28 posts tagged with language.
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The Gender Bias Inside GPT-3

In honor of International Women's Day, I decided to do an experiment to see what GPT-3 might reveal about human gender bias. And boy did it reveal a lot!
posted by missjenny on Mar 8, 2022 - 2 comments

Show-biz Yiddish

Yiddish words that were used in the golden age of entertainment, with brief demonstrations by yours truly in a variety of silly voices and glasses.
posted by maxsparber on Dec 10, 2021 - 2 comments


txt. [more inside]
posted by TheMadStork on Aug 29, 2020 - 5 comments

Geeky Librarian things (mostly)

Launching my store dedicated to geeky librarian things! Starting out with some desk signs in a variety of constructed languages (Klingon, Quenya, etc) that say "Librarian", perfect for that geeky information warrior in your life. [more inside]
posted by griffey on Sep 10, 2018 - 0 comments

I Will Dance Among The Stars

"Pampa (Dansa Ere Da Setara)" is a song I wrote in Lang Belta, the Creole language spoken by the humans who live in and beyond the Asteroid Belt on the TV show The Expanse. Its a story of tough lives and hard choices in a harsh environment. The lyrics in both Belter & English. [more inside]
posted by Pirate-Bartender-Zombie-Monkey on Mar 27, 2018 - 6 comments

Interactive diary chat bot

Monolog is an interactive diary bot that prompts you with interesting questions, which it chooses based on the topics you write about. [more inside]
posted by TheMadStork on Dec 23, 2016 - 6 comments

all GRSSK to me

A fun, frivolous one-trick-pony Tumblr. Inspired by a Mediterranean restaurant in my neighborhood that swaps Δs for As and Σs for Es in their logo, this blog regularly publishes examples of swapped-in geometrically similar letters from various alphabets, regardless of the letters' phonetic similarity. In post descriptions, I also try and swap the original phonemes back in; thus GRΣΣK becomes GRSSK, and (mild) hilarity ensues. Submissions welcome! Shout-out to Bulgaroktonos for blog-naming inspiration.
posted by duