226 posts tagged with art.
Displaying 101 through 150 of 226. Subscribe:

The 3D Additivist Manifesto

#Additivism blurs the boundaries between art, engineering, science fiction, and digital aesthetics. It calls for critical, artistic, and speculative submissions to a Cookbook of radical ideas, to be released in Autumn 2015. [more inside]
posted by 0bvious on Mar 27, 2015 - 0 comments

A Twitter bot that draws your code

@dupdupdraw is a Twitter bot that tries to make up programs to draw things on its own and also draws what you tweet at it. Look at the favorites for a quick Best Of, or read a quick intro or the more thorough README. All programs are valid, and the worst that can happen is you get a random solid color.
posted by 23 on Feb 24, 2015 - 1 comment

BetterWithArt - A blog for art lovers, lookers and makers

What it says on the tin! My goal is to share my enjoyment of art in an unpretentious, accessible fashion. Dedicated to the premise that life is better with art. Hope you like!
posted by ecorrocio on Feb 23, 2015 - 7 comments


R U WIZARDPUNK - I drew a cartoon for The Nib about possible new trends.
posted by The Whelk on Feb 16, 2015 - 11 comments

INTERESTING.JPG: deep-learning AI looking at news photographs

@INTERESTING_JPG is a twitter bot that takes news photographs and runs them through a computer-vision caption generating system. [more inside]
posted by cmyr on Jan 26, 2015 - 5 comments

The Art is Not The Artist: On Holding Abusers Accountable & Enjoying Problematic Media

This is the thought process I go through when I’m considering the creative output of a horrible individual, and the questions I ask myself about whether I can consume the work in good conscience. [more inside]
posted by Juliet Banana on Dec 29, 2014 - 4 comments

SeattleFocus: Personal Photography Portfolio

I recently moved to Seattle, and so I decided to use the move as an excuse to redesign my personal photography website. I would love to hear comment, critique and constructive criticism about my photography or the website. I am hoping to use it to both get my photography projects out there and pick up freelance work in my new home city. I have done quite a bit of freelance work back home, but this is very much a new market for me. Thanks!
posted by copy paper on Oct 27, 2014 - 1 comment

Sculpture made from things and digital collages made from sculptures

After much procrastination I've finally managed to get my new website together. On it you'll find a large number of examples of the art I've been making over the past 20 years or so, as well as some writing and some sound work. Any comments, feedback or suggestions WRT content, layout or structure would be greatly appreciated, as I'm kind of figuring that side of things out for myself at present.
posted by Chairboy on Oct 12, 2014 - 0 comments

Choose Your Sonic Adventure

Tangemeenie is back at work in the studio, producing a new indie pop album planned for a crowd-funded release [draft project - Kickstarter login required] as part of a larger multimedia project in the first half of next year. But before launching the crowd-funding campaign, we're planning to release and promote a single from the album in progress. Now we've assembled five rough mixes/preview clips of candidate singles from the new album into a SoundCloud playlist, and would like you, the listening public, to tell us which track we should release as our first official single. Take a listen, complete the opinion poll, and let us know what you think. We'll announce results after a couple of weeks of voting, once a clear winner emerges.
posted by saulgoodman on Oct 8, 2014 - 1 comment

The Finest Art, the Dumbest Writing

Were making comic books! But more importantly, for here, a comedy companion blog to hone our skills. Follow as Daniel takes his work more seriously, and Ken takes his less seriously.
posted by tbatc on Sep 23, 2014 - 0 comments

Speaker of the House

I think there comes a time in everyone's life when they feel compelled to draw picture after picture of Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner. I started this blog to catalog my experiments in the medium.
posted by OverlappingElvis on Aug 27, 2014 - 1 comment

776 - 778 - 780

Surrealist video game featuring jet bikes [more inside]
posted by hellojed on Aug 9, 2014 - 0 comments

A Robot That Puts Pie Charts Onto Actual Pies

My article for The Creators Project (VICE's arts and technology blog) about a robot that illustrates the gender divide by placing pie charts into actual pies. [more inside]
posted by Lillitatiana on Aug 7, 2014 - 1 comment

Tangaroa, the god of the sea

This is an early cut my friend and I did for an independent artist in New Zealand. She makes installation art. We both liked what she did and wanted to support her by making a video that comprises the process. Feedback welcomed.
posted by cicadaverse on Jun 22, 2014 - 3 comments

