226 posts tagged with art.
Displaying 151 through 200 of 226. Subscribe:


GIFbites is a regular podcast and tumblr on/about/for animated GIFs. Each episode lasts no more than 15 seconds. [more inside]
posted by 0bvious on Dec 31, 2012 - 4 comments

Newly developed art media (clay, textural mediums) demo videos!

I am an artist collaborating with a chemistry professor to create new polymer media for artists. I just finished two demo videos that highlight the unique properties and versatility of the media we've developed. The first is also linked in the title and covers the clay and the second covers the textural mediums.
posted by vegartanipla on Dec 19, 2012 - 0 comments

The Horror of Can't Stop Rock Lobster

This is totally the coolest thing I've ever done. It's somewhere between really agonizingly long music video tryptic and some weird new form of performative documentation and b52s fan enactment... or maybe none of the above. All segments were filmed at Maros Gallery, beginning in april, 2012 in Chris Martin's installation and ending in July, 2012. They let us paint those dayglo walls white (WTF: 8 coats!) and gave us an exhibition (later). Finally we got our two and a half weeks worth and made something insane: an open film set with 147 works of art. There was bullit, and it was bloody, and i am still bruised. No works of art were harmed (permanently) in the making of this video. [more inside]
posted by armisme on Dec 15, 2012 - 0 comments


ONOPO is a reimagining of an iconic American board game. I attempted to simplify and clarify the game system, removing any thematic metaphors and other non-essential elements. Inspired by abstract strategy games, I designed a minimal iconographic system which uses as little language as possible. [more inside]
posted by oulipian on Dec 6, 2012 - 9 comments

The Sensitive Screen

An interactive installation using motors and the amazing, touch-reactive Mimosa Pudica plant, The Sensitive Screen is a hilariously slow-moving, living screen. When motors brush certain plants, the leaves collapse inwards -- these function as "off pixels" against the "on pixels" of the open plants. Since it takes about ten minutes for the plants to reopen, The Sensitive Screen moves at the blazingly fast speed of 6 frames per hour. A little more on the project can be found here.
posted by TheRoach on Nov 20, 2012 - 0 comments


In 2009, after I turned 56, I fathered my first child. Since all her extended family members live in other countries, I started a daily photo blog, to record her growth.
I love my baby with all my heart. When she was about a year old, we took her to a street fair and a cartoonist drew a quick caricature of her face. That gave me the idea to start collecting artworks based on her pretty self. I guess I went a bit overboard, because yesterday she celebrated her third birthday, and the collection grew to 500 original art works from all over the world. [more inside]
posted by growabrain on Oct 19, 2012 - 9 comments

Ecological artwork

I make artwork about the natural world; my most recent involves watercolor drawings of anole lizards and interactive live plant pedestals. I also have series of roadkill and dodo oil pastel drawings. As a bonus, I uploaded videos of students poking at the plants in the interactive pieces and saying things like, "I think we should light them on fire." And then doing so.
posted by vegartanipla on Sep 11, 2012 - 2 comments

This Warrior's Dream

The drawings of Ron Franciere • Circa 1967 - 1988
posted by Bighappyfunhouse on Aug 3, 2012 - 6 comments

Boolean Buddhas

This is a series of sculptures based on a scanned model of the Buddha. The models were created in Blender and printed on a Makerbot 3D printer.
posted by gwint on Jul 25, 2012 - 3 comments

Public Books

A curated monthly review devoted to spirited debate about books and the arts, created by and for a transnational community of writers, artists, and activists. Inaugural contributors include Tobias Kelly, Bruce Robbins, Lawrence Weschler (interviewing Errol Morris), Laura Norén, David Henkin, Adam Morris, and Sharon Marcus. Brought to you by the editors of Public Culture and NYU's Institute for Public Knowledge. [more inside]
posted by interrupt on Jun 28, 2012 - 0 comments

Kogumaza - Bells music video

A ten minute experimental music video I've been working on for the past few months for drone/rock band Kogumaza.
posted by pmcp on Jun 27, 2012 - 0 comments

Unicorns Barf Rainbows: A Weekly Comic

A silly weekly comic about unicorns, including modern unicorn powers updated for today's busy age, and "facts" about unicorns. For example, this week's comic features an answer to the timeless question, "What do unicorns poop?" [more inside]
posted by ErikaB on Jun 20, 2012 - 5 comments


Over 1000 artists organized by movement. Expressionist, Symbolist, Rennaissance, etc. Mashed up with wikipedia descriptions
posted by petsounds on Jun 19, 2012 - 3 comments

