20 posts tagged with Blog and humor.
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magic science
magic science: cartoons, essays, and an ongoing manifesto [more inside]
all GRSSK to me
A fun, frivolous one-trick-pony Tumblr. Inspired by a Mediterranean restaurant in my neighborhood that swaps Δs for As and Σs for Es in their logo, this blog regularly publishes examples of swapped-in geometrically similar letters from various alphabets, regardless of the letters' phonetic similarity. In post descriptions, I also try and swap the original phonemes back in; thus GRΣΣK becomes GRSSK, and (mild) hilarity ensues. Submissions welcome! Shout-out to Bulgaroktonos for blog-naming inspiration.
Werewolf Gimmick
My brother and I are blogging about pro wrestling. He knows a lot about it, I know very damn little. About wrestling or blogging, for that matter. Those who do know about wrestling are seriously welcome to tell us what we're getting wrong.
Un-creative Writing Prompts
Prompts for professional writers in un-creative fields. [more inside]
The Lab Bunny
A mystic? A shaman? A makeup artist? An esthetician? A girl wearing A LOT of lipstick? The Lab Bunny is all of these things.
Bad apartment photos
This is a Tumblr where I've collected bad photos of bad apartments that I've found on Craigslist. All photos come from listings of 3+bedroom apartments/properties under $1000/month from all over the country. Enjoy!
The Bedouin and the Camel - A Variety Adventure Serial
A blog that attempts to mix original animation, writing, illustration and comics. We're a two person team and recently finished a setup stage that will hopefully allow us to post some varied and interesting content.
ALL CAPS CENTERED - a blog about things that annoy me (and maybe you)
In an effort to stop complaining so much, I decided to create my own personal complaint department on the internet, where I can get it out of my system. My friend David is also posting a few of his pet peeves. If anyone else cares to have posting privileges, let me know. The more the merrier. It's healthy, it's free, and it will make you wealthy beyond your dreams. Perhaps.
Poor Babies: Some parents shouldn't be allowed to own cameras.
Violating standards of good taste and scarring their children at the same time.
Whoa, Canada!
Astonish your friends with these Canadian facts, many of which are up to 100% true! [more inside]
Huxtable Hotness
An episode-by-episode recap and critique of every outfit worn on "The Cosby Show." [more inside]
The Artless Bystander
Satirical, 1st person weblog about current "hot topics" [more inside]
MeFi Intern
This is the link to my daily blog of my summer internship with MetaFilter. Each day I describe the tasks and activities that I was apart of and all the random things my boss asks me to do.
NestFeather: Edgy Novelty Products and Blog
NestFeather creates edgy novelty products for grown-ups. We've recently launched our blog (posts every other Friday) and hope to post back this fall when our first two products will be available. [more inside]
Instant Breakfast
Every day, I write something silly about that date's history. It's called Instant Breakfast, and it's pretty stupid. [more inside]
The Corpse Debutante
I have a new blog; it is about not being able to draw. Here's the mission statement.
The Daily Ping -- 11 years of toilet talk
Fellow mefi'er hijinx and I just relaunched The Daily Ping in time for our 11th birthday, starting our 12th year of writing every day (on alternating days). Topics are usually light and often center around Oreos, toilets, and TV shows from the 1980s with occasional forays into technology and other pop culture stuff. [more inside]
Caught Dead In That
I've started a photo blog dedicated to funny tombstones. Some photos I took myself; others I'm reblogging from elsewhere (with proper credit, of course.) The only rule is that they have to be real-- no styrofoam Halloween props, and no photoshopping.
This is my personal blog, where I post all my FPP's for posterity and other tidbits I find amusing or distressing. [more inside]
Chit-Chat of Humor, Wit, and Anecdote
"A mixture of fact, fun, fancy, philosophy, and freaks of adventure." Blogging a humor book from 1857 (hot on the heels of this other Victorian joke blog). Updated daily.