Culture Kitchen

I was perturbed by the rising xenophobia (or at least, anti-immigrant sentiment) in my city-state of Singapore. I decide to start a series of events celebrating the food and art of our many communities. The idea is to put people who wouldn't typically find themselves in the same room, much less at the same dinner table, in the same place and feed them great food. In the first instalment, we had Bangladeshis and South Indians, mostly construction workers, come to have biryani with Singaporeans and white collar residents/expats. In the second, we had walking tours of Little Myanmar, showcased all of the culinary highlights of the country, and also showed a great little film from indie Myanmar filmmakers. Of course it's debatable really how much of an impact this can really have on policy, but my hope is that we can at least start conversations and friendships.
posted by popagandhi on Apr 2, 2014 - 5 comments

The Ten Plagues of Egypt in a zine

I've been working for a couple years (slowly and sporadically) on making block cut illustrations for my own Haggadah (that's the book that guides participants through the traditional dinner that Jews have to celebrate Passover). While that project is still ongoing, I finally finished illustrations of the ten plagues that God visited on the Egyptians as punishment for refusing to release the Jews from slavery (according to the book of Exodus). I hand-printed them and put them in a little zine, and I really like how it came out! [more inside]
posted by Presidente de China on Mar 31, 2014 - 3 comments

Visualizing Data (in Quil!)

Data visualizations ported from Processing to Clojure. [more inside]
posted by daveliepmann on Mar 23, 2014 - 0 comments

Anon - An Anonymous Photo Journal

What would you share if no one knew it was you? Anon is a simple app where anyone can anonymously share a photo and a message for the world to see. [more inside]
posted by willt on Mar 5, 2014 - 5 comments

35 Years of World War 3 Illustrated - An Interview

All involved are amazing artists who have been doing political comics for decades. World War 3 Illustrated (or WW3 for short) is the longest-running anthology of social justice-themed comics in the world. [more inside]
posted by nmguiniling on Feb 25, 2014 - 0 comments

Same Rat, Different Hat

The debut record from Out of System Transfer, a neo-old-timey band who sing punk-influenced folk songs about the assassination of William McKinley, hitting cops in the head with a brick, and riding the subway. Their sound has been compared to the Holy Modal Rounders, Mojo Nixon, and Mischief Brew. With physical media sales becoming less viable, it made little sense to get CDs printed (plus, no one in the band even had a working CD player), but it also felt wrong to forego the great potential offered by album covers and liner notes, not to mention the feeling of having a tangible thing for fans to have. Thus, the record was released as a zine, (also bundled with the download as a pdf) with original artwork commissioned for each song by various Brooklyn-based artists. [more inside]
posted by Jon_Evil on Feb 14, 2014 - 3 comments

Pulp Apologies

This started off as me tinkering with a Tumblr idea called Pulp Silence -- golden age comics panels with the dialogue balloons blanked -- but I got curious about what else I could put in these balloons. and one thing led to another. [more inside]
posted by Shepherd on Jan 25, 2014 - 1 comment

Bluebeard Contest

In conjunction with its upcoming exhibition “Gustave Doré (1832-1883): Master of Imagination”, the National Gallery of Canada is seeking black and white illustrations, inspired by Gustave Doré’s graphic artwork, for the tale of Bluebeard. The deadline for submissions is February 28th, 2014. Send your Bluebeards to bluebeard.in.black.and.white@gmail.com! [more inside]
posted by ITheCosmos on Jan 8, 2014 - 0 comments

Market Music (The stock market as a reggae song)

I have completed a new fun data art project: I translated the ups and downs of the S&P 500 for the year into a reggae-ish song, while an animation represents the data visually and in sync with the music. It's been a record year for the S&P 500 -- and now you can hear it! [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Dec 23, 2013 - 3 comments

Art prints for book lovers

My company Postertext designs art prints for book lovers made entirely out of text. There are no lines, no edges anywhere on the art print. The illustration is made purely out of words. [more inside]
posted by postertext on Dec 20, 2013 - 3 comments