100 movie characters on microsoft paint

Sick of minimalist movie poster art? Friend and contributor to my blog created these 100 movie characters on Microsoft Paint. Answers below the fold.
posted by jamiemch on Jun 7, 2012 - 0 comments


Tulpendiebe is the companion tumblr for my novel Kino, dedicated to Weimar Republic art, people, music, and events -- especially German silent film, along with anything related to the world of the book (which I mentioned here before.) And because copyright, piracy, and remixing are among the themes of Kino, I am inviting anyone to participate and send their own artwork, music, photos, and writing inspired by the tumblr. You can see submissions so far here.
posted by muckster on Jun 3, 2012 - 0 comments


A daily posting of art and humor. I have been working on it since 2005. I have recently (last four months) doubled-down on it, stopped maintaining two other blogs and have tightened up my act and my artwork. [more inside]
posted by mmrtnt on May 21, 2012 - 2 comments

A Cat Named Timmy.

A Simple photo blog devoted to the world most charismatic cat and his numerous sobriquet.
posted by Charlie Lesoine on May 17, 2012 - 4 comments

End Piece: the last artwork of great artists

This is an online effort to catalog the last artworks made by artists before they die.
posted by Jason and Laszlo on Apr 16, 2012 - 1 comment


A MLKSHK "shake" devoted to artistic representations of prehistoric life.
posted by brundlefly on Apr 3, 2012 - 2 comments

This website presents a theory of everything

I also hope people are interested in the accompanying facebook group.
posted by leibniz on Mar 20, 2012 - 4 comments

Photos By Nathan

Our three year old just figured out how to use our digital camera and steals it while we aren't looking. These are his pictures. Hipsterized. I ran them through PicYou, and named them as pretentiously as possible. The outcome is more interesting and funny than I could've imagined.
posted by kpht on Mar 16, 2012 - 5 comments


Unheard of music produced by myself. The elucidation of unreal character spheres. Rudimentary to placate then advanced to renovate
posted by past on Mar 8, 2012 - 0 comments

The Book of Urizen

A handy tumblr site that contains William Blake's incredible 1794 work of art/literature/prophecy "The Book of Urizen" in its entirety. [more inside]
posted by hermitosis on Feb 26, 2012 - 6 comments

Photography, Trevor Alan Taylor

I've put up a good selection of my work from the past 5 years and I've totally integrated with fotomoto.com the awesome service that allows you to buy a print directly from the web. I'm excited to share these wonderful photos of the people and the places I love. Please check it out and if you really like something, its exceptionally reasonably priced. Thanks!
posted by tev on Feb 10, 2012 - 0 comments

Cartophile collects beautiful maps

My Tumblr is a curated collection of beautiful maps and cartography related objects. I try to find the original source of images I post, if possible, but corrections and submissions are welcome.
posted by desjardins on Jan 24, 2012 - 5 comments

The Complete (Fake) Spot Paintings

Enjoy ersatz Damien Hirst paintings from the comfort of your own home. Inspired by the images from this MetaFilter post, you can pretend you're in a gallery without the travel or admittance fees.
posted by demiurge on Jan 16, 2012 - 4 comments

Mapstalgia - video game maps drawn from memory

Mapstalgia is a new blog collecting people's drawn-from-memory maps of video game worlds and levels. Zeldas and Marios; detailed Final Fantasy cartography and sketched Contra recollections; crayon Kings Quest and graph paper Castlevania. Submissions are open, draw something yourself and send it in! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jan 10, 2012 - 6 comments

Ongoing Abstraction

Abstract illustrations from the last two years. [more inside]
posted by doctor_negative on Dec 20, 2011 - 0 comments

Monstrous Creature

Pablo Valencia is a writer and artist living in Los Angeles. Monstrouscreature.org is the place where he updates his different projects, including his correspondence project to his sister, collages and short film projects.
posted by Garm on Nov 19, 2011 - 0 comments

Old Orient Museum makeover & re-launch.

