3 posts tagged with game by avapoet.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.
DNDle - Wordle, but you're picking stats to guess D&D monsters
It feels like there's a Wordle clone for everybody nowadays. But I decided to go in a slightly different direction when I made DNDle, a game in which you try to guess the Dungeons & Dragons "monster of the day" by assigning values to its attributes and being told where you've got them right. [more inside]
Break Into Us
I made a web-based puzzle game. Players must solve clues to reduce the possible permutations for a series of combination locks and get them open. There are a couple of deliberately-easy tutorial levels at the start, but once you've solved the first one you can jump to any lock you please. [more inside]
Cheating Hangman
I made a game of Hangman that "cheats" by changing the word it's thinking of in order to make it as hard as possible to guess. But while it cheats, it never lies: it remains consistent with what it's told you so far about the word length, matching letters, non-matching letters etc. [more inside]