February 18, 2016 7:38 AM   Subscribe

A Twitterbot showcasing exciting adventures in DUNSÖNs & DRAGGANs 1st Edition - a fantastical/Scandinavian world of monsters, treasure, good value furniture, and stylish storage solutions. Enter if you dare! Also can you pick up some bag clips for me? And some meatballs. And grab one of those cool lamps. Ages 12 and up. Requires 20-sided hex wrench (included).

Created in using Tracery.
Role: creator
posted by EndsOfInvention (4 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
This project was posted to MetaFilter by wintersweet on March 1, 2016: DUNSÖNs & DRAGGANs

This speaks to me on a spiritual level.
posted by BungaDunga at 4:40 PM on February 21, 2016 [1 favorite]

posted by Going To Maine at 10:38 AM on February 22, 2016

I wanted to be true to the source material.
posted by EndsOfInvention at 3:01 PM on February 22, 2016 [1 favorite]

Just added some simple text-adventure-style interaction to the bot. Try sending it GO NORTH or LOOK. There are a few different commands/actions to discover. There's no actual game behind it but it's fun to be able to check your inventory or character sheet.
posted by EndsOfInvention at 3:15 AM on March 3, 2017

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