226 posts tagged with art.
Displaying 201 through 226 of 226. Subscribe:

NeoClassicus: The artwork of Judith Turim

My mother has been a struggling fine artist for the past 40 years. She finally decided to take the plunge and develop a portfolio site for her work. [more inside]
posted by askmehow on Jan 11, 2011 - 6 comments

Dym: Swarm cover art

I recently completed artwork for my friends' new EP. It's a pretty complex photo collage, mostly of pictures that I took myself. The link above goes to Deathwatch Asia, where the EP version with my art is being released. You can go here to see the whole booklet, as well as the collages without text. If you like your music crunchy, give them a listen, they're pretty great.
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 on Jan 11, 2011 - 1 comment

The Art of Roberta Malkin

I made a website for my mom, a visual artist. Woo-hoo!
posted by dziga on Dec 9, 2010 - 10 comments

Lute Cat - Now in card form

Inspired by cortex's deletion reason, auctioned for charity, and now available as a holiday card for all and sundry. This year, play everyone hence with a Lute Cat of your very own.
posted by The Whelk on Nov 21, 2010 - 7 comments

Print Collection

I have a love for photography, history, architecture and design. There is so much wonderful public domain work available, I choose to curate a bit. [more inside]
posted by doug3505 on Nov 14, 2010 - 7 comments

The Public Isolation Project

My friend Cristin Norine is spending one month living in a gallery, alone, that's in plain sight on a busy street in Portland, Or. She can't leave or have visitors, and is only communicating to others via social media. [more inside]
posted by blazingunicorn on Nov 13, 2010 - 2 comments

Drawing while working.

I have loads of time on my hands at work, so I pass the time by drawing. These are those drawings, mostly. [more inside]
posted by hellojed on Nov 12, 2010 - 1 comment


I built some synths and put them in robots and now they're going to be on show at Deluxe Cafe, Kent Tce, Wellington, New Zealand for two weeks starting Monday 15th.
posted by mhjb on Nov 9, 2010 - 7 comments

Comfortable Chair

Electro-mechanical art regarding activism and apathy. At first glance it is a forgettable art work about war..but flipping the switch causes a 5 bottles of beer to emerge, revealing the true motivation of the work. Watch the video!
posted by junkfunnel on Nov 9, 2010 - 0 comments

Holding Hands Project

This project is designed to digitally bring people closer to one another by capturing on film the moment when two strangers hold hands. Regardless of race, age, class, whatever. [more inside]
posted by Saxon Kane on Oct 25, 2010 - 2 comments

DIY Edible Bouquets

Free tutorials on how to make edible bouquets - candy bouquets, cookie bouquets, and fruit bouquets... Photos and instructions make the process easy. Kids will love to participate in making edible bouquets. You can suprise your friends and family with unique gifts this holiday season. Get inspired at EdibleCrafts.com
posted by veta7 on Oct 21, 2010 - 3 comments

Test Pattern: A free iPhone and iPod Touch app that helps you discover colors.

It's an app that generates pairs of colors at random, then puts them in a pattern, then lets you adjust and save those colors. [more inside]
posted by ignignokt on Oct 14, 2010 - 11 comments

Ama Qhella

This site serves as a repository of all my recent creations, including murals, drawings, music, writings and movies. An online portfolio, if you will. [more inside]
posted by cloeburner on Sep 27, 2010 - 4 comments

Baragatos: free quick sketches drawn for you

Want a free sketch? I'll draw quick ones for you! I want to hone my drawing skillz so I'll do sketches from any idea, subject or title you send me. [more inside]
posted by jgwong on Sep 8, 2010 - 3 comments

MURAL LOCATOR, find murals easily

Mural Locator is a site developed for viewers to easily find and locate murals around the world. Readers can submit murals that they see worthy of being shared. This will help promote the artists and their work with large visible images. The collection of murals are documented and associated to their locations with online maps. We wanted to share the beauty of murals with the world and those unaware of this public form of art.
posted by metafus on Aug 31, 2010 - 3 comments


Yayah its like a tumblr but its more pure because everything's found doing random searches on google. Its interesting, trust. More to come.
posted by petsounds on Aug 27, 2010 - 7 comments

Computer-generated modern art parodies

Computer-generated abstract art in a variety of styles, mostly associated with various modern artists. Each piece has a title and a markov-chain 'artist's statement'. The page is formatted for mobile devices, but works reasonably in any browser. [more inside]
posted by hexatron on Aug 19, 2010 - 5 comments

Next Wave 2010 - Text Camp Reader

I was part of a creative writing mentorship as part of Melbourne's Next Wave Festival 2010, which presented multi-form experiential art. Our task was to respond to how well we thought the pieces reflected the year's theme No Risk Too Great. My piece, No Risk Too Great: Comfort Zones, discusses the absurdity of doing things outside your "comfort zone" while still being protected in the confines of a hipster-peer-filled arts festival. (Some images NSFW.)
posted by divabat on Aug 18, 2010 - 0 comments

Painting with John (Lurie)

My interview and feature on Fishing With John's John Lurie. He's making some very beautiful art now.
posted by Lillitatiana on Jul 14, 2010 - 4 comments

Flat of Angles

Essentially this comprises much of my final year work at Edinburgh College of Art, but will be ongoing from now on. It's also a taster for our college group show at Trumans Brewery, Brick Lane, London July 1st-5th (opening july 1st @6pm) [more inside]
posted by sgt.serenity on Jun 18, 2010 - 1 comment

indexical (a photoblog)

I am a visual artist in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and this is my photoblog. I have been posting fairly regularly over the past year (233 photos so far). I think of my photoblog as a photographic notebook, a tool I use to record and develop visual ideas over time. It is also a good excuse to wander around with a camera. [more inside]
posted by oulipian on Jun 9, 2010 - 2 comments

What our kids made

Our family gets a lot of pleasure from our daughter's artwork, and we initially just wanted to put up a site to show her creations off to extended family and friends. We also wondered what other kids her age were doing, and I could not find anywhere solely devoted to displaying kids' artwork. With that in mind, we created this site as sort of a public refrigerator that everyone's kids' art can hang on. [more inside]
posted by horsemuth on May 26, 2010 - 5 comments

Bestiary Magazine: Poetry & Art

Inspired by 48 Hr Magazine, MagCloud in general, and also The Encyclopedia Show, this poetry journal will present poems on a different theme each month, with illustrations/art/photography. Like 48 HR Magazine, the time period during which submissions will be open will be very short (three days for the first issue.)
posted by eustacescrubb on May 23, 2010 - 1 comment

Submit a made up video game and I'll make your box art.

Every week, I ask the strangers of the internet to submit the title and short description of a video game that doesn't exist. I'll then draw the box art for someone's pretend game and post the results each Saturday. A semi-dorky blend of lulz-y photoshop practice and a heartfelt love for video games.
posted by cheap paper on May 20, 2010 - 8 comments

Alt History Science Fiction Is The Best Fiction.

Along with artist Molly Crabapple, I have a brand new project debuting at Zuda Comics, Puppet Makers, a sprawling alt-historical murder mystery set at Versailles with lots of huge robots. Updates every Wendesday [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on May 13, 2010 - 8 comments

Apres Garde

A tumble log of stuff I find I like on Google Street View. There are some other things thrown in , but that's basically it. [more inside]
posted by mattbucher on May 7, 2009 - 0 comments

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