215 posts tagged with Blog.
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The Portland Tarot Forecast

A free weekly reading for the whole city. I got the idea because sometimes I'd noticed the same card or cards showing up in different people's readings in the same few days, and I felt like I was glimpsing larger spiritual currents. I wanted to more fully examine that, and also to combine my writing flair with my divinatory reading skills. Warning: Contains mysticism
posted by overglow on Feb 20, 2015 - 2 comments

Drinking My Way Through the Literary 1930's

I have been reading and reviewing drinks from the 1935 recipe book, So Red the Nose, along with the books they are based on. [more inside]
posted by Alexandra Michelle on Jan 31, 2015 - 7 comments


For the past few months I've been blogging my year in romantic comedy. [more inside]
posted by tooloudinhere on Dec 24, 2014 - 2 comments

Lone Wolf and Parenting

Ogami Itto is just a single dad trying to make his way through the world on a quest for vengeance that requires the rejection of human morals. It isn't easy with a young child in tow! This Tumblr highlights the trials and foibles of parenting on the assassin's road. [more inside]
posted by ignignokt on Dec 14, 2014 - 4 comments

Covering Our Tracks

My son and I are building an HO scale model train layout. I've started a blog to document the process. [more inside]
posted by bondcliff on Oct 29, 2014 - 6 comments

I'd Murder For Cinnamon

Yet another food blog. But this time from someone who is obsessed with recreating and eating American-style food while in the UK.
posted by Katemonkey on Sep 23, 2014 - 4 comments

True Music Facts Wednesday

On Wednesday, September 4 last year, I sent a friend a piece of music trivia and (jokingly) claimed that it was "just like we do every Wednesday." Then I decided to actually start doing it. Yesterday marked entry 52 - one year of "True Music Facts Wednesday." All 52 entries are posted at the link, and I have previously posted 3 of the stories to the Blue (1, 2, 3). Other favorites include the genesis of the "Amen Break," the story of Vaughn Meader's rise to (and sudden fall from) superstardom, Blues Traveler's hidden-in-plain-sight taunt in "Hook," the story of Jason Everman's stints with two of grunge's biggest bands, the hip hop #1 that was inspired by Spuds MacKenzie, the joke offer that (maybe, almost) reunited John and Paul in 1976, and the accidental, serendipitous creation of "Puff, the Magic Dragon."
posted by AgentRocket on Sep 4, 2014 - 2 comments

Music blog linking new music of all genres

Hi! I just started a blog that will have short posts for upcoming music releases of all styles of music. It'll be the picture for the new album, plus a small blurb and links to the artists websites and official music videos/legal and official downloads. It'll all be nice and neat with NO links to weird mp3 download sites or illegal download hosting or places you have to sign up or any other scammy stuff. All posts will also be tagged by genre so you can click a genre tag and find a bunch (eventually) of recent releases for that genre. It's a great way to discover and explore new music. Ideally I want to be able to do many posts every day in the long run and have it be a good source of new music, not just a random album here and there. I only started it yesterday and have maybe 15 posts at the moment but I intend to work on it for a few hours every day and hope some people here can check it out and maybe bookmark it for later.
posted by atinna on Aug 22, 2014 - 1 comment

f/5.6: a photoblog

I've been focusing on photography (mostly street photography) for the last few years, and I put together this photoblog to showcase past and current work. For best results, view in correct order. If you only have time to look at one image, I suggest this triptych.
posted by TheMadStork on Jul 11, 2014 - 1 comment

Where Is MH370?

After being annoyed with the sheer amount of misinformation being spread by news agencies and social media about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, myself and a journalist based in Kuala Lumpur have been working together on a blog that debunks some of the common myths, factchecks news sources, and answers reader questions. We work on getting as close to the original source as possible and generally try to stay away from "unnamed officials" or "unnamed sources" as much as we can. [more inside]
posted by divabat on Apr 12, 2014 - 2 comments

Openings: first lines from books, articles, poems, songs, movies

A collection of great first lines. Just launched this week. If you want to recommend a first line, please comment! Excited to share my first project with you, I've been an AskMeFi lurker for years.
posted by c95008 on Jan 9, 2014 - 11 comments

Circle of Useful Knowledge

My wife came into an odd book by this title, self-published in 1888 and filled with weird recipes for cocktails mixed in 10-gallon quantities, household hints, rules of thumb, home remedies, etc. It uses units of measure and ingredients that are obscure or obsolete today, has some laughably bad medicine, and is a view into a different world in general. I'm blogging a couple of entries from it every day.
posted by adamrice on Jan 5, 2014 - 2 comments