Thanks in large part to a mention in this forum for my museum website last year, (wherein I was complimentarily referred to as the “real life version of Howard Moon of the Mighty Boosch”), and based in large part on some of the critical comments from members, quoted here: (“I still prefer a simple scroll site”; “Great content. An absolute shit-storm of a user-hostile, frustrating, vanity interface. Maybe the worst I have ever seen. But great content buried under there”; “Pics too small”, etc.). The site is now non-flash and reborn. [more inside]
posted by Vincent Lexington Harper on Oct 12, 2011 - 3 comments

Dig for Fire: Art Inspired by the Pixies

In the late 1980s and early '90s, the Pixies redefined the alt-rock genre with stripped-down tunes, biting lyrics, and an unguarded attitude that inspired bands like Nirvana, Radiohead, and the Strokes, just to name a few. Black Francis, Kim Deal, Joey Santiago, and David Lovering formed the band in Boston, but as is usually the case with music-industry vanguards, the Pixies were originally more successful overseas than in their homeland. [more inside]
posted by Lillitatiana on Sep 28, 2011 - 1 comment

Steven Gawoski - Art & Theory

In commemoration of the opening of my Soho art show Hidden Spaces I am posting my new website. My art is comprised of graphite and monochrome color pencil works transcribed and augmented from microscopic organic forms. For further elaboration see my artist statement on my site.
posted by Lex Tangible on Sep 15, 2011 - 6 comments

You Are Not Dead: The Book, The Play, The Album, The Fridge Magnets

In 2008, Meg Holle and I released a book and an album to critical acclaim on Metafilter, Stumbleupon, and other aggregators. Since then, this demented Guide To Living combo has been downloaded over 26,000 times, including once by a Vancouver theater company who loved it enough to make it into a play, where representatives of the Fakeproject Corporation teach you how to be Not Dead. The play is going on stage at Vancouver Fringe Festival starting THIS FRIDAY, and is awesome. In honor of this honor, we've completely rebuilt this mind-altering book in online form with new life-mangling exercises, a Real Physical Book to buy, and a set of fridge magnets that will finally express your innermost thoughts, fears, and failures. [more inside]
posted by fake on Sep 6, 2011 - 8 comments

A Tolkien Tapestry: Pictures to accompany The Lord of the Rings

Exactly 50 years ago the artist Cor Blok created about 140 illustrations to accompany The Lord of the Rings, he visited Tolkien who liked his art and bought 3 pieces - the only artist who ever sold his art to Tolkien. In his letters Tolkien once said that if ever an illustrated The Lord of the Rings could be created it would have been Cor Blok who would receive the job. Over the last 5 years I traced back all Cor Blok's art and brought it together in a book called A Tolkien Tapestry: Pictures to accompany The Lord of the Rings that will be released this week by HarperCollins. [more inside]
posted by TolkienLibrary on Aug 29, 2011 - 5 comments

Projectionists Draw Projectors

I've been asking all the film projectionists I know (and kind of know, or even ones who I just met) to draw pictures of projectors. It's partly an art project, but it's also intended to be something like a high-speed oral history project around a skill that used to be ubiquitous but isn't so much anymore. [more inside]
posted by bubukaba on Aug 20, 2011 - 1 comment

Surrealists all the way down.

This plain, unembellished wiki is an ongoing work highlighting the relationships between the Surrealists and their associates as well as brief biographies of many of the major and minor players. It is intended as an Historical document. [more inside]
posted by adamvasco on Aug 9, 2011 - 1 comment

365 Days of Print July Residency

365 Days of Print: Artists Remix the News is year long online kick-starter funded art project. Each month, 6-10 different artists around the world are provided with daily subscriptions to the printed version of a newspaper of their choice. During their month-long residencies they commit to read the paper every morning and then create work in response to their experience of the day's news. They then upload their daily results at either 10:00 a.m. or 10 p.m. EST. I've a little over a week left, but my work to date can be viewed here.
posted by stagewhisper on Jul 22, 2011 - 0 comments

Scoobert and Barb's Inconsequential Adventures

The first in an ongoing series of cartoons I have animated on the Nintendo DS Lite. The cartoon follows hapless Baltimore residents, Scoobert and Barb, and features original music, art and story. I hope you enjoy it, it was quite fun to make. [more inside]
posted by cloeburner on Jul 5, 2011 - 5 comments

The Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier

Photo gallery on The Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier: From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk, an exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts chronicling the legendary designer's 35 years in the fashion industry.
posted by Lillitatiana on Jun 21, 2011 - 0 comments

The 24 Hour Novel Project

Dream of writing a novel but can’t find time to write? How about setting aside just 1 day? I gathered a team of authors to compose a novel collaboratively in a day (May 28th) and you can watch via the web as every word is composed in real-time. The cover art will be created that day too, which you can observe via live video stream. The collaboration culminates in a free Creative Commons licensed e-book available for download the following day. Wish us luck. We'll need it.
posted by john.c.herman on May 20, 2011 - 1 comment

A Painting for Win and Regine

My boyfriend is a painter who does life-size portraiture. Inspired by this photo, he made a painting of Win & Regine from Arcade Fire, and would like to give it to them as a gift. I made this little site to publicize our quest.
posted by crackingdes on Apr 14, 2011 - 5 comments

