116 posts tagged with Fiction.
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Fuck Everyone in the Entire History of Humanity™
Storgy has published my short story, “Love, Anger, and Pity; or Fuck Everyone in the Entire History of Humanity”. Coincidentally, it was published the same day the U.S. Supreme Court ruled offensive trademarks must be allowed, invalidating a plot point in my story.
This year's sacrifice to Cthulhu is sponsored by…
In my story “Who Weeps for Cthulhu?”, the old gods have returned, but perhaps there is a greater horror. Featuring Trader Joe’s tequila and turkey kielbasa, plus mariachi music.
Burning the Days
Dual-function site: New mailing list of my creative writing and limited archive of my past writing projects (Victory Shag, Wrestle the Future to the Fucking Ground, etc.) -- fiction, poetry, love letters, what have you. [more inside]
The Seers Catalogue
An multimedia storybook and its inscrutable magazine, The Seers Catalogue is a world of weights and measures, strange encounters and necromantic cabals, where the key to all secrets is an obtuse and enthralling magazine. [more inside]
CC: Otherworlds
Original weird and wonderful art and stories in the mail - snail mail or email - fortnightly! [more inside]
The Crack of the .bat
My first professionally published short story. It's about robots playing baseball. Well, sort of. But mostly it's about industrial espionage.
The Museum of All Things Awesome and that Go Boom!
Released today, The Museum of All Things Awesome and That Go Boom is an anthology of science fiction featuring blunt force trauma, explosions, adventure, derring-do, tigers, Martians, zombies, fanged monsters, dinosaurs (alien and domestic), ray guns, rocket ships, and anthropomorphized marshmallows. [more inside]
A Year of Stories: Cobalt Blue
At the beginning of the year I decided to write one short story, every weekday, until December 31st (260 stories). To help motivate me, I'm releasing twelve Collections of these stories on Amazon. I've been at this since January, and so far I'm 135 stories in. This is Collection one, if you like it, it would be awesome if you could leave a review. Also, if you're interested in following the project in real-time, you can see all the stories here.
The Smoking Moon
The Smoking Moon is an album by Toby Vok, with an accompanying science fiction novelisation by Ted Vaaak. All available for the great price of free (or more, if you so desire). [more inside]
MacAvoy and Me
Tea with the Black Dragon Author R.A.Macavoy asked me to work with her on a book... (I KNOW, right?!?!) We've now finished. [more inside]
Matriarchal Storytelling
These are my findings and observations stemming from my experimental writing in fiction. This is an ongoing series of nonfiction essays about writing fiction in a modern era.
I am an author who noticed the stranglehold the Patriarchal style of storytelling had on fiction: a single point of view with a hero who has an evil antagonist and a supporting characters who are less interesting and capable than the protagonist. It limits what a storyteller can do, and as an author, I decided to challenge it by exploring and testing it. [more inside]
The Sockdolager Quarterly, a magazine of short genre fiction
After three invitation-only anthologies organized by founding editor Paul Starr, in 2015 The Sockdolager made three key changes: an additional editor (Alison Wilgus), open submissions, and a quarterly release schedule. As of December 15th, with Issue #4, we've completed our first year! [more inside]
The Unhappy Bride and other tales
An unhappy bride weeps beneath the moon on her wedding night. A priest who should know better leaves the safety of his church to follow a cat out into the city and see where it is it goes. A lonely girl sits at her window and wishes, just once, to go to the ball. And is that the devil on the road, waiting for you as you make your way home…
The Unhappy Bride and other tales is a collection of contemporary fairy tales, in which you'll find Queens and Kings, wolves and cats, the devil himself, even the stars made flesh.
You’ll find love here, too, so much love. And with it always sadness. [more inside]
Words for Music for Films
Written accompaniment for Brian Eno's classic album Music for Films. [more inside]
His daughter is a Jedi. She's missing. He's dead. And the Star Wars Universe is real. The Padawan Project.
Officially, this is all fiction, but Thomas would insist otherwise. Read his story. Examine these drawings by his daughter Mercy (who he claims has been missing for months.) Can anyone help figure out where she is?
sub-Q Magazine
An interactive magazine for interactive fiction. Previous authors include Vajra Chandrasekera, Porpentine, and Yoon Ha Lee. And Emily Short thinks we're cool! [more inside]
Jordan Harper on bandits, crime fic's race problem, and fuck Mickey Spilane
I interviewed crime author and fellow MeFite Jordan Harper for The Life Sentence.