Lonenote App

At times in my life, I struggled to connect with the people around me and found myself alone. Sometimes I felt at peace, sometimes it was really difficult. Lonenote is a mobile app where people can express these moments — whether peaceful, silly, or sad — through handwritten notes. My hope is that by sharing this experience we’ll feel a sense of connection when we’re alone, and find more acceptance of ourselves and each other.
posted by willt on Nov 19, 2013 - 2 comments

Decorated lunch bags for my two kids

For the past year and change, I've been sending my two sons two school with custom lunch bags that I make for them every day that they're at my house (i.e., half of the time). I've painted, drawn, collaged, cut, and stenciled. Sometimes I make an image based on a historical event that happened on that date; sometimes the boys request a particular illustration; and sometimes I just go with my muse. I guess there are a handful of parents doing this in various ways, so it's not the most revolutionary thing ever, but I'm pretty pleased with how a lot of the bags have come out, so I thought I'd share.
posted by Presidente de China on Nov 14, 2013 - 4 comments


I'm a thesis year graduate student in graphic design at The Rhode Island School of Design. From my perspective, it is important for me to establish a personal critical methodology that generates the thesis context itself. I am beginning to do so with my 5 Theses for a Thesis project. In an effort to thematize distribution channels (which is part of my thesis) and gather feedback, I have posted these five theses in a variety of platforms. [more inside]
posted by machinic on Nov 4, 2013 - 0 comments

PER SPECULUM IN ÆNIGMATE: Looking Through a Glass Darkly at the Age of Surveillance

My new Tumblr art project is a response to recent revelations about massive government and corporate surveillance. I'm posting a series of images, each containing an anaglyph 3D picture of an anonymous model, and a QR-encoded, PGP-encrypted email message that I can't read. A group of other people are writing the messages to each other, and my site is the delivery mechanism. With red/cyan 3D glasses, you can see "through" the noise of each image and glimpse some of the depths beyond. But only the intended message recipient can decrypt the embedded text. [more inside]
posted by Artifice_Eternity on Oct 23, 2013 - 0 comments

Deeply psychedelic ANSI scroller is longest ever

Blocktronics' ACiD Trip won the Freestyle ANSI/ASCII competition at last week's Demosplash 2013 event at Carengie Mellon University. Created by 22 artists, it's apparently the longest ANSI scroller ever at 3,266 lines long. Scroll it yourself right here. For those not hip to the lingo, ANSI is the American National Standards Institute but in this case refers to the 256 character set used in early computer operating systems. It's basically an extension of the usual 128 numbers, letters, and symbols of ASCII. More shapes, the ability to create colors, etc.
posted by livejamie on Oct 11, 2013 - 1 comment

Celluloid Chicago

A semi-comprehensive listing of all the upcoming analog film screenings in the Chicago area, big and small. [more inside]
posted by bubukaba on Sep 23, 2013 - 0 comments

Artists & scientists in the wilderness

I'm one of 18 artists participating in the Aldo & Leonardo project. I'm currently in residence at Canyons of the Ancients National Monument - the desert biome portion of the Aldo & Leonardo Project. The project puts artists and scientists together in wilderness settings. All of the artists and some of the scientists are blogging about our experiences and what we're learning. Most of the blogs at this point are wilderness focused - our major artwork will come when we return to our studios and that will be on the blog as well. [more inside]
posted by leslies on Sep 12, 2013 - 1 comment

Small Landmarks is my first book

I just published an ebook, small landmarks. It's a visual journal of photography and notebook writing, a meditative account of walking with a camera, finding things, and making connections. I wrote about my experience of publishing it on the Apple iBookstore using iBooks Author, including a few problems I ran into because of the unconventional nature of the book. [more inside]
posted by oulipian on Sep 8, 2013 - 0 comments

Travel Journal

Ephemera, architecture, sketches. A minimalist tumblr updating daily (WiFi availability permitting) for the next two weeks. [more inside]
posted by velebita on Aug 28, 2013 - 2 comments

Discussing Dimensions - animations for Sixty Symbols and Numberphile

I have been working with video journalist Brady Haran on a series of hand made animations for science videos. Other videos include:Numbers Confuse Americans, Maths Jokes Explained and Lagrange Points. I'm currently auctioning the drawings used to make the dimensions video here.
posted by pmcp on Aug 28, 2013 - 5 comments

Lone Note

Lone Note is an online art project where people share their experiences being or feeling alone. Notes are created by submitting two photos, a handwritten note and an overlay, which are blended together. [more inside]
posted by willt on Aug 3, 2013 - 1 comment

