216 posts tagged with Blog.
Displaying 201 through 216 of 216. Subscribe:

Three Questions - an interview blog

A new, short-form interview blog. Our first conversations are with Chandler Burr, the perfume reviewer from the New York Times, and Gerald Lange, a well-known and very talented typographer, printer and educator; upcoming interviews will include authors, scientists, politicians, and all sorts of interesting non-famous people too. Got suggestions for interviewees and/or questions? I'm listening!
posted by luriete on Jun 4, 2010 - 5 comments

Wordnerdy (a book blog)

I have a blog to keep track of all the books I read. I'm trying to read 300 books in 2010! [more inside]
posted by leesh on Jun 4, 2010 - 5 comments

Ephemera Magica

My Father & Grandfather passed away last year. I inherited a few cigar boxes of old magic ads, books, and tricks from the early 1900's. Every day I scan a new page, book, trick, etc. and try and try to learn a little about it.
posted by haplesschild on Jun 1, 2010 - 0 comments

Curating Blue Technology

We couldn't find a blog dedicated to blue technology, an industry that's rapidly growing and offering many innovative, holistic solutions. So we started one. [more inside]
posted by Galen on Jun 1, 2010 - 0 comments

Look at This Little Thing

I started a tumblr of miniature and tiny things. [more inside]
posted by sarahnade on May 31, 2010 - 6 comments

History Club

In honor of my 1,000th visitor, I am re-posting a philosophy blog I started in December. It's changed considerably since its inception—a different address, some more comments (as opposed to zero when I first posted), and I've been so graciously featured on a fellow blogger's page. And, most importantly, 1,000 more visitors (most of that is probably spam, but I don't care!) Please tell me if there's anything important missing from it, or anything I could do differently. [more inside]
posted by lhude sing cuccu on May 21, 2010 - 7 comments

Scratch Built Bike

I decided to build a bike. From nothing. This is that attempt. [more inside]
posted by backseatpilot on May 18, 2010 - 4 comments

The blog I've been using to keep me drawing.

I've been drawing from yearbooks and an aviation history book. [more inside]
posted by cmoj on May 16, 2010 - 3 comments

Josh Millard, Musician

My new music blog and archive. I've spent the last several weeks collecting and organizing several hundred recordings I've made by myself and with others in the last fourteen years or so, and this is the result. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Feb 1, 2010 - 7 comments

Chit-Chat of Humor, Wit, and Anecdote

"A mixture of fact, fun, fancy, philosophy, and freaks of adventure." Blogging a humor book from 1857 (hot on the heels of this other Victorian joke blog). Updated daily.
posted by imposster on May 13, 2009 - 1 comment

Womb Quake

Follow along with me on my adventure of giving birth to my first kid in Japan. The actual main event will be posted via cell phone updates by a couple of brave souls seeing the event through with me (or more likely outside of the room with celebratory beverages flowing). Also has information leading up to and after of what it's like to have a child here. Estimated due date is May 14 - but I could burst at any time! More fun and excitement than a barrel full of monkeys really.....
posted by gomichild on May 12, 2008 - 0 comments

What I Had for Dinner Tonight

Not recipes, just conversation, this blog arose from a daily ichat conversation between two foodies on different continents, which then spread further into the #mofirc irc channel... and someone *looks innocent* joked hey maybe we should start a blog..... and What I Had for Dinner Tonight was born. Your host is es el Queso - long time member of Monkeyfilter, and one keen cook. Posters come from a range of backgrounds, cooking skill sets and countries. The concept is simple - tell us what you had for dinner. Whether you cooked it, someone else cooked it or the guy down the road cooked it - have no reservations about joining in and telling us.
posted by gomichild on Apr 2, 2008 - 0 comments

Pen and Inklings - Josh Learns To Draw

Have tablet, will scribble. Daily sketches & related autobiographical notes, as I try and figure out how to draw. Credit due my awesome mother-in-law for surprising me with a Wacom tablet for xmas.
posted by cortex on Jan 4, 2007 - 0 comments


A new photoblog of people passing on the street, with impressionist writeups. Intended as a five-days-a-week regular feature. (Sort of a people-watching spiritual companion laundryroom swapmeet.) Feedback, suggestions, criticism welcome.
posted by cortex on Oct 14, 2006 - 0 comments

laundryroom swapmeet

I live in an apartment building. We have a laundry room. The laundry room has a table. People put things on the table, and other people take those things away later.

It's a laundry room swapmeet. I take pictures of the things and write about them. Hilarity more-or-less ensues.
posted by cortex on Aug 3, 2006 - 0 comments

Refi: Metafilter in Review

I spend too much time on Metafilter (and especially Metatalk). I've had I-don't-know-how-many conversations about the site—what it is, what it was, what has[n't] changed, and such—and so I've decided to go spelunking. I'm going to go back and read Metafilter, and blog it. I'm planning to read every n-hundredth or so post, starting from the beginning, and I'll be trying to note various observable trends—users, memes, tone, conversational structure, etc. It won't be rigorously scientific, but hopefully it'll be reasonably objective. Specific analytical notions welcome. Likeminded co-author proposals welcome. Cash welcome.
posted by cortex on May 31, 2006 - 0 comments

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