episode 1, Chapter 1

My good friend Mike Fitzgerald's comedic web series about political issues, featuring none other than noted political expert Vermin Supreme. I have Story credit, and many of my dear, sweet, delicious friends are actors in this.
posted by Sticherbeast on Aug 20, 2012 - 0 comments

R Money Music Video

I made a music video envisioning Mitt Romney as a rapper named R Money who likes to rap about how wealthy he is. There is an interesting synchronicity between some aspects of hip hop culture and wealthy media figures like Donald Trump and Mitt Romney that make for a funny juxtaposition, I think. [more inside]
posted by mroben on Jul 30, 2012 - 0 comments

Scoobert and Barb's Inconsequential Adventures Part 3

This is the third part in an on-going cartoon series that I've been making that follows the wacky lives of two characters who are constantly seeking "the good life". [more inside]
posted by cloeburner on Jul 12, 2012 - 0 comments

Unicorns Barf Rainbows: A Weekly Comic

A silly weekly comic about unicorns, including modern unicorn powers updated for today's busy age, and "facts" about unicorns. For example, this week's comic features an answer to the timeless question, "What do unicorns poop?" [more inside]
posted by ErikaB on Jun 20, 2012 - 5 comments

Live Together, Die a Throne: Lost on the Island of Westeros

For those lovers of Lost, who are also lovers of Game of Thrones, and who by luck are also lovers of single-serving Tumblr blogs in which text is placed on top of pictures in amusing ways. [more inside]
posted by Partial Law on Jun 15, 2012 - 1 comment

Hipster Holocaust: A Very Short Film

This horror comedy short I directed is an 80s slasher trailer found on an imaginary VHS tape for a film that doesn't exist. Probably NSFW.
posted by You Guys Like 2 Party? on Jun 13, 2012 - 6 comments

Bad apartment photos

This is a Tumblr where I've collected bad photos of bad apartments that I've found on Craigslist. All photos come from listings of 3+bedroom apartments/properties under $1000/month from all over the country. Enjoy!
posted by altopower on Jun 9, 2012 - 9 comments

The Bedouin and the Camel - A Variety Adventure Serial

A blog that attempts to mix original animation, writing, illustration and comics. We're a two person team and recently finished a setup stage that will hopefully allow us to post some varied and interesting content.
posted by tbatc on Jun 4, 2012 - 0 comments


A daily posting of art and humor. I have been working on it since 2005. I have recently (last four months) doubled-down on it, stopped maintaining two other blogs and have tightened up my act and my artwork. [more inside]
posted by mmrtnt on May 21, 2012 - 2 comments

Fuck You Broccoli

When I was a child, I hated all cooked vegetables, and a good number of raw ones. But the only recourse I had was to not eat them, and try to finagle my way into somehow getting dessert without eating them. But now that I'm older, it's personal. I still hate them. And I'm going ad hominem on all their asses.
posted by Mchelly on Apr 23, 2012 - 6 comments

New iPhone App - Robo-Haiku

I've developed my second iPhone app, Robo-Haiku, which lets you generate random english-language haikus that are bizarre, humorous, and sometimes cynical. They can be tweeted or emailed to your friends. It's free, and supported by advertising. [more inside]
posted by jpburns on Apr 23, 2012 - 1 comment

Blogologues: Younger Than Springtime

Hi all! Our company has been experimenting with this crazy comedy project in which we perform the internet, completely verbatim. We've done a bunch of one-night engagements of the project with new themes every time, and for the first time ever we have a 16-performance run. We're performing weekends through May 5th in the west village of NYC. [more inside]
posted by paperdolls12 on Apr 17, 2012 - 0 comments

True Stories of BDD

A collection of stories used to drive web project development, translated into more honest language. Web developers, feel free to build the collection. [more inside]
posted by bashos_frog on Apr 9, 2012 - 4 comments

10 alternative Disney movie posters

I have re-designed several classic Disney movie posters, giving each one a quirky twist! I'd love to hear your thoughts!
posted by rowansm on Apr 2, 2012 - 11 comments

The How Not To Kill Your Baby Official Growth Chart Of Doom

Have you ever read a parenting book that left you feeling inadequate and/or terrified? In other words, have you ever read any parenting book whatsoever? Then you might enjoy my new book How Not To Kill Your Baby, a parody of all those crazy-making pregnancy and parenting manuals. It comes complete with a poster-size detachable Growth Chart of Doom, which will tell you if your baby is big enough to survive an encounter with an angry capybara. For the story of why I decided to write the book, you can read my guest post at the New York Times Motherlode blog. [more inside]
posted by yankeefog on Mar 28, 2012 - 8 comments

