47 posts tagged with bot.
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Twitter Sentiment Bot

I wrote a simple twitter sentiment bot (code). If you tweet it with a message like "@bibliest check @someone" it will analyze the sentiment of the recent tweets of @someone and reply to you in a few seconds. [more inside]
posted by thandal on Oct 29, 2022 - 1 comment

Rogerian Therapist Bot

This is a Rogerian therapist modeled after real transcripts of therapy administered by Carl Rogers. Uniquely, this program can be downloaded and used locally. It is for entertainment purposes only, of course, but some may fortuitously find it helps in self-examination. Enjoy!
posted by metatuesday on Dec 20, 2021 - 2 comments

Procedural bit-pattern art

Inspired by this post (and following through on this comment), I've written a Mastodon bot that creates procedural bitmap art. It works by first creating a simple function consisting of randomly chosen integer operations. This is applied to each pair of pixel coordinates and used to colour them. The bot then toots both the picture and the function. Source code for the renderer is here; the bot code will likely get released as well when I get around to it.
posted by suetanvil on Aug 13, 2021 - 1 comment

A Slovenian Memoir Twitter bot

A Slovenian Memoir is a twitter bot that randomly generates bits of a travel memoir set in one of the loveliest places in the world. It's up and running, but I am always adding to it or tinkering with it (source code here} and if anyone has feedback or suggestions, I welcome them.
posted by all the light we cannot see on Feb 20, 2020 - 0 comments

Trump Learned

Tweets when the president learns (and tweets) a word for the first time. Like @nyt_first_said, but applied to the president. [more inside]
posted by zazerr on Mar 28, 2019 - 2 comments

Fractals in your Mastodon feed

Benoit Mandelbot is a Mastodon bot that periodically toots a random, usually interesting and occasionally stunning image from around the Mandelbrot Set. The images are visible to non-subscribers so you can look at them even if you don't do Mastodon.
posted by suetanvil on Jan 1, 2018 - 0 comments


My first Twitter bot! I made a bot that randomly tweets entries from Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk Literature. It's intended for divination and creative problem solving, along the lines of Oblique Strategies. [more inside]
posted by overeducated_alligator on Aug 9, 2017 - 0 comments

Mk Mrc Grt Gn! A Disemvoweling Twitter Bot

Inspired by a tweet from (metafilter's own) Maciej Cegłowski, I made a dumb Twitter bot using Glitch one night that disemvowels 45's mouthspew on Twitter as if he were a dumb troll trying his best to annoy the mods. The resulting tweets are collected at @Dsmvwld_PTS. [more inside]
posted by snortasprocket on Jul 28, 2017 - 0 comments

Shakespearean Insult Bot

@BardVs45 uses the 1990s era Shakespearean insult generator to respond to tweets from Trump. [more inside]
posted by polymath on Mar 9, 2017 - 1 comment

Double exposure twitter bot

Eeeeeeey it's a twitter bot that takes two of my photos (selected from twitter, instagram, and the dark cave of my hard drive) and mashes them together. Want to do it yourself? Here's the source code.
posted by smasuch on Mar 3, 2017 - 5 comments

Interactive diary chat bot

Monolog is an interactive diary bot that prompts you with interesting questions, which it chooses based on the topics you write about. [more inside]
posted by TheMadStork on Dec 23, 2016 - 6 comments

I am the Internet: AMA

It's me - the Internet. You know, the place with all the cat videos and pornography? Well, now you can ask me questions and I'll try to answer them! As best as I can, anyhow. Sorry in advance for all the typos. [more inside]
posted by avoision on Dec 7, 2016 - 1 comment

The Trump Mirror

Simple twitter bot that posts insults Trump has lobbed at his opponents. Insults from the NYtimes The 282 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List
posted by CarolynG on Nov 14, 2016 - 0 comments


Yet another twitter bot. I did this as a web project a long time ago, and turned it into a twitter bot to see how difficult it would be to write one of those. (Answer: about 15 lines of shell for the comic assembly and 10 lines of python to post to twitter.) It generates and posts a new randomly-assembled comic strip every eight hours.
posted by hades on Sep 9, 2016 - 4 comments

Demake Bot

It's another Twitter bot! This one "demakes" images, meaning it makes pixelated, low-res versions of images. It works on its own schedule but will also take requests from mutual followers.
posted by ignignokt on Aug 31, 2016 - 0 comments

