154 posts tagged with game.
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The IT Crowd game
Somehow, Rob Manuel and I were lucky enough to be entrusted with Graham Linehan's beloved characters, so we've tried to pack the game with references to the show and daft memes. Apologies in advance for the rat song getting stuck in your head...
Unnamed Nomic
A nomic I started with some friends. We've only gotten through eight turns, so it's still fairly close to the original ruleset. Runs on phpBB 3.
Submit a made up video game and I'll make your box art.
Every week, I ask the strangers of the internet to submit the title and short description of a video game that doesn't exist. I'll then draw the box art for someone's pretend game and post the results each Saturday. A semi-dorky blend of lulz-y photoshop practice and a heartfelt love for video games.
FLEE!, a simple flash game
I'm teaching myself AS3/Flash, and this is my first attempt at a game. It's very simple, and has a combinatoric soundtrack based on nine improvised counterpoint-ish things I recorded yesterday. [more inside]