30 posts tagged with ebook.
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"The trouble is, however, that I feel that I have something to say"

A 2017 post on the Blue linked to an essay (archive.org!) about a kinda mysterious 1886 American book, The Story of Don Miff, highlighting its unusual "postmodern" elements. I made a proper proof-read ebook, not previously available, that you can get at >> gutenberg.org <<. [more inside]
posted by sylvanshine on May 12, 2024 - 1 comment

Winter Superstitions: A Choose Your Own Fate Book

Every year I go a little extra for my holiday cards. This year I created a choose-your-own-adventure mini-book based on winter/holiday superstitions. Do you pet the cat? Clean up the pine needles? Your choices determine if you live to see a happy New Year or if you'll be departing this world before the sun comes up. [more inside]
posted by haplesschild on Dec 18, 2023 - 3 comments

Dog of the Dead

My first novel in a new fantasy series called "Ms. Whitaker's Last Year" is up on Kindle! Martha Whitaker is a middle school English teacher who refuses to let anything interfere with what she thinks is important, not even her own possible death, an immense egg on her kitchen table, or a mob of the deceased trying to retrieve their escaped dog. Martha is both utterly focused and utterly wrongheaded, but she will do anything, including braving the bleak concourses of the Afterlife, to help out the various young people who rely on her.
posted by Peach on Apr 9, 2022 - 3 comments

Free e-book "Short Stories Collected by brainwane: A 2020 Meta-Collection"

You might also like... A crowd-sourced short story MetaFilter meta-collection spreadsheet! Anyone can add to it directly. Or add to it by filling out this form. Sort by publisher, author, word count, audio, buyability, and more. [more inside]
posted by aniola on Nov 2, 2020 - 3 comments

A Field Guide to Freelancer Finances - a book

I edited a book for freelancers to help them figure out things like how to price, how to chase payment and how to make sense of their accounting reports. It's pretty comprehensive, and it's free to download. [more inside]
posted by ukdanae on May 27, 2016 - 1 comment

Handle Your Business: a short book about managing your tiny business

A few years ago a friend of mine who owns a small consulting business was freaking out about their tax bill. Another posted about *their* huge tax bill and how they were going to have to go on a payment plan. Then a third was trying to figure out their retirement options. My book Handle Your Business is for them, and if you run (or want to run) a small business, it's for you too. [more inside]
posted by zrail on May 4, 2016 - 0 comments

Self Published Children's Book - I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee ...and a few friends!

Almost a year ago i asked a question about self publishing. And now I have. [more inside]
posted by pyro979 on Mar 6, 2016 - 5 comments

April 86 - You get a free Kindle book, I get published

I'm trying to get my new novel April 86 published through Amazon's new Kindle Scout program. If you go to the link and click "Nominate Me", and enough other people do so, you will all get a free copy of the book. So what's the book about? Read on . . . [more inside]
posted by Outlawyr on Sep 6, 2015 - 7 comments

Dancing with Cannibals

Dicho Ilunga’s Dancing with Cannibals brings an African perspective to telling the story of the most horrifying chapter in the European colonization of the African continent. [more inside]
posted by morganw on Apr 27, 2015 - 0 comments

Soles Series of Stories

My small press, Upper Rubber Boot Books, has just released the first nine titles in the Soles Series of Stories, which comprises standalone ebook short stories spanning the speculative fiction gamut, including science fiction, literary stories using SFnal tropes, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic, steampunk, slipstream, alternate history, utopian and dystopian, fantasy, and horror. [more inside]
posted by joannemerriam on Jun 6, 2014 - 0 comments

A Travelogue - 49 Days in Southern Chile and Argentina

A short video and photo/words ebook about 7 weeks solo trekking in Patagonia. Video above - Ebook can be downloaded in pdf form here.
posted by saul wright on Dec 20, 2013 - 0 comments

Puzzle Box: Eleven Pieces of Short Fiction

Last year I edited a collection of short stories called The Ships We Sail. It was so much fun I decided to do it again, and so I did, with a new, longer anthology entitled Puzzle Box. [more inside]
posted by Sokka shot first on Sep 19, 2013 - 1 comment