Warranty Porn

Warranty Porn is a collecting of super high quality products that come with great warranties. My thesis is that a great warranty is the best product quality indicator there is on the market. [more inside]
posted by Foci for Analysis on Dec 12, 2013 - 5 comments

Tumblr blog for my workplace

I work at a public garden as a gardener. I have recently started up a tumblr blog for the garden in addition to my own personal tumblr blog which I've introduced in a previous Metafilter Projects post. [more inside]
posted by sciencegeek on Nov 17, 2013 - 3 comments

A daddy blogger project for children that ask too many questions

Prompted by my own fears of ignorance, I've started a daddy blog devotes to answering difficult questions such as 'how deep is the sea?'. If you have any suggestions for questions, please hit me up.
posted by Bubbles Devere on Oct 8, 2013 - 4 comments

Un-creative Writing Prompts

Prompts for professional writers in un-creative fields. [more inside]
posted by Eideteker on Aug 20, 2013 - 4 comments

Meditation Stuff Blog

I've been meditating for over a decade, which isn't that long. But now I'm writing about everything I've learned, and I'm linking to all the books that got me to where I am.
posted by zeek321 on Aug 13, 2013 - 3 comments

Movin' Right Along - a blog about full time RV living

Mr. desjardins and I have left our apartment (and most of our belongings) behind and moved into an RV. I started a blog to chronicle how we (and the pets) are adjusting to our new lifestyle. The blog title is from the Muppet Movie song. [more inside]
posted by desjardins on Jul 25, 2013 - 6 comments

Best Left Unsent

Best left Unsent is a repository for all those letters you can't send. Why burn them when you can let the Internet read them? [more inside]
posted by mornie_alantie on Jul 24, 2013 - 1 comment

acb's technical journal

I have started a new technical blog, where I will be documenting various projects I have worked on (typically involving code, though not always). [more inside]
posted by acb on Jul 10, 2013 - 0 comments

A (mostly) Vietnam related photo blog.

Subjects range from daily lives to the rapid development of the country, but I'm not beyond the odd landscape or portrait. Any feedback or criticism would be appreciated. [more inside]
posted by loominpapa on Jun 26, 2013 - 3 comments

Who Are You Supposed To Be?

I have been blogging about the creation of my latest play, a Doctor Who-themed romantic comedy called "Who Are You Supposed to Be?" that is set to debut at the Edinburgh Fringe in August. There are five posts about the project on my blog so far, tagged appropriately. We are also running a fundraiser and there is an IRL event for the show.
posted by crossoverman on Jun 22, 2013 - 2 comments

Stories About Monkeys

I am spending the next 11 months in the rainforest in Cote d'Ivoire studying monkey behavior! I'll be telling (hopefully) exciting stories of monkey chasing, fecal sample collecting, snake spotting, and the challenges of integrating myself into a village on the Liberian-Ivorian border at The Great Blue Erin.
posted by ChuraChura on Jun 19, 2013 - 1 comment

Oracle of Mefi

The Oracle of Mefi is a collection of intelligent, insightful, funny or otherwise interesting comments from all over Mefi. [more inside]
posted by Foci for Analysis on May 22, 2013 - 4 comments

Pieces of ourselves found in the memories of our ancestors

Found in the Past is a blog dedicated to sharing the history of, and stories about, a family. [more inside]
posted by christopherious on May 18, 2013 - 1 comment


Waeguk-in is (a romanization of) the Korean expression that means 'foreigner,' and that's what I am. The site is Wonderchicken Industries™ newest entry into Korea blogging for fun and no profit whatsoever. I've dismantled my old neglected Korea-focused site and built a shiny new one devoted more to fun and interesting Korea-related stuff and less to turgid essays. If you're interested in Korea, come and have a look, or just follow @iamthewaegukin for updates. [more inside]
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on May 14, 2013 - 7 comments

The Lab Bunny

A mystic? A shaman? A makeup artist? An esthetician? A girl wearing A LOT of lipstick? The Lab Bunny is all of these things.
posted by boogah on May 14, 2013 - 1 comment

untold stories of glove and loss

onegloveclapping is a place for revisionist histories of lost gloves. [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on May 8, 2013 - 1 comment

NJW Games | Tabletop RPGs and more

I started this blog to support my game, Blade & Crown, but it's now quite extensive in itself. There are many articles of general use to tabletop RPG gamers, including adventure ideas, gaming history, reviews, worldbuilding, GMing tips & tricks and more.
posted by jiawen on Apr 15, 2013 - 2 comments


