15 posts tagged with Fiction and novel.
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Newsletter about passages in fiction

I've started a newsletter about influential passages in fiction as they relate to the craft of writing. One post every Tuesday. Each a five-minute read. [more inside]
posted by mr_bovis on Dec 1, 2022 - 3 comments

Dog of the Dead

My first novel in a new fantasy series called "Ms. Whitaker's Last Year" is up on Kindle! Martha Whitaker is a middle school English teacher who refuses to let anything interfere with what she thinks is important, not even her own possible death, an immense egg on her kitchen table, or a mob of the deceased trying to retrieve their escaped dog. Martha is both utterly focused and utterly wrongheaded, but she will do anything, including braving the bleak concourses of the Afterlife, to help out the various young people who rely on her.
posted by Peach on Apr 9, 2022 - 3 comments

The Stick Princess

The third book in the Ways of Magic series is finally available, a mere twenty years late. [more inside]
posted by Peach on Nov 8, 2021 - 4 comments


Four and a half years ago, I thought I was a cis man. Then I wrote a book. [more inside]
posted by Tabitha Someday on May 6, 2020 - 2 comments

The Unleashed

My late-middle-grade / YA urban fantasy novel about the ghosts of Seattle is free to read online. It follows Mira, a ghost who frees herself from the tether that bound her to the place where she died. Mira learns a terrible secret about the ghosts of Seattle and decides to do something about it. [more inside]
posted by gurple on Feb 25, 2019 - 1 comment

Shadow Over the Outlet Mall: A Novel of Lovecraftian Humor

A humorous story of real estate appraisal and cosmic horror inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, 90s adventure games, and some other stuff. [more inside]
posted by dortmunder on Aug 14, 2017 - 11 comments

Jupiter, Floating Islands of Grease, and Angeloids - A Serial Web Novel

Some time back I read how if there was life in Jupiter's atmosphere, it might live on floating islands of congealed hydrocarbons. Next thing I knew, I was writing a serial novel (new posts on M, W, F) with that as a starting point. Of course once you get humans living in Jupiter's atmosphere, humans modified to have wings becomes a short next step.
posted by EwanG on Apr 21, 2015 - 5 comments

NaNoWriMo Doom Clock

I made this for myself when flirting with the prospect of writing last autumn, but I felt compelled to clean it up and share it with the world for this year's contest. Starting November 1, it's going to start counting up from zero to 50,000, which will be reached at midnight on the 1st of December. It was designed as a tool to inspire, but I think the actual effect might be more troubling. I guess that depends whether you're on pace or behind.
posted by blue t-shirt on Oct 24, 2013 - 8 comments

Aztec novel launching soon

I created this blog to allow fans of historical fiction to track the imminent publication of my novel 'New Fire'. You can read the first four chapters of the novel and sign up for a chance to win one of ten free, signed copies. Warfare, religion, politics and adventure. [more inside]
posted by PhilD66 on Sep 25, 2012 - 4 comments

The trailer for my novel KINO

My novel Kino will be published by Atticus Books on Tuesday. It's about a German silent film director whose movies are believed lost during World War II -- until his granddaughter receives a print of his 1927 debut The Tulip Thief under mysterious circumstances... [more inside]
posted by muckster on Apr 13, 2012 - 1 comment

Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow

My middle grade children's horror novel, Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow, has been published by Knopf and is officially available today! I both wrote and illustrated it, and it's loosely based on my art and animated series, Childrin R Skary. Book trailer here.
posted by katillathehun on Aug 23, 2011 - 2 comments

My new book - The Gleaming

I've just published my new book, The Gleaming Part One - Discovery. It's high fantasy and I'm receiving great feedback so far. Part Two should be out in a couple of weeks.
posted by conifer on Apr 26, 2011 - 0 comments

My first (metafiction) novel free for ereaders

The first iteration of my first novel is out for any curious and adventurous readers. A deluxe book/app is currently in the works. Modern Mythology is a metafiction novel comprised for four parts: modern mythology, a sequel of sorts to Goethe's Faust in the form of poetic screenplay. Small Wood Volumes, a horror tinged bildungsroman set in a small town on the Oregon coast. The Earthman Chronicles, a science fiction jaunt through 1940s Pasadena by way of suburban sprawl, L. Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons and many more. #, prose and poetry dealing with brain damaged souls, the death of education as an institution, artificial life, and creeping madness. The texts can stand alone or together as a whole. [more inside]
posted by chainlinkspiral on Dec 30, 2010 - 0 comments

My mother's novel

In the late 1960's, my mom, young and naive, was arrested entering the US with a little bit of pot. She was thrown into a Texas jail, and threatened with years behind bars. This experience ended up being the basis of an experimental / poetic novel she wrote during the '70s, which was meant to be published in the '80s, but things fell apart and it never actually made it to press. Shortly after that, my parents divorced, and then a few years later, my mother was diagnosed with MS. The novel has been sitting on the back burner for a long time, but is finally available. (It's like time travel.) [more inside]
posted by mdn on Jul 30, 2010 - 1 comment

Post-Apocalypse Dead Letter Office

Post-Apocalypse Dead Letter Office is a speculative/experimental novel in epistolary form written by yours truly and physically realized by dozens of creative Mefi Mail Art group members, Metafilter members and other collaborators. (RSS feed). [more inside]
posted by cog_nate on Oct 23, 2009 - 9 comments

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