Cookbook Title Generator
March 29, 2016 12:44 PM Subscribe
Cookbook Title Generator
Today's bestselling cookbooks can seem a little formulaic. The titles start to sound the same. The success of one book begets sequels, riffs and shameless wannabes. With such nakedly formulaic titles, couldn't you assemble a cookbook title by slapping together some diet buzzwords, food trends and publishing tropes? Why, yes you could!
Today's bestselling cookbooks can seem a little formulaic. The titles start to sound the same. The success of one book begets sequels, riffs and shameless wannabes. With such nakedly formulaic titles, couldn't you assemble a cookbook title by slapping together some diet buzzwords, food trends and publishing tropes? Why, yes you could!
Role: Person who made it
This project was posted to MetaFilter by MoonOrb on March 29, 2016: The Quinoa-Free, Gluten-Sized, Up-Calorie New Organick Style Compendium
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posted by Smart Dalek at 12:56 PM on March 29, 2016