Drug stories in MS Paint. [more inside]
posted by Taft on Apr 13, 2013 - 0 comments

Similar Songs

Ten years ago in college, I had a website with clips of similar-sounding pop songs. It was a lot of fun and I received many interesting submissions (more than I ever managed to get online). Surprisingly, since then there have been very few other sites like this, so I'm trying again. Of course, there are a few rules...
posted by pete_22 on Apr 7, 2013 - 5 comments

Offbeat Eats, v3

You last read about Offbeat Eats, my food blog, back in early 2011. On that site, I track the interesting places I've eaten, mostly so that other travelers can find some of the more obscure places I've enjoyed. Since then, the blog has continued to grow (it's over doubled in size), and with it more than a few growing pains on the backend as various things didn't scale well. Since I've been stuck at home waiting for a kidney stone issue to resolve, this was finally a time to resolve it. Mostly based upon feedback from my earlier post, I've migrated it to the newest Google Maps API (faster), implemented map autozooming (cooler), and implemented marker clustering to reduce clutter on most of the maps (which were starting to look like the dartboard at an old bar with too many pins on them). I'm looking for more feedback and ideas.
posted by kaszeta on Mar 21, 2013 - 0 comments

Links To The Damn Paper

Hello and welcome to Links to the Damn Paper, an open discussion community showcasing the best in freely-available biology research. If you’ve ever tried to have a discussion about science on the Web and been stymied and frustrated by inaccessible articles, misrepresentation of research in science journalism, or a community that seems uninterested in digging into the actual research behind a topic, then welcome: you are our people. If you’ve ever wished for a place to talk about the Science of Life where you could be sure that the actual articles were available, where compelling research was presented in a way that allowed it to speak for itself, and where you could discuss science with actual scientists and with other people who are passionate about science for its own sake, then you have found your haven. [more inside]
posted by Blasdelb on Feb 19, 2013 - 10 comments

Directing Hamlet -- a pre-production and production blog

My NYC-based theatre company will be producing Shakespeare's "Hamlet" in April, and I've decided to post my notes about the process online. If you'd like to read from the beginning, start here. [more inside]
posted by grumblebee on Feb 3, 2013 - 0 comments

Convoy Conquest!

My friend and I are in the process of eating at every restaurant on San Diego's Convoy St. (an Asian-food mecca of sorts), Jonathan Gold-style. [more inside]
posted by exceptinsects on Dec 31, 2012 - 0 comments

Sausage Pranks

A food blog for fake-meat lovers and daring vegetarians. Filling the meat alternative niche, Sausage Pranks features super-easy, accessible vegetarian and vegan faux-meat dishes. Bittman and Isla Chandra Moskowitz are inspirations, and the blog will soon include product and restaurant reviews, asian- and spice-market field trips, and other fun outings.
posted by lunalaguna on Dec 30, 2012 - 1 comment

Socialism In One Blog

A group blog written by some of the comrades from /r/Communism. I thought having a forum for extended writings by people at /r/Communism was a nice idea and after proposing it and having quite a few people interested, we set up a little home on the net. There is no single line pushed by the blog, each user has their own perspective. The project is an attempt at exposition and dialog. Current writings include: Pacifism as Privilege, Tibetan Feudalism, Marxism and Oppression, Violence in Media, the Zeitgeist Movement, and more.
posted by symbioid on Dec 5, 2012 - 0 comments

Good for Me!

Good for Me is my place for discussing healthy eating, cooking, shopping and dining out in and around Charlotte, NC. I plan to share recipes, photos, and restaurant reviews, along with anything else that relates to my food life. Thanks for joining me!
posted by Daily Alice on Nov 16, 2012 - 3 comments

The Knitting Needle and the Damage Done

I've launched a knitting blog, on which I intend to critique and ridicule patterns from knitting magazines (both print and online) and post items about interesting and varied knitting-related stuff. I set up The Knitting Needle and the Damage Done one week ago, and so far I've posted about a couple of vintage patterns and some knitted science projects, linked to patterns for knitting your own Remembrance Day poppy and a turkey hat for your baby, told stories about knitting on the TTC, and commented on some of the knitting patterns from the Vogue Knitting Holiday 2012 Issue and the Creative Knitting Winter 2012/13 issue. My aim is for the blog is that it should have enough general interest and entertainment value that a non-knitter could read it without pain.;-)
posted by orange swan on Nov 15, 2012 - 9 comments

