13 posts tagged with Blog and writing.
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Blog/Column: Humans and Technology

I started writing technology column (as if we need another one of those) for one of my region's local newspapers, and I've been archiving it on a blog. The focus is on the human side of technology use. [more inside]
posted by eekernohan on May 19, 2024 - 1 comment

What ARGs can teach us about QAnon

QAnon isn't an alternate reality game (ARG), but ARGs can teach us why QAnon is so popular – and how to restore the lack of trust that led to QAnon's rise. This 5700 word post draws on my 19 years of playing, documenting, designing, and running ARGs.
posted by adrianhon on Aug 2, 2020 - 0 comments

Gist Press

Publishes GitHub gists in a friendly article format, with a little help from Tufte CSS. Accepts Markdown, syntax-highlights code, renders math symbols beautifully. [more inside]
posted by daveliepmann on Sep 3, 2019 - 2 comments

Just Like Grape

Starting a weekly newsletter about arts, design and entrepreneurship. The first two posts are already up!
posted by carlsjuniorweathers on May 16, 2017 - 0 comments

Money Boss

Ten years ago in this space, I announced my new money blog called Get Rich Slowly. With your support, that blog grew into a business and a career. Now I've launched a new money blog called Money Boss, which covers "advanced personal finance". Money Boss is about achieving early retirement and financial independence, about mastering your money -- and your life. Because it's great to get rich slowly, but I believe you can do better! [more inside]
posted by jdroth on Jan 19, 2016 - 4 comments

Openings: first lines from books, articles, poems, songs, movies

A collection of great first lines. Just launched this week. If you want to recommend a first line, please comment! Excited to share my first project with you, I've been an AskMeFi lurker for years.
posted by c95008 on Jan 9, 2014 - 11 comments

Un-creative Writing Prompts

Prompts for professional writers in un-creative fields. [more inside]
posted by Eideteker on Aug 20, 2013 - 4 comments

Meditation Stuff Blog

I've been meditating for over a decade, which isn't that long. But now I'm writing about everything I've learned, and I'm linking to all the books that got me to where I am.
posted by zeek321 on Aug 13, 2013 - 3 comments

The Bedouin and the Camel - A Variety Adventure Serial

A blog that attempts to mix original animation, writing, illustration and comics. We're a two person team and recently finished a setup stage that will hopefully allow us to post some varied and interesting content.
posted by tbatc on Jun 4, 2012 - 0 comments

How Are You Not Dead?

The Grim Reaper his own bad self apparently keeps looking me right in the eye, but keeps saying, “Not now, dude.” A budding collection of unusual essays.
posted by Cool Papa Bell on Feb 28, 2011 - 2 comments

The Daily Ping -- 11 years of toilet talk

Fellow mefi'er hijinx and I just relaunched The Daily Ping in time for our 11th birthday, starting our 12th year of writing every day (on alternating days). Topics are usually light and often center around Oreos, toilets, and TV shows from the 1980s with occasional forays into technology and other pop culture stuff. [more inside]
posted by laze on Jan 6, 2011 - 1 comment

Spillway: Card-Carrying Neophilia

Spillway, my blog, is now one year old. It's a portal to my writing and journalism. May contain traces of serial killers' back gardens, George Orwell, short stories, gangland civic pride, security infrastructure and zones, love for an underpass, London retro-futurism, Swiss minaret alternatives, how childhood movies shape the world of tomorrow, Koolhaas and Tatlin, Poundbury and insane asylums. (Why Spillway? Why "card-carrying neophilia"?)
posted by WPW on Jun 9, 2010 - 1 comment

Chit-Chat of Humor, Wit, and Anecdote

"A mixture of fact, fun, fancy, philosophy, and freaks of adventure." Blogging a humor book from 1857 (hot on the heels of this other Victorian joke blog). Updated daily.
posted by imposster on May 13, 2009 - 1 comment

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