Small Landmarks is my first book

I just published an ebook, small landmarks. It's a visual journal of photography and notebook writing, a meditative account of walking with a camera, finding things, and making connections. I wrote about my experience of publishing it on the Apple iBookstore using iBooks Author, including a few problems I ran into because of the unconventional nature of the book. [more inside]
posted by oulipian on Sep 8, 2013 - 0 comments

The Daring Adventures of Captain Lucy Smokeheart

A fun piratey ebook serial and treasure hunt! Puzzles! Swashbuckling! Carnivorous mermaids! The Royal German Marinological Society! Ridiculous amounts of chocolate! [more inside]
posted by Andrhia on Aug 1, 2013 - 1 comment

Herebe: all you need to get started is a great idea.

There are dragons in Silicon Valley. Real, flapping, scaly ones, with teeth and claws; the kind that'll burn your Lower Haight apartment to cinders before you can pivot your way out of there. What's more, it looks like they can be harnessed and sold as a service. Can you say "opportunity"? Herebe is a short novel about Silicon Valley, startups, the battle for ideas ... and dragons. It's my first, and I would love MetaFilter's collective opinion. You can buy it on Amazon.com.
posted by bwerdmuller on Jul 13, 2013 - 2 comments

Frisch & Co. Electronic Books

I've recently launched my first book at my new ebook-only publishing house. Dedicated to publishing only literature in English translation and selling the books DRM-free and worldwide, I've partnered with prestigious publishing houses in Germany, Spain, Italy, and Brazil to bring the best of contemporary world literature to, well, anybody anywhere, if they can read English and have an ereading device. [more inside]
posted by mekanic on Apr 26, 2013 - 2 comments

Our Curious Obsession With the Ridiculous

For its ten-year anniversary, online magazine The Millions has kicked off its new series of shorter-form ebook originals with: Epic Fail: Bad Art, Viral Fame, and the History of the Worst Thing Ever. [more inside]
posted by cmaxmagee on Feb 4, 2013 - 0 comments

Apocalypse Now: Poems and Prose from the End of Days

Our apocalyptic anthology is just out! Contains Margaret Atwood's "The Silver Astroturfer," Paolo Bacigalupi's "The People of Sand and Slag," Joyce Carol Oates' "Thanksgiving," Simone Muench's "Wolf Centos," and writing from 32 other authors. [more inside]
posted by joannemerriam on Dec 24, 2012 - 1 comment

The Ships We Sail - an Anthology of Stories about Love in Transit

Over the summer, I packed my hard drive with NASA technical documents and wrote a novella-length story about a manned mission to Mars. Now that and six other stories of adventure and romance are available as an ebook, of which we are very proud! [more inside]
posted by Narrative Priorities on Nov 21, 2012 - 1 comment


Hey! I wrote another book! My first book Why Not A Spider Monkey Jesus? was about a talking chimpanzee who becomes a televangelist. My new book NewTown is about a cybernetic man-plane battling a con artist for control of an alien spacecraft. Available as a Print Edition or ebook with cover art by Michael Kupperman!
posted by Fuzzy Monster on Oct 30, 2012 - 1 comment

Aztec novel launching soon

I created this blog to allow fans of historical fiction to track the imminent publication of my novel 'New Fire'. You can read the first four chapters of the novel and sign up for a chance to win one of ten free, signed copies. Warfare, religion, politics and adventure. [more inside]
posted by PhilD66 on Sep 25, 2012 - 4 comments

Stoplight Stories

26 tales, each starting with a letter of the alphabet, each written in one sitting. [more inside]
posted by xingcat on Aug 15, 2012 - 6 comments

Book about MetaFilter Thread Now on Kindle

Life-Altering Experiences is free for the weekend in honor of MetaFilter's 13-year anniversary. The book is based on one of MetaFilter's most fascinating threads. [more inside]
posted by philosophistry on Jul 13, 2012 - 4 comments

WAKING UP: the ebook and Minecraft map

My digital short story Waking Up launched today on Amazon, and to accompany the 14K-word ebook is a hellaciously difficult Minecraft map (by evil mastermind Vechs, of course) based on the world of the story. [more inside]
posted by mothershock on May 14, 2012 - 2 comments

GIFT -- the book, the music, the Minecraft map!

