145 posts tagged with writing.
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Capsule Reviews of Classic Speculative Fiction Stories

For years and years, I’ve been collecting editions of the Annual World’s Best SF anthology series, which ran from 1972 to 1990. A couple of years ago I decided to commit to reading or rereading every single one of them, and to reviewing every single story in each of them on Goodreads. As of April 2017, I’ve gotten through 10 of them and reviewed a total of 107 stories. [more inside]
posted by showbiz_liz on Apr 25, 2017 - 3 comments

Hyacinth & The Secrets Beneath

My first novel comes out next month from Random House. It's aimed at 8 to 12-year-olds, and it's about an American girl who moves to London and encounters a giant pig in a bathing suit, a centuries-old magical conspiracy, and a bunch of monsters who work for the Royal Mail. Booklist calls it "fun, freaky, outlandish, and suspenseful." The School Library Journal calls it a "fantastic, funny adventure." Kirkus calls it "a rollicking adventure with a lulu of an ending." Me? I call it "a book I spent ten years working on, and I'm prouder of it than anything else I've written, and I really want it to do well." (I probably need to work on my blurbing skills.) [more inside]
posted by yankeefog on Apr 24, 2017 - 9 comments

Burning the Days

Dual-function site: New mailing list of my creative writing and limited archive of my past writing projects (Victory Shag, Wrestle the Future to the Fucking Ground, etc.) -- fiction, poetry, love letters, what have you. [more inside]
posted by dobbs on Apr 8, 2017 - 0 comments

Essays on Poverty and UBI

I wrote a five part series on poverty and basic income. Part One: Introduction --- Part Two: Poverty and Health --- Part Three: Conditions and Motivations --- Part Four: The Case for Universality --- Part Five: How UBI Will Disrupt Poverty.
posted by hopeless romantique on Apr 5, 2017 - 0 comments

The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike

This is a (longish) short story about brand strategy and revolution, published by Fireside. Deeply informed by being nose-deep in the never-ending election/political threads since, what, July? ...Content warning for contemporary politics.
posted by Andrhia on Feb 21, 2017 - 3 comments

Jackass Letters: Archive Volume 1

This is the first volume in a projected three volume set. All letters are taken from the back catalog of jackassletters.com and are published by Run Amok Books. Previously. And previously. [more inside]
posted by cjorgensen on Feb 21, 2017 - 0 comments

Learning How To Scream Again: Promoting Leftism for Artists and Writers

The culmination of a lot of conversation I've had with fellow artists, designers, and writers. How do we effectively sell Leftist ideology ? How did we get here? What does a new left art look like? What should it's goals be? What's the best way to achieve them?
posted by The Whelk on Feb 9, 2017 - 0 comments

Liberty Tales

2015 marked the 800th anniversary of the first Magna Carta, and Liberty Tales is a collection of stories and poems that take a wide-ranging collection of responses to the issues of liberty, both personal and legal. Some of these 25 tales relate to specific clauses of the original document, while others are more concerned with how we experience and search after freedom in the 21st century. [more inside]
posted by dng on Nov 13, 2016 - 0 comments

CC: Otherworlds

Original weird and wonderful art and stories in the mail - snail mail or email - fortnightly! [more inside]
posted by lriG rorriM on Aug 26, 2016 - 1 comment

The Crack of the .bat

My first professionally published short story. It's about robots playing baseball. Well, sort of. But mostly it's about industrial espionage.
posted by Gin and Comics on Aug 18, 2016 - 2 comments

A Year of Stories: Cobalt Blue

At the beginning of the year I decided to write one short story, every weekday, until December 31st (260 stories). To help motivate me, I'm releasing twelve Collections of these stories on Amazon. I've been at this since January, and so far I'm 135 stories in. This is Collection one, if you like it, it would be awesome if you could leave a review. Also, if you're interested in following the project in real-time, you can see all the stories here.
posted by socalsamba on Jul 11, 2016 - 0 comments

A Writing Forum

A small, informal and friendly writing forum. If you write, want to write, or once wrote and have stopped and are looking to start again and need some encouragement, or if you enjoy reading short pieces of writing, come and join us! [more inside]
posted by marienbad on May 8, 2016 - 0 comments

