28 posts tagged with ipad.
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Procreate Thicknthin Brush Set

In my spare time as an illustrator, I'm always on the hunt to bring more unique marks and variable lines into my work. I've made a set of 16 brushes made from traditional marks and textures that can give you richly expressive, fluid brushstrokes. Each is designed to be able to push pressure sensitivity as far as I can--and can give different effects with erasing, smudging, and playing with opacity.
posted by actionpact on Jul 16, 2024 - 0 comments

xn--qeiaa.ws: Emoji Domain Registration

Domains can be more than just letters and numbers. Most people have no idea they can just type a bunch of hearts in their address bar and go to a domain... and yet, it works!
posted by ph00dz on Dec 8, 2016 - 2 comments


MusicMessages! is a collaborative step sequencer for the iMessage App Store (iPhone, iPad). Using the simple and (hopefully) intuitive interface, you can punch in a few chords or a percussion line and send the message off to your friends, who can then make their own changes and send it back. Five instrument layers and over 40 MIDI instruments are available to use. Bonus: if you have an iPhone 7, the note buttons respond to pressure and "pop" like bubble wrap with the help of the Taptic engine!
posted by archagon on Nov 30, 2016 - 1 comment

Fake app review detector

I've spent the past 18 months or so slogging away at apprecs.com, an app search engine that can detect review manipulation. You can see the worst offenders here. I posted this back when this was iOS-only, and I'd like to share some major new features I've added. [more inside]
posted by hodgebodge on Oct 20, 2016 - 2 comments

App search engine that filters out fake reviews

While developing mobile apps, I realized how rife the App Store is with rating/review manipulation. So, I created apprecs.com, a facade for the store that allows you to filter out many of the fake, coerced, or otherwise manipulated reviews. You can also filter by other criteria such as how recently the app was last updated and age/gender of the typical user. What do you think? I'm getting started on adding Android (Google Play) support today. [more inside]
posted by hodgebodge on Apr 19, 2016 - 9 comments

Composer's Sketchpad

Composer's Sketchpad is an iPad sequencer-ish app for quickly jotting down musical ideas. In brief, the app presents you with a giant pannable and zoomable canvas that you can draw musical notes on. I wanted to create a modern take on sheet music, but without any of the legacy limitations; as a result, you can start each note at any time and bend it to any pitch, giving you the ability sketch out expressive solos and complex rhythms with no extra effort. (You can also turn on time or pitch snapping if you like.) Navigation, editing, and playback are carefully designed to be as frictionless as possible, and over 100 different instruments (as well as a percussion set) are available. Your music is saved automatically without any limit on the total number of sketches. Apple Pencil supported! [more inside]
posted by archagon on Jan 11, 2016 - 5 comments

Approximal: hyperlocal augmented serendipity

Approximal is an iOS app that uses Bluetooth to discover people nearby. It can match you using social networks (18 supported so far, including the usual suspects), or any adhoc personal networks you and other people create. [more inside]
posted by Combustible Edison Lighthouse on Aug 21, 2015 - 1 comment

Little Spinner: iOS app for young kids

Kids can spin the wheel to hear words and songs across 11 different themes. It's aimed at pre-school kids as a fun way to learn new words in English, Spanish or Mandarin Chinese. [more inside]
posted by Gomez_in_the_South on Jul 21, 2015 - 2 comments

Trichrome, a fast-paced game of tactical pattern making.

Make large triangles out of four smaller ones. It's a simple concept, but you score more points and earn more time by extending your triangle combos into more complex shapes. A completed combo returns a newly upgraded tile, and you match those up the same way. There's a timer, and you push it back by gathering initial tiles. By making different shapes, you can unlock symmetry, mirror and kaleidoscopic bonuses and even capture other tiles to raise your score multiplier up to 20x or more. Most games take about 5-10 minutes to complete. There are 30+ achievements and 3 leaderboards to measure your skill; Game Center supported on iOS and OSX. [more inside]
posted by seanmpuckett on Jul 12, 2013 - 1 comment

Phone/tablet interface for Harvard's digitized special collections

Our default display interface for digitized books and manuscripts uses frames (I know) and worked very poorly on mobile devices. We've just released an interface that autodetects visits from these devices and routes them to an alternative interface that is much more usable, and offers orientation awareness and gesture based page-turning and zooming . To try it, follow this link on your touchscreen device. Try it out, and please leave me any feedback you have about your experience.
posted by Horace Rumpole on Feb 13, 2013 - 0 comments


JailbreakQA is a question-and-answer forum for people interested in iOS jailbreaking (applying exploits to remove restrictions on iOS devices in order to be able to install a wider variety of software). It provides reliable answers for almost any question people can think up about this stuff, and part of its goal is to provide a safety net of helpful problem-solvers for anyone who runs into a problem with a jailbroken device. I'm the head moderator (and FAQ writer) for this forum, part of my work on coordinating ways to make jailbreaking more accessible and friendly instead of seeming confusing and sketchy. Along with value-based reasons for why people care about jailbreaking, it's also a neat opportunity to tinker with making a well-loved device even better through the interface tweaks and customizations developed by the jailbreaking community, and I'm lucky to professionally work on something I care about like this.
posted by dreamyshade on Feb 1, 2013 - 0 comments

Nametrix: Doctor or Dancer?