"Faust: The Movie" Available for Preview and Pre-Ordering on SmashWords
My first novel, "Faust: The Movie," will be released on the next upcoming Friday 13th (November 13, 2015) but is available for preview and pre-release purchase now through SmashWords. Work on this project started over 13 years ago, when I'd originally intended to write the story as a work of short fiction for the liner notes to a concept album named "Faust" that my wife and I released together in 2002, as the indie pop duo Tangmeenie. The album was intended to be the soundtrack to the movie that features in the story.
Space Temple
I made an interactive fiction story with Twine. It's about finding out a childhood friend you lost touch with has died, and playing through an old video game you started together but never finished. [more inside]
Jupiter, Floating Islands of Grease, and Angeloids - A Serial Web Novel
Some time back I read how if there was life in Jupiter's atmosphere, it might live on floating islands of congealed hydrocarbons. Next thing I knew, I was writing a serial novel (new posts on M, W, F) with that as a starting point. Of course once you get humans living in Jupiter's atmosphere, humans modified to have wings becomes a short next step.
The Rainbow at The Weird Fiction Review
I wrote a story! And it got published! Hooray!
It's about cruise ships. And corn dogs. And the disposability of human labor under capitalism. And eyelashes. And sex. [more inside]
You Gotta Wear Shades
For two years running I've published genre fiction anthologies on the internet, and now the third one is out! It's called You Gotta Wear Shades, and it's about the kind of problems you want to have. It opens with a great story about a camping trip on Mars by Metafilter's Own Narrative Priorities, and follows that up with six more tales of brighter futures. [more inside]
ITP Code Poetry Slam 2014
I'm organizing a code poetry slam in New York City on November 14. Submissions are now open. Judges, special guests, etc. to be announced. Stay tuned. [more inside]
Magehollow: A Web Serial
Magehollow is an ongoing work of serial fiction that explores a young girl's introduction to the world of magic. It's a bit of modern-day fantasy that's about a quarter of the way through its run now. [more inside]
'Status' (short film)
"In the near future social networking has moved out of the virtual world and into the physical. A confronting portrait of a world we may soon know too well. Welcome to the evolution." Winner of the Jury Prize Best Sci-Fi Short Maelstrom IFF 2011 - Winner Best Screenplay Dark Carnival Indiana IFF 2011 - Official Selection 14 International Festivals including Fantasia Montreal, Bermuda IFF, London Lift Off 2012, Chashama New York, - Eng - 19mins - Director: Richard Williamson- Online Release May 6th 2014. Hope you like it.
March Madness Bracket: The Greatest Fictional Colleges of All Time
Many hours were wasted making seedings and filling out spreadsheets and unartfully ms-painting to create this bracket of fake colleges, universities battling it out for dominance. Here it is! Despite being full of errors, it is definitive. [more inside]
The Establishment of the Doctors Hamilton
A short story of mine in the Lovecraft eZine, regarding the medical establishment of Innsmouth in 1846.
Send me an email with your manuscript attached, and I'll print it out and mail it to your publisher for you. [more inside]
A History of the Future in 100 Objects
What are the 100 objects that future historians will pick to define our 21st century? A javelin thrown by an enhanced Paralympian, far further than any normal human? Virtual reality interrogation equipment used by police forces? The world's most expensive glass of water, mined from the moons of Mars? Or desire modification drugs that fuel a brand new religion? [more inside]
Blood in the Sandbox : a dystopian novella
I wrote this before I knew of the Hunger Games. If you like dystopian science fiction and medieval combat, you should give it a try.
NaNoWriMo Doom Clock
I made this for myself when flirting with the prospect of writing last autumn, but I felt compelled to clean it up and share it with the world for this year's contest. Starting November 1, it's going to start counting up from zero to 50,000, which will be reached at midnight on the 1st of December. It was designed as a tool to inspire, but I think the actual effect might be more troubling. I guess that depends whether you're on pace or behind.
Puzzle Box: Eleven Pieces of Short Fiction
Last year I edited a collection of short stories called The Ships We Sail. It was so much fun I decided to do it again, and so I did, with a new, longer anthology entitled Puzzle Box. [more inside]
Twitch of the Death Nerve
Exploring strange byways of horror with author Max Sparber. I look at horror-themed art, cult films that never really found their cult audience, disquieting comics, and write two-sentence horror stories, along with a amiscellany of other oddities from the world of horror.