The Cut: A Play by Patrick Cleary

A play I wrote was picked as the third place winner in Rover Dramawerks' First Annual 10 Minute Comedies Festival. They were kind enough to send me a copy of the video they recorded of the show. It's a play about office manners, fate, and snipped neckties.
posted by xingcat on May 4, 2016 - 0 comments

My Kickstarter Project Gamer Theory

From the Kickstarter: "My book is divided into two parts. The first part is a point-by-point response to McKenzie Wark's excellent Gamer Theory (2007, Harvard University Press). The second part offers an expanded definition of Gamer Theory, complete with suggestions for ways the reader can think critically about gaming and still enjoy the hell out of it. " [more inside]
posted by smashthegamestate on May 3, 2016 - 1 comment

The hats of your mortal enemies, turned inside-out and used as flowerpots

A Tumblr with one list a day, almost completely unburdened by truth or common sense. Some examples: nine notable letters and marks; seven guests not to invite to your party; seven lesser-known pirate hoards; three light meals; the seven great societies of time travellers; Instructions for Those Who Wish To Take the Path Through the City and Emerge Unscathed on the Other Side; four lesser-known English Explorers of the Early Victorian Period; six proposals for a transient architecture.
posted by gnimmel on Apr 17, 2016 - 5 comments

Cookbook Title Generator

Today's bestselling cookbooks can seem a little formulaic. The titles start to sound the same. The success of one book begets sequels, riffs and shameless wannabes. With such nakedly formulaic titles, couldn't you assemble a cookbook title by slapping together some diet buzzwords, food trends and publishing tropes? Why, yes you could!
posted by veggieboy on Mar 29, 2016 - 1 comment

The Smoking Moon

The Smoking Moon is an album by Toby Vok, with an accompanying science fiction novelisation by Ted Vaaak. All available for the great price of free (or more, if you so desire). [more inside]
posted by dng on Mar 14, 2016 - 0 comments

Matriarchal Storytelling

These are my findings and observations stemming from my experimental writing in fiction. This is an ongoing series of nonfiction essays about writing fiction in a modern era. I am an author who noticed the stranglehold the Patriarchal style of storytelling had on fiction: a single point of view with a hero who has an evil antagonist and a supporting characters who are less interesting and capable than the protagonist. It limits what a storyteller can do, and as an author, I decided to challenge it by exploring and testing it. [more inside]
posted by Alexandra Kitty on Feb 8, 2016 - 1 comment

Money Boss

Ten years ago in this space, I announced my new money blog called Get Rich Slowly. With your support, that blog grew into a business and a career. Now I've launched a new money blog called Money Boss, which covers "advanced personal finance". Money Boss is about achieving early retirement and financial independence, about mastering your money -- and your life. Because it's great to get rich slowly, but I believe you can do better! [more inside]
posted by jdroth on Jan 19, 2016 - 4 comments

I Butchered a Pig

I butchered a pig this weekend, and decided to write about the process. [more inside]
posted by backseatpilot on Jan 14, 2016 - 5 comments

Chrindie 95: A collection of essays about a seminal year in Christian indie rock.

1995 was also an incredibly important year for the scene we've come to call “Chrindie,” for Christian indie rock. Much has been written about the weird world of contemporary Christian music, but whatever you think it is ,  you’d be surprised by how many genuinely great Chrindie records were released twenty years ago. [more inside]
posted by sleeping bear on Dec 23, 2015 - 0 comments

thank you notes

A daily newsletter of thank you notes about my life. [more inside]
posted by raisindebt on Dec 5, 2015 - 2 comments

A Thousand Solomons

My story, A Thousand Solomons, is up on the Baltimore Science Fiction Society website, as a winner of their Amateur Writing Contest. The contest is held every year, there are cash prizes, the winner's work is published online (for a year), and the winner has the opportunity to read their work at Balticon.
posted by newdaddy on Nov 22, 2015 - 2 comments

Words for Music for Films

Written accompaniment for Brian Eno's classic album Music for Films. [more inside]
posted by hifimofo on Nov 8, 2015 - 2 comments

Trans, Kink, and Poly-inclusive sex ed

I am a Quaker, and the Quaker magazine Friends Journal asked me to review a book on sex ed by a Quaker teacher, Al Vernacchio's For Goodness Sex. As a radical sex-positive poly person whose nuclear family has a 50/50 trans/cis split, I found Vernacchio's mildly progressive approach inadequate, and said so. Plainly, in keeping with Quaker tradition.
posted by not that girl on Nov 5, 2015 - 2 comments

I self-published my first comic, The Offbeat Path!