Photos By Nathan

Our three year old just figured out how to use our digital camera and steals it while we aren't looking. These are his pictures. Hipsterized. I ran them through PicYou, and named them as pretentiously as possible. The outcome is more interesting and funny than I could've imagined.
posted by kpht on Mar 16, 2012 - 5 comments

Hunger Names

We use an extremely scientific process to determine what your name would be if you were a character in the Hunger Games. We also tell you how you died in the Hunger Games.
posted by kcalder on Mar 9, 2012 - 7 comments

John Roderick Plays a Potluck

This winter, we invited John Roderick of Seattle band The Long Winters and the Roderick on the Line podcast over for a potluck dinner. He played a few songs, told some stories, and ate all of the food. A few of those moments have been put together into a video collection called "More Than Shapes," named for a song and a story from that evening. [more inside]
posted by apranica on Mar 4, 2012 - 0 comments

International Waters

International Waters is the pop culture comedy quiz show where land laws don't apply. Hosted by Jesse Thorn, produced by Colin Anderson, head writer Jordan Morris. Featuring Janet Varney, Paul Scheer, Josie Long, Tom Parry and celebrity guest film director Rian Johnson. [more inside]
posted by YoungAmerican on Feb 27, 2012 - 2 comments


Drawings of old people, one boob, my dog, some people jumping and some other stuff now including at least one, and as many as three, foreign dignitaries.
posted by beavil knievel on Feb 17, 2012 - 4 comments

Da Yooper Times - All da news dat fits.

The Yooper Times is a project my good friend Bill created since he moved to Munising in Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula a year or so ago. A graphic designer by trade, I think he may have discovered an additional talent in writing nearly true news about the comings and goings of his new hometown.
posted by bricksNmortar on Feb 15, 2012 - 1 comment

Planet Saturday Comics

These are the reflections, in comic form, of a guy (me) who was really apprehensive about becoming a parent--and who, after more than a decade, continues to be surprised by how much he loves it. If the comic is about anything more than that (and it often isn't), it's about the glimpses that we get, as parents, back into childhood and its secret worlds. "But Good Lord, man," I hear you cry, "there's 160-odd pages of this stuff. Where to start?" Links to my favorites inside. [more inside]
posted by Sing Or Swim on Feb 13, 2012 - 4 comments

ALL CAPS CENTERED - a blog about things that annoy me (and maybe you)

In an effort to stop complaining so much, I decided to create my own personal complaint department on the internet, where I can get it out of my system. My friend David is also posting a few of his pet peeves. If anyone else cares to have posting privileges, let me know. The more the merrier. It's healthy, it's free, and it will make you wealthy beyond your dreams. Perhaps.
posted by Outlawyr on Feb 7, 2012 - 7 comments

Sean Reads Animorphs!

In the tradition of the Mark Reads . . . series, my friend & co-blogger Sean Wills has been recapping the Animorphs series, a '90s tween book franchise about shapeshifting kids who battle evil alien slugs, over at our site, the Intergalactic Academy. [more inside]
posted by PhoBWanKenobi on Feb 2, 2012 - 2 comments

Before The Movie Begins

"On leaving the theater, you will be assaulted by baseball-bat-wielding ushers, who will pummel your skull until you forget what you have seen. Any remaining memories are yours to keep and enjoy." I wrote the Shouts & Murmurs in this week's New Yorker. It's a parody of those infernal anti-piracy announcements. [more inside]
posted by yankeefog on Feb 2, 2012 - 10 comments

Pre-Recorded Late Night

It's a comedy show of interviews with absurd fake guests, plus improv scenes, sketches and other funny bits. [more inside]
posted by jayfrosting on Jan 28, 2012 - 1 comment


I thought the internet was missing this. We're still working out some kinks, but let us know what you love.
posted by Soup on Jan 18, 2012 - 13 comments

...And The Only Prescription is More Sleighbell

My girlfriend was complaining that some of the music we'd been listening to lately wasn't Christmas music. So I devised a simple formula to make any song into a Christmas song: 1) Take any song, 2) Overlay a track of sleighbells, 3) Enjoy a newfound Christmas classic. [more inside]
posted by FreelanceBureaucrat on Dec 12, 2011 - 4 comments