Pokémon in Space, Pokémon in the NYPL

It's a pair of Twitter bots: Pokémon in the NYPL, which sends Pokémon into the depths of the New York Public Library Digital Collections, and Pokémon in Space!, which uses the Astronomy Picture of the Day as a guide for Pokémon space exploration. [more inside]
posted by ignignokt on Jul 17, 2016 - 0 comments


I made a Twitter bot to embed mindfulness reminders in your timeline every half hour. [more inside]
posted by raisindebt on May 17, 2016 - 5 comments

Link finding things

Doo doo doo! This is Link finding things on the web and holding them up for you to see, as he does! Except he's doing it on Twitter instead of your NES, which doesn't even work unless you hold in the cartridge a certain way.
posted by ignignokt on May 6, 2016 - 8 comments

Vandelay Industries

A Slack bot, similar to Frinkiac, that searches through every line of dialogue from every episode of Seinfeld and returns an animated GIF of that scene. An introduction and technical writeup is here.
posted by bertrandom on Mar 1, 2016 - 3 comments

A bot in the street but a snowclone in the sheets

This bot fills out the "___ in the street but a ___ in the sheets" snowclone (originating from "a lady in the street but a freak in the sheets") in various different ways.
posted by ignignokt on Feb 20, 2016 - 9 comments


A Twitterbot showcasing exciting adventures in DUNSÖNs & DRAGGANs 1st Edition - a fantastical/Scandinavian world of monsters, treasure, good value furniture, and stylish storage solutions. Enter if you dare! Also can you pick up some bag clips for me? And some meatballs. And grab one of those cool lamps. Ages 12 and up. Requires 20-sided hex wrench (included). [more inside]
posted by EndsOfInvention on Feb 18, 2016 - 4 comments

Goddamn Facts

@goddamn_factbot delivers you facts, wrapped in some consarn curses, because that's the goddamn way you want to hear them! [more inside]
posted by ignignokt on Dec 30, 2015 - 4 comments

The Study Of: OlogyBot

The cartography of ethnomusicology? The archaeology of algebra? How about the radiology of ecology? OlogyBot is a Twitter bot that pairs two randomly-selected fields of study (mostly -ologies).
posted by divabat on Dec 9, 2015 - 1 comment

If You Are Reading This…

Metroid Baby, EndsOfInvention, and I have put together @contingencymsgs, a Twitter bot that alerts you about various fictional emergency situations.
posted by ignignokt on Nov 30, 2015 - 5 comments

Otherfoot: Only Pen and Paper Required

I put together a website dedicated to my all-time favorite game, Otherfoot (mentioned previously in my 2006 FPP about ink-and-paper games). Otherfoot is a card game, played with a newly-created homemade deck every time. Gameplay is similar to Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity (pre-dating the latter), with key differences laid out in the FAQ (and reposted below). The game concept was developed by friends of my brother, and I've derived a lot of joy from playing Otherfoot with old and new friends for more than 10 years. [more inside]
posted by duffell on Nov 12, 2015 - 2 comments

Magic Realism Bot

Magic Realism Bot is a Twitter bot that writes tiny magic realist stories. Think Jorge Luis Borges, with a dash of Calvino, Eco, García Márquez and Allende. There's a little bit of Lewis Carroll, C. S. Lewis, Philip Pullman and (a childhood favourite of mine) Richard Hughes in there too. [more inside]
posted by dontjumplarry on Nov 10, 2015 - 9 comments

Farting Emoji

Here is a twitter bot with random emoji followed by the 💨 emoji, which of course is totally a fart cloud. [more inside]
posted by Metroid Baby on Nov 4, 2015 - 1 comment

No Child of Mine!

I made a Twitter bot that completes the phrase "No child of mine . . ." using a list of weird and funny phrases I found and thought up. [more inside]
posted by ShanShen on Oct 11, 2015 - 1 comment

Frau Blücher [horses whinny]

A Twitter bot based on quotes from the character "Frau Blücher" in Mel Brook's 1974 comedy, Young Frankenstein. [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome on Sep 30, 2015 - 5 comments


TauntBot is an exercise in generated language. It uses a rather huge and growing corpus of hand-selected words, and an interesting set of rules, for hand-crafting them into verbose insults. It then posts these to Twitter. It replies to people, I'm hoping to get it to trade barbs with them. Yes, I'm a terrible person. Now, with that out of the way... [more inside]
posted by ephemerae on Sep 30, 2015 - 20 comments

Twitter bots 4 momz!