I've been drawing and posting comics for a while, and I finally had enough decent material to make a book out of it. It's 26 pages worth of autobiography, dreams, and musings on the culture I live in. You can download the book (a pdf) for a buck fifty from my Gumroad page, or you can go to my Tumblr and poke around in my archive to see most of the stories included.
posted by KHAAAN! on Sep 23, 2015 - 0 comments

Jordan Harper on bandits, crime fic's race problem, and fuck Mickey Spilane

I interviewed crime author and fellow MeFite Jordan Harper for The Life Sentence.
posted by klangklangston on Aug 12, 2015 - 1 comment

I'm Getting Really Tired Of My Mysterious Flakey Friend

Having friends can be hard! Especially when your friend is constantly jetting off to exotic destinations or cleaning guns or scaling office buildings n black turtlenecks....
posted by The Whelk on Jun 18, 2015 - 14 comments

Finding Miller

The story behind a very very good, very very bad, day that began with AskeMe. [more inside]
posted by trinity8-director on May 31, 2015 - 5 comments

The Cat Vs Kirk

A man watches a movie. A cat takes a nap. Who used their time more wisely? [more inside]
posted by Kiablokirk on May 6, 2015 - 0 comments

Generic Screenshot Domain

Need a URL for your project? Manual? Screenshot? Want to make sure it won't redirect to anything sketchy? Well, for at least two years, you can use www.genericscreenshotdomain.com and know that it'll stay exactly what it is. [more inside]
posted by Katemonkey on Feb 18, 2015 - 1 comment

smiling face withface

Randomly generated glitch emoji, automatically posted to Tumblr. GHFACE. STEAM LOSKI BOOT. OCTONT MOON. A conversation. [more inside]
posted by aparrish on Feb 2, 2015 - 3 comments

Litblog Roundup

What's happening at the intersection of literary culture and the internet? I've started a new bi-weekly blog series intended to address that topic and more. It's called "Litblog Roundup." [more inside]
posted by dylan_k on Jan 5, 2015 - 0 comments


esoteric.codes is my blog about esolangs (esoteric programming languages), aimed at a less technical audience. Esolangs are created by programmers at play, challenging conventions of coding, looking at how we communicate with the machine, and indulging the strangest what-if scenarios in code. The blog looks at the ideas behind these languages and explores connections to code art and conceptual practices -- but it is also a fanzine to my favorite languages. It features interviews with the original designers (recently: Ben Olmsead of Malbolge, coming up soon David Morgan-Mar of Piet and Whenever) alongside posts about common themes between languages (e.g. languages that produce no output). It was recently awarded the 2014 Arts Writers Grant.
posted by rottytooth on Jan 5, 2015 - 0 comments

The Art is Not The Artist: On Holding Abusers Accountable & Enjoying Problematic Media

This is the thought process I go through when I’m considering the creative output of a horrible individual, and the questions I ask myself about whether I can consume the work in good conscience. [more inside]
posted by Juliet Banana on Dec 29, 2014 - 4 comments

The Finest Art, the Dumbest Writing

Were making comic books! But more importantly, for here, a comedy companion blog to hone our skills. Follow as Daniel takes his work more seriously, and Ken takes his less seriously.
posted by tbatc on Sep 23, 2014 - 0 comments

ITP Code Poetry Slam 2014

I'm organizing a code poetry slam in New York City on November 14. Submissions are now open. Judges, special guests, etc. to be announced. Stay tuned. [more inside]
posted by TheMadStork on Sep 20, 2014 - 2 comments

Magehollow: A Web Serial

Magehollow is an ongoing work of serial fiction that explores a young girl's introduction to the world of magic. It's a bit of modern-day fantasy that's about a quarter of the way through its run now. [more inside]
posted by billybunny on Aug 22, 2014 - 0 comments

This Is What Anne Frank's Arrest Looked Like

70 years ago, Anne Frank and her family were arrested after more than two years in hiding in Amsterdam. But what did their arrest really look like? I write about it for mental_floss.
posted by mynameisluka on Aug 4, 2014 - 0 comments

Go Ahead, read my stuff.