Sad Girls On ESPN

A single-serving tumblog (because the world needs more of those) that follows the odd trend of ESPN and other sports networks showing pictures of sad-looking girls as filler whenever the home team is losing. It's not high art or anything, but it's fun. I do the caption writing and theme designing, the sad girls are either my captures or from elsewhere on the internet. My brother daniel striped tiger also occasionally contributes on captions.
posted by The Esteemed Doctor Bunsen Honeydew on Dec 8, 2011 - 16 comments

TIME 2 TRAVEL: An Untourists guide to time

Time 2 Travel is a group blog for the fashionably broke time traveler. Get advice from people who've been then - Learn about Safe houses! The best cults on Delos! and maybe contribute some advice or reviews of your own. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Dec 5, 2011 - 20 comments

Elevator Madness

In our latest improv short, my wife, Adria Dawn and I explore what happens when a pregnant woman gets trapped with a self-proclaimed pregnancy expert. This is a slightly twisted take on how soon-to-be parents really feel sometimes. We hope you enjoy it.
posted by MythMaker on Nov 25, 2011 - 0 comments

I made a WWII Shoot 'em Up for Android

A friend and I decided we wanted to get some Android development under our belt. What better way than to make a retro-themed videogame that harkened back to one of the favorites from my youth? Droidius: 1945 is a short, vertical shooter with old-school graphics and a kickin' rad soundtrack to match. Only a daring ace with skills to match can defeat Hitler and the Nazi Menace. Will you deliver victory? Or defeat? It's at your skillful fingertips!
posted by gregoryg on Nov 22, 2011 - 4 comments

Hero Squad! A podcast about Arrested Development.

My friend Alex and I love Arrested Development. We decided to record our commentary on every episode. Now you can play our commentary simultaneously with the episodes and pretend that we're all friends and talking about the show together! The first four episodes are already up; you can subscribe to it as a podcast from the site or subscribe in iTunes. Let us know if we say interesting things! [more inside]
posted by silby on Nov 22, 2011 - 0 comments

Zany Guy Comic

After years of mulling around a comic w/a character I made in 7th grade, I finally 20+ years later have started an online comic about him. Meet Zany Guy. A perma-grinning, perma-tripping psychedelic "hero". [more inside]
posted by symbioid on Nov 19, 2011 - 0 comments

The BEWARE! t-shirt collection

I know what you're thinking – the world needs more sarcastic t-shirts like it needs a hole in the head. Nevertheless, here we are. Hope you like 'em! More designs are coming, and I do take requests.
posted by Behemoth on Nov 13, 2011 - 13 comments

Scanning the zombie brain

My colleague Tim Verstynen and I are both neuroscientists and members of the Zombie Research Society advisory board (with Romero!). We recently created a 3D model of the zombie brain based upon observations of zombie behaviors. [more inside]
posted by bradleyvoytek on Oct 31, 2011 - 0 comments

Poor Babies: Some parents shouldn't be allowed to own cameras.

Violating standards of good taste and scarring their children at the same time.
posted by missjenny on Oct 25, 2011 - 10 comments

I wrote a book! [Citation Needed]: The Best of Wikipedia's Worst Writing

For the past two years, Josh Fruhlinger and I have been running a blog collecting our favorite examples of hilariously bad writing from Wikipedia, (seen here in the blue.) After expanding to do a podcast, (seen here in projects), we decided the only logical next step was to write a book - and now it's out! Over 200 entries, with our commentary on each one. Available in paperback, or on Kindle, and you can download a free PDF of the first fifty pages on our site!
posted by JoeGoblin on Oct 23, 2011 - 0 comments

Mefi Tartan

I made a mock up of the proposed tartan (a jokey pony suggestion for mod uniform in meta talk) [more inside]
posted by titanium_geek on Oct 5, 2011 - 26 comments

Whoa, Canada!

Astonish your friends with these Canadian facts, many of which are up to 100% true! [more inside]
posted by randomination on Sep 28, 2011 - 4 comments

THE FLYING BIKE - an audio drama

My friend and I have created a 5-part audio drama about how a really bad Hollywood movie gets made. The story is told sequentially, in self-contained 30-minute pieces, from the perspectives of the writers, the producer, the script supervisor, the van driver, the assistant editor, and an audience member after the movie comes out. The first 30-minute piece took six months to produce (in our spare time with even sparer money), but I’m happy with how it turned out. We’re trying to decide if we want to record the rest of the episodes. I’m for it (as is the cast, etc.) but my friend’s not sure if people will be interested in listening to something like this. We would love any feedback you have to offer. Thank you! [more inside]
posted by Kloryne on Sep 15, 2011 - 0 comments

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