Trexels - Star Trek pixel art

A limited edition print featuring 235 Star Trek characters rendered as pixels, made with the support of Koyama Press. The print debuts at MoCCA this weekend, after which it will be sold online. In the meantime, KP and I are giving away 2 copies to whomever can name the most characters.
posted by Robot Johnny on Apr 5, 2011 - 4 comments

Jeff Johnston : Computational Graphic Design

For the past few years I've been developing techniques for computational graphic design. This is my new website, showing some of my work.
posted by jeffj on Mar 30, 2011 - 4 comments

GLTI.CH Karaoke

is a virtual jukebox oozing with time-delayed, glitchy fun. Streaming live over the web, London and Kumamoto will be joined in a sing off to end all sing offs. The first GLTI.CH KARAOKE event will laugh in the face of the nine hour time difference, of poor bandwidth, bad lip syncing, and terrible foreign language translations. All that matters is that the interwebs keep running and the participants keep on singing. From our first event we will encourage a whole series GLTI.CH Karaoke happenings. Using webstreaming software our eventual aim is to link up multiple cities across the globe for an all-out, Noon til Noon, 24 hour Karaoke marathon. This means we need YOU to help host future events, with all proceeds raised going to The Japan Society Tohoku Earthquake Relief Fund. [more inside]
posted by 0bvious on Mar 25, 2011 - 0 comments

Art International Radio

Last month, I finished designing a new website for an art gallery and radio station in NYC: Art International Radio (formerly known as WPS1). We've got and oodles oodles of rare and interesting content, interviews, music shows, recordings, performances. Listen to an interview about Fururist noise music boxes called the Intonarumori, or an interview with Jim Jarmusch, Gregg Araki, or Michel Gondry. Listen to Genesis P-Orridge ruminate on life and art, or tune into the latest interviews from the Brooklyn Rail. We've acquired some historic audio tapes, and am digitizing them in the process, so that you can listen to Allen Ginsberg (and his father!) talk together. There's music, too: Listen to a curated show on Minimalist music, a recording of a chiptunes/NES-driven performance, some really great disco/house mixes, a curated selection of contemporary Brazilian music (expect bossa nova!), or a wonderfully John Peel-inspired indie rock show. If you want something more experimental, then you can listen to a series of short radio micro-compositions, cassette-tape-generated noise, industrial percussion music performances. --- And if you're overwhelmed, check out the AIR stream, and just sit back and listen... [more inside]
posted by provolot on Mar 11, 2011 - 0 comments

The Highlights

The Highlights is an online arts journal from Brooklyn, NY. Beginning as a response to the journalistic bent in art reviews, the publication was created to give artists an outlet to engage in unconventional criticism. Since that time, we have enlarged the format to include experimental text and digital media projects. These works are an extension of the artists’ own practice and consist of image-based essays, original videos, interviews, as well as fictional, virtual, biographic, and diaristic writing. All completed projects are stored permanently in the online archive where they are available for browsing. [more inside]
posted by interrupt on Mar 11, 2011 - 5 comments

Object Poems and Toy Boxes

I've always been fascinated by objects that have journeyed through time and the scars, patinas and even energies they appear to have acquired. At first I started collecting them, and then, as I would notice certain juxtapositions, I started combining them into assemblage artworks. I recently got my first art show of these artworks, and I'm proud to show them off here! (and now you can see where my nickname, extrabox comes from!)
posted by extrabox on Feb 7, 2011 - 6 comments

The Corpse Debutante

I have a new blog; it is about not being able to draw. Here's the mission statement.
posted by Countess Elena on Feb 1, 2011 - 3 comments

The San Fran Plan

I'm working on a 3-month trip to San Francisco to explore gender, sexuality, love, and relationships via performance from the perspective of a female queer migrant minority. Here I'll be documenting the project, my progress towards it, and how people can support me. If you're in San Francisco give me a yell!
posted by divabat on Jan 29, 2011 - 0 comments

Dan's blog of math/art projects based on geometric curiosities

My friend Dan and I collaborate on mathy art projects! I throw ideas at him; he does all the hard work of the math and art; I get him to write down what he did, and I help photograph and edit. The blog is a mix of pretty pictures and detailed technical explanations — something for everyone. (Well, for everyone who really, really likes geometry.) So far: polyhedra, paper models, tractrices, reaction-diffusion systems, and bonus musical creations. Comments/questions/suggestions welcome.
posted by dreamyshade on Jan 13, 2011 - 5 comments

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