A 5 minute scifi film. Two cops jump back in time to investigate a cold case. [more inside]
My words in your inbox.
For the past decade or so I've been off-and-on sending out various writing projects to subscribers' inboxes. I've now merged my mailing lists into one and have re-opened subscriptions, which had been closed since 2010. [more inside]
'56: A Story of the Hungarian Revolution
My book is based on the stories told by my family and their friends, refugees who escaped from Communist Hungary during the revolution, as well as fragments that I found in books and interviews of others. Many incidents actually happened, many did not, but my goal in writing it is not historical accuracy: I want to share the stories of the Hungarian freedom fighters of '56 in a way that reflects their courage and humanity into our century, because they deserve to be remembered.
The Ships We Sail - an Anthology of Stories about Love in Transit
Over the summer, I packed my hard drive with NASA technical documents and wrote a novella-length story about a manned mission to Mars. Now that and six other stories of adventure and romance are available as an ebook, of which we are very proud! [more inside]
Aztec novel launching soon
I created this blog to allow fans of historical fiction to track the imminent publication of my novel 'New Fire'. You can read the first four chapters of the novel and sign up for a chance to win one of ten free, signed copies. Warfare, religion, politics and adventure. [more inside]
Stoplight Stories
26 tales, each starting with a letter of the alphabet, each written in one sitting. [more inside]
Stories and Essays based on Therapy
Barbara Latham is a therapist from New Zealand who practices in London. (She is also my mother-in-law, and I am also her editor). She's a published writer of short stories who recently asked me to start putting them up on a bare bones website. Here they are. [more inside]
Public Books
A curated monthly review devoted to spirited debate about books and the arts, created by and for a transnational community of writers, artists, and activists. Inaugural contributors include Tobias Kelly, Bruce Robbins, Lawrence Weschler (interviewing Errol Morris), Laura Norén, David Henkin, Adam Morris, and Sharon Marcus. Brought to you by the editors of Public Culture and NYU's Institute for Public Knowledge. [more inside]
The Innsmouth Ladies’ Guide to Household Management
A brief and genteel short story by me in Issue 10 of Innsmouth Magazine.
BrainTripping: Markov-chain your own path through the words of famous people.
Step inside the "brain" of Jesus, the Pope, Kurt Cobain, or Tupac to come up with your own sentences and stories. Words are suggested based on the language patterns of the brain (and you are limited to their vocabulary). There's a learning curve, but once you get past it, hilarious times can be had. Read my introduction post or check out the tutorial to get started. [more inside]
The trailer for my novel KINO
My novel Kino will be published by Atticus Books on Tuesday. It's about a German silent film director whose movies are believed lost during World War II -- until his granddaughter receives a print of his 1927 debut The Tulip Thief under mysterious circumstances... [more inside]
The Journal of Dystopics
A look at a dystopian future as presented entirely through primary sources. Make money on the orphan exchange! See the wonder-fish! Get married to a corporation! Consume canned beets! [more inside]
Fifty-two songs, Fifty-two stories
Every week in 2012 I'm going to pick a song, at random or by request, post the video for that song, and write a short story inspired by it. [more inside]
Zombies in Afghanistan
The outbreak of the undead in Afghanistan in 2007 shortly after a skirmish between the U.S. Army and the Taliban caused an international outcry. A village with a secret became the latest battlefield in the War on Terror. No one could predict how that battle would transform the world.
Some charged that the military deliberately weaponized zombies, a war crime. Others thought the Army didn’t do enough to stop the outbreak. Rumors abound of the Taliban trying to make the undead into a new terrorist weapon. Today, hordes of the undead roam the region, threatening to destabilize every government in the region. You be the judge. Find out what really happened in this leaked interview with an eyewitness to the outbreak. [more inside]
Function, Oden
At 10 years, 11 months, this may be the world's slowest story. [more inside]
Mirrorshards: The Book
I've been running Mirrorshards, my daily microfiction site (previously), for over three years now, relatively quickly closing in on publishing my 1000th story. [more inside]
Choose Your Own Adventure By Committee
I'm writing a story with help from friends and strangers on the internet. Every weekday, I'm posting 100-600 words and soliciting votes for what the main character should do next. [more inside]