Nametrix is an iOS app I created initially for baby naming, but it ended up being way cooler than that. It uses public data on millions of people (US census, US campaign contributions, Wikipedia) to determine what professions, political parties, and other affiliations each name tends toward. For example, Ellen is a disproportionately common name for 1) psychotherapists, 2) librarians, and 3) activists. Ellens also overwhelmingly lean toward the Democrat party and have tended to be most popular in the northeastern part of the US. As far as I know, nobody else has made anything remotely like this... Pretty fascinating stuff, right? What other kinds of metrics would you like to see?
posted by hodgebodge on Jan 24, 2013 - 23 comments

Graffletopia: Awesome OmniGraffle Stencils

Use OmniGraffle on the Mac or iPad? Download hundreds of stencils from the newly redesigned Graffletopia website. (Stencils are free clip art files you can download and install using OmniGraffle.) [more inside]
posted by mokolabs on Dec 30, 2012 - 1 comment

Paper Galaxy, our adorable new iOS game, is out today! Yay!

Here's the trailer! [more inside]
posted by luvcraft on Dec 20, 2012 - 9 comments


I decided to quit my programming job at Google, start a small company, and write an app with my best friend Graham Bartram. As he's a top flag expert these days, the result was FlagWaver. Watch his beautiful high quality flag artwork ripple in a virtual breeze as you spin and zoom them, even drag the simulated fabric with your finger. [more inside]
posted by w0mbat on Sep 19, 2012 - 1 comment

Pocket Tactics: Strategy game news and reviews for Android and iOS

Strategy games are really starting to come into their own on smartphones and tablets, and there wasn't really a site to serve that niche. Hence: Pocket Tactics. [more inside]
posted by CRM114 on Apr 6, 2012 - 4 comments

Puncho Fighto, an iOS fighting game

It's a 2D fighting game for iPhone and iPad. Bonus: features music from mefi's CarrotAdventure! [more inside]
posted by big friendly giant on Apr 3, 2012 - 4 comments

Cell Blast, the cellular automata simulator for iPad

I've published my first iOS app! Cell Blast (iPad only, I'm afraid) allows you to simulate John Conway's Game of Life, the classic cellular automaton. You can also create your own (much more complex) automata rules and play them out on a 100x100 - 400x400 grid. [more inside]
posted by hiteleven on Feb 24, 2012 - 0 comments

Tabletop - A modular, expandable music studio, designed exclusively for iPad

So my friends & I have been working on this iPad music app for the past several months & it's just now available in the App Store as of tonight! As the name suggests, it emulates the table-top gear that a DJ or producer might use. It’s an expandable modular studio where you can mix and match a variety of unique devices including samplers, mixers, effects, sequencers and etc. We've done quite a bit of iOS music app development in the past few years but this is the first app we've designed from the ground up for the iPad & so we're pretty psyched to find out what everyone thinks about it. I had an *amazing* response for the last thing I posted here (youarelisteningtolosangeles.com) so I figured this would be a great place to get some early feedback. There's plenty of demo videos & stuff available at the link so check it out and if you've got any questions, definitely let me know in the comments!
posted by idontlikewords on Jul 27, 2011 - 6 comments

CamWarp - iPhone/iPad app

An interactive camera app that responds to movement in real time, warping the image feed. Wave your hands around, move your head or pull facial expressions, and watch the image distort in amazing ways. [more inside]
posted by iotic on Jul 6, 2011 - 4 comments

Up U Go!

"Up U Go!" is an iPad game I've been working on for the last few months. You control Burt, who is flying all around the world with the help of his trusty balloons. Dodge the local wildlife—as well as the buildings and trees—and swoop down to collect enough helium to fly on to the next land! We have what we think is a pretty great control scheme and we're all really proud of the way it came out! [more inside]
posted by Brainy on Jun 23, 2011 - 2 comments

Snack Words - Real-time, multi-player word game for iPhone/iPad

I just finished my first iPhone/iPad game, Snack Words. You play head-to-head against other people, racing against the clock to find as many words as you can. I loved other games of this type (Jumbline, Word Warp, etc), but I really wanted to play with other people. Hope you enjoy!
posted by metajack on Mar 30, 2011 - 0 comments

OpenEars: open source speech recognition and text-to-speech for iPhone and iPad development

OpenEars is an open-source iOS library for implementing round-trip English language speech recognition and text-to-speech on the iPhone and iPad, which uses the CMU Pocketsphinx and CMU Flite libraries. [more inside]
posted by Halle on Jan 31, 2011 - 2 comments

The Strange & Wonderful World of Ants - children's iPad app

I just launched a beautiful and quirky children's iPad book app. It features an adjustable reading level making it appealing to a wide range of curious children and adults. It's scary but enthusiastic look at ants and their relevance to us. [more inside]
posted by amosl on Dec 20, 2010 - 0 comments


I have recently written a MIDI control surface app for the iPad. It currently has six layouts, consisting of combinations of piano keyboards (with pitch bender), and ribbons and XY pads, which can be configured to send different MIDI control events. It works over WiFi, talking to the open-source DSMIDIWiFi client. [more inside]
posted by acb on Nov 4, 2010 - 5 comments

iPad two player games... created in JavaScript

I'm developing games for two (or more) players who sit around a single, shared iPad, like in a pub, on the train, or in the living room. All the games are created in JavaScript/ CSS, using the sweet PhoneGap framework. All games are free for now. Videos and screenshots are available on the site... feedback very welcome!
posted by philipp on Oct 11, 2010 - 2 comments

List of good iPad games

This is a small, highly filtered list of what are, in my opinion, the best iPad games available. I plan to add to the list as I come across the rare new entry for the list. I figure it might be helpful to people to see a short list of reliably good games rather than a ton of variable-quality games spread out over many pages, like most sites do. (I also maintain a list of Web games and iPhone games via the tabs available on the top of the page.)
posted by mark7570 on May 20, 2010 - 0 comments

HTML5 Zombo.com

I wanted zombo.com on my iPad. That is all.
posted by bertrandom on May 19, 2010 - 15 comments

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