Today marks the official publication of my new young adult novel GIFT, a multimedia ebook featuring original music, art -- and a playable Minecraft map of the world of the book. [more inside]
posted by mothershock on Mar 26, 2012 - 4 comments

Zombies in Afghanistan

The outbreak of the undead in Afghanistan in 2007 shortly after a skirmish between the U.S. Army and the Taliban caused an international outcry. A village with a secret became the latest battlefield in the War on Terror. No one could predict how that battle would transform the world. Some charged that the military deliberately weaponized zombies, a war crime. Others thought the Army didn’t do enough to stop the outbreak. Rumors abound of the Taliban trying to make the undead into a new terrorist weapon. Today, hordes of the undead roam the region, threatening to destabilize every government in the region. You be the judge. Find out what really happened in this leaked interview with an eyewitness to the outbreak. [more inside]
posted by clockworkjoe on Feb 4, 2012 - 0 comments

140 And Counting: very very short fiction and poetry, but lots of it.

Maybe you were given an e-reader today, and you're looking for stuff to read on it? Well, I've been running a weekdaily, online literary-and-speculative magazine since July 2009 called Seven by Twenty, which uses Twitter as its publishing platform. Since writing has to fit in a tweet, it by necessity focuses on very, very short stories and short-form poetry (haiku and scifaiku are especially perfect lengths). Now I've published an ebook anthology of the 140 best pieces from the first two years of the magazine's history (plus one more for luck). [more inside]
posted by joannemerriam on Dec 25, 2011 - 0 comments

Zombies of the World: A field guide to the undead.

A full color heavily illustrated book that describes 20 species of undead, their history, evolution, survival tips and more. It's already receiving great reviews like this and this. Zombies of the World reveals the undead to be a valuable part of our ecosystem and the key to new discoveries in medicine and technology. Few outside the scientific community even realize that creatures like the Egyptian Mummy (Mortifera mumia aegyptus) are actually zombies. Some species are even harmless to humans. The Dancing Zombie (Mortifera immortalis choreographicus) only seeks to thrill us with elaborate dance routines. Even if we could annihilate all zombies, we would lose knowledge potentially vital to our own survival. After decades of research, we have no idea why zombies never tire or stop. They possess an endless source of energy to shamble or (in some cases) sprint after us. Unlocking this mystery could benefit all humanity.The web series on Youtube further explains these mysteries. [more inside]
posted by clockworkjoe on Jul 18, 2011 - 2 comments

“We will always have been who we are.”

The ten thousand things; the one true only; the Good Neighbours, yes yes, of course: but also violence, and power, and yes genderfuck, and hearts broken cleanly (and otherwise), the city of Portland, The F--rie Queene, those moments in pop songs when the bass and all of the drums except maybe a handclap suddenly drop out of the bridge leaving you hanging from a slender aching thread of melody waiting almost dreading the moment when the beat comes back, and the occasional bit of swordplay— City of Roses is an epic urban fantasy serial zine set rather firmly in Portland, Oregon. The first eleven chapters have now been gathered together in an EPUB-formatted ebook for your handheld reading convenience. [more inside]
posted by kipmanley on May 30, 2011 - 0 comments

Why Not A Spider Monkey Jesus?

Hey! I wrote a book! "Why Not A Spider Monkey Jesus?" first appeared as a 30 page excerpt in McSweeney's #11. Now you can get the complete book from www.agpbooks.com! Written by A.G. Pasquella (that's me) with cover art by Michael Kupperman. Available as a Print Edition or in PDF, EPUB, or Kindle editions! Stop by my blog! Let me know what you think. Why not order "Why Not A Spider Monkey Jesus?"
posted by Fuzzy Monster on May 25, 2010 - 7 comments

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