Studies in Semicolons: On the habits, tools and technologies of doing idea work better

I've started a blog about the world of technology available for academics, researchers and other people who deal with ideas for a living. While there's plenty out there on technology for writers and programmers, I wanted to bring a special focus toward brainstorming, document management and notetaking. I'm gradually expanding into non-technology stuff as the blog grows and progresses. [more inside]
posted by Apropos of Something on Oct 16, 2012 - 0 comments

Pen & Oink

Pen & Oink is a blog on children's illustration I started with two other illustrators. We'll have interviews, tutorials, and book features, among other posts. There's a lot of content about children's books, but we also plan to cover magazines, surface design, animation, and anything else with illustrated content for children.
posted by the_blizz on Oct 14, 2012 - 2 comments


My interviewing website, called Conversus, is a place where people can tell any story they want. My experience interviewing includes as a radio, television, print reporter and as well as a freelance videographer and writer, and through my work as a public affairs officer. Because I have talked to hundreds of people during my career (maybe thousands), I have a good sense for what motivates people to share, namely asking a simple question and then, listening. I have had many five minute conversations with strangers who's stories could've been made into indie film sagas, only to have them disappear never to be seen again. I think these interactions are the stuff that fuel us and give us empathy for each other. [more inside]
posted by CollectiveMind on Oct 1, 2012 - 2 comments

Tiny Fix Bike Gang

Tiny Fix is a bike gang run by female fixed gear cyclists under five-foot-two who work on making Chicago’s bike scene more inclusive and, more importantly, way more fun. We blog at tinyfixbikegang.com, organize bar nights and group rides, volunteer for bike events, and throw alleycat races that anyone can ride. [more inside]
posted by misskaz on Sep 19, 2012 - 2 comments

Tilting at Werewolves

Looking at Teen Paranormal Romance books, shows, and movies, and particularly at how they present ideas of gender performance and relationship models. (Here's the inaugural post, where I lay out what the plan basically is. Highlights so far include this particularly cogent defense of (at least some aspects of) Twilight, and this epic takedown of Hush, Hush.) And today, we've started a new, 144-week-long project: watching and discussing each and every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. MeFi bonus: named via AskMe (thanks again, argonauta)!
posted by davidjmcgee on Sep 4, 2012 - 0 comments

Randophonic - a radio show's blog

Randophonic is a blog for a music-based radio show that airs weekly (most weeks anyway) c/o CiTR.FM.101.9, Vancouver, Canada (University of British Columbia). Podcast links are easily accessible via the site. Since November-2011, Randophonic's main focus has been the All Vinyl Countdown + Apocalypse (the 1,111 Greatest Records You Probably Haven't Heard), as selected by Philip Random over ten years ago (and then he disappeared). Lately, the countdown just passed its midway point. Also, as I've just passed my 4th Anniversary as a numbered MeFite, the timing feels right to finally share this project. [more inside]
posted by philip-random on Aug 10, 2012 - 0 comments

Political Subversities

I write semi-frequent posts at the Political Subversities blog, which also has a lot of funny stuff written by people who aren't me. [more inside]
posted by davidjmcgee on Jul 18, 2012 - 0 comments

Bad apartment photos

This is a Tumblr where I've collected bad photos of bad apartments that I've found on Craigslist. All photos come from listings of 3+bedroom apartments/properties under $1000/month from all over the country. Enjoy!
posted by altopower on Jun 9, 2012 - 9 comments

Fuck Yeah Hotel Hallway

I stay in a lot of hotels for work, and have become fascinated with the bizzarre carpet patterns often found in the hallways. I have collected them here for your viewing pleasure.
posted by TheCoug on Jun 7, 2012 - 8 comments


Filling a place between the Like Button and article comments, ReadrBoard is a bookmarklet that makes it easy to "react" to quotes, images, and video on a page. Run the bookmarklet (or embed the javascript if you are a publisher) on any website, select what interests you, and then click a button or add a tag. User profiles are auto-generated, showing a stream of what you've rated all across the web, capturing how readers feel about the pieces of content that grab them most. The goal is to help readers & publishers identify what online content people care about, and why. [more inside]
posted by bastionofsanity on Jun 5, 2012 - 6 comments

The Bedouin and the Camel - A Variety Adventure Serial

A blog that attempts to mix original animation, writing, illustration and comics. We're a two person team and recently finished a setup stage that will hopefully allow us to post some varied and interesting content.
posted by tbatc on Jun 4, 2012 - 0 comments

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