Postcards from Somewhere

I like to take old postcards and make little collages and doodles on them, then send them to friends and family. It occurred to me that if I was gonna spend a bunch of time making these things, maybe I ought to post them online somewhere. And, well, I was bored at work today so I scanned a bunch of them and put 'em on this Tumblr. [more inside]
posted by showbiz_liz on Aug 3, 2013 - 6 comments

Infinity's Kitchen

Infinity's Kitchen is a journal of experimental literature and conceptual writing. The new issue is published partially in print and partially online and includes constrained writing, antonymic poetry, visual poetry, literary criticism, an essay about word squares and a poem composed of redacted hip hop lyrics, all from 13 international contributors in print and 26 international contributors online. A full table of contents for the new issue is available on the publication’s website at http://infinityskitchen.com/news/infinitys-kitchen-6/
posted by dylan_k on Jul 24, 2013 - 2 comments


A cool way to find new photos to reblog to your art tumblr
posted by petsounds on Jul 12, 2013 - 1 comment

Twitter Anagram Hunter

Anagramatron searches for anagrammatical pairs of tweets, the cream of which are retweeted and posted to an associated tumblr. Source on github.
posted by cmyr on Jul 3, 2013 - 10 comments


In Glitchometry, I manipulate simple shapes (black squares, circles, triangles, stripes) in a sound editor, breaking them down into new forms. The earliest work in the series is here. The tumblr is where new work appears. [more inside]
posted by rottytooth on Jun 21, 2013 - 4 comments

Voronoi Monologue series.

Voronoi Monologue is an "infinite series" of drawings based around malformations of voronoi patterns. [more inside]
posted by pmcp on Jun 20, 2013 - 0 comments

The Point of Life is the Explosion of Experience Into Ideas

This is an article that puts forward a new theory of the meaning of life, one based on self-expression. It's the product of many years of thinking at the intersection of psychology, philosophy, and religion.
posted by shivohum on May 12, 2013 - 1 comment


In my long years of collecting cool domain names and not doing anything with them, this is the coolest. So I finally had to hunker down and DO SOMETHING and this is it: a semi-blog of mostly longer pieces about Comics, Animation and other "Fun Arts". [more inside]
posted by oneswellfoop on Feb 19, 2013 - 0 comments


Photos from places we feel alone.
posted by willt on Feb 16, 2013 - 4 comments

Slow Paparazzo

Whenever I see a celebrity, I take a picture of where they just were. 100% For Reals. [more inside]
posted by dontoine on Feb 5, 2013 - 8 comments

Bird Presidents

I am drawing all of the US presidents as birds, or maybe vice versa? Bird Presidents, in any case. I'm doing about one a day and drawing them in order.
posted by cortex on Feb 5, 2013 - 10 comments


A simple web toy for creating absurdly-crude tweetable pixel art. Warning: squinting may be required. [more inside]
posted by malevolent on Jan 28, 2013 - 9 comments

Dr Sketchy's Anti-Art School: The Documentary

in 2010 I (along with many others) were interviewed for a documentary on the formation of the world-wide life-drawing cabaret show I helped found. After two years on the festival circuit, it is now available for all and sundry on Vimeo. Interviews with Akynos, Gal Friday, Amber Ray, Molly Crabappple, and more. NSFWish video and audio. Directed by Peter Bolte (14 min)
posted by The Whelk on Jan 18, 2013 - 2 comments

Japanese Woodblock Print Database

A database and visual search engine of over 200,000 Japanese woodblock prints. Starting in the early 1700s and exploding in popularity throughout the 1800s, Japanese woodblock prints depicted the fantastic world of Kabuki actors, courtesans, warriors, and nature. The style of the prints feels particularly modern and vibrant, even today a couple hundred years later. This project aggregates prints from a number of museums, dealers, and auction houses into a single searchable resource. [more inside]
posted by jeresig on Jan 6, 2013 - 16 comments

Houndton Tabby

In anticipation of the season 3 premiere of Downton Abbey, I've begun a series of portraits based upon the memorable characters from the show. Depicted as dogs and cats, naturally. I am selling them as prints in my Etsy shop.
posted by Lou Stuells on Jan 5, 2013 - 7 comments

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