This is just a tumblr I've put up to put up anecdotes for my grandchildren to read. Saves me the trouble of having to remember all the details when I'm 80, I hope, I can hand the kids an iPad with all the tales neatly formatted and pictures alongside. The next generation of grandpa's knee! Of course, that's the excuse I use on myself: that someone will want to read them. So, I thought I'd stick it up here and let you folks look and critique my writing/style/whatever.
posted by pjern on Jul 23, 2014 - 7 comments

Dickens.me: Collaborative serial storytelling

Dickens.me is a community creative writing project to craft an interactive adventure in the style of the "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories, with authors writing chapters of up to 400 words that each end in two choices for the reader.
posted by quarantine on Jun 15, 2014 - 0 comments

Lapsed Historian - Because History is Fun. Honest.

A website for long form history writing, such as The Longest Forecast, the story of the Meteorologist Eisenhower challenged to find the right day for D-Day. Also for sharing interesting history pieces found elsewhere as well. [more inside]
posted by garius on Jun 6, 2014 - 0 comments

March Madness Bracket: The Greatest Fictional Colleges of All Time

Many hours were wasted making seedings and filling out spreadsheets and unartfully ms-painting to create this bracket of fake colleges, universities battling it out for dominance. Here it is! Despite being full of errors, it is definitive. [more inside]
posted by Potomac Avenue on Mar 26, 2014 - 2 comments


This is my blog covering the Conservative Dinosaur Readiness Movement. It is a satirical blog about a right wing survivalist group that is paranoid that dinosaurs are going to return somehow and conquer earth. While it is satire, I also try to incorporate good science when I can, I interview legit people in the paleontology field such as Kirk Johnson and Peter Larson. [more inside]
posted by DinoswtfEd on Feb 7, 2014 - 3 comments

2003 Trans Zines Article

I ran across what I think is a previously unpublished article I wrote in 2003 giving an overview of what was at the time the previous 15 years of zines on topics related to trans issues. It also lumps in drag with transsexual and transgender writing, which might be problematic, but it does illustrate how drag was a topic covered earlier in zines than trans topics.
posted by larrybob on Feb 6, 2014 - 0 comments

LitKit: A Curated Index of the Literary Blogosphere

Even in the midst of some technological turbulence (see also: “blogging is dead,” “Google Reader is gone“) there remains a vibrant and enjoyable literary blogosphere. You can still subscribe to a huge number of blogs and join the conversation. I’ve created a tool to help make it easy to do this, so you can get back to reading and posting. Using Silliman’s Blogroll as a starting point, I’ve created an OPML file. This file is a big list of all the RSS feeds of all the blogs on Silliman’s list. The file is designed to be imported into your blog reader of choice. Since Google Reader isn’t around anymore, I recommend Feedly (my current favorite) or Digg Reader (also very good).
posted by dylan_k on Jan 21, 2014 - 1 comment

Openings: first lines from books, articles, poems, songs, movies

A collection of great first lines. Just launched this week. If you want to recommend a first line, please comment! Excited to share my first project with you, I've been an AskMeFi lurker for years.
posted by c95008 on Jan 9, 2014 - 11 comments

Writing Blocks

A text drafting tool so minimalist that the words you're writing are invisible [more inside]
posted by raisindebt on Nov 19, 2013 - 13 comments

NaNoWriMo Doom Clock

I made this for myself when flirting with the prospect of writing last autumn, but I felt compelled to clean it up and share it with the world for this year's contest. Starting November 1, it's going to start counting up from zero to 50,000, which will be reached at midnight on the 1st of December. It was designed as a tool to inspire, but I think the actual effect might be more troubling. I guess that depends whether you're on pace or behind.
posted by blue t-shirt on Oct 24, 2013 - 8 comments

your next sentence

A web app to help blocked fiction writers write the next sentence (and the one after that, and the one after that...) [more inside]
posted by raisindebt on Oct 12, 2013 - 0 comments

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