A trio of parenting-related Twitter bots: @FakeMomAdvice, @FakePregAdvice, and @TrendyNames. [more inside]
posted by Metroid Baby on Sep 24, 2015 - 0 comments

Space Stories

A Twitter bot that randomly generates tiny space stories. [more inside]
posted by EndsOfInvention on Sep 1, 2015 - 13 comments

Villanelle Bot: Poems Written by Twitter

A bot that writes poems poems in the villanelle form, built using Twitter posts from random people. The poems live on Tumblr, and are announced @villanellebot. [more inside]
posted by avoision on Aug 27, 2015 - 8 comments

The Ephemerides

A bot that pairs randomly selected images from outer planet space probes with computer-generated poems. Also available on Tumblr. [more inside]
posted by aparrish on Aug 20, 2015 - 3 comments

Knock knock jokes via autocomplete

This bot creates knock knock jokes by hitting up autocomplete on Google. This is perhaps the dumbest bot of all time. And yet! I am compelled to share amazing jokes like these.
posted by ignignokt on Jul 21, 2015 - 4 comments

What Do You Want, A Medal?

@wdywam gives self-congratulatory twitterers what they claim to deserve.
posted by Jonathan Harford on Jun 9, 2015 - 9 comments


Are you alarmed about these new snake people? No?! You should be! So, here's a bot that gathers news about their doings for you. [more inside]
posted by ignignokt on May 19, 2015 - 5 comments

Fuck Shit Up

Fuck Shit Up is a Chrome extension that semi-judiciously sprinkles some "fuck"s into whatever web page you're reading. Not enough fucks? Hit the button a few more times. Gets interesting results when applied to news, dry technical stuff, Wikipedia, and Twitter at the least. [more inside]
posted by ignignokt on Apr 18, 2015 - 5 comments

Every Non-Word

A bot that tweets random combinations of English syllables. [more inside]
posted by rottytooth on Mar 25, 2015 - 9 comments


For those tired of choosing between fighting 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses, WYRF generates other options. "Would you rather fight 1 thunderstorm-sized clown or 1000 clown-sized thunderstorms?" [more inside]
posted by oulipian on Mar 24, 2015 - 11 comments

Desire Bot: A Twitter Bot That Re-Posts What the World Wants

This is a Twitter bot that re-posts tweets it finds beginning with the phrase "I just want..." It then pulls the nouns from the message, and uses those words to search Flickr for a matching image. [more inside]
posted by avoision on Feb 6, 2015 - 12 comments

smiling face withface

Randomly generated glitch emoji, automatically posted to Tumblr. GHFACE. STEAM LOSKI BOOT. OCTONT MOON. A conversation. [more inside]
posted by aparrish on Feb 2, 2015 - 3 comments

INTERESTING.JPG: deep-learning AI looking at news photographs

@INTERESTING_JPG is a twitter bot that takes news photographs and runs them through a computer-vision caption generating system. [more inside]
posted by cmyr on Jan 26, 2015 - 5 comments


@autocompleterap is a Twitter bot that combines rap lyrics (from ohhla - scraping courtesy of @beaugunderson) and Google search autocomplete suggestions. [more inside]
posted by ignignokt on Jan 14, 2015 - 2 comments


@eventuallybot is a Twitter bot that generates short films in GIF format, sourced from shreds of random YouTube clips. The films all tell stories, but sometimes the stories don't make a lot of sense. [more inside]
posted by aparrish on Nov 23, 2014 - 2 comments


A Twitter bot that posts tributes to befitting each god! Banner by Metroid Baby. [more inside]
posted by ignignokt on Jul 1, 2014 - 3 comments

EuropeanaBot - finder of weird stuff, cat pictures and unicorns

Twitter bots are a way that lets digital collections speak for themselves. EuropeanaBot tweets random images from the European Digital Library that are related to news items, Nobel prize winners, Wikipedia entries, historical dates, etc. The Bot also likes cat pictures, unicorns and is a fan of MC Hammer. [more inside]
posted by ironicon on Nov 22, 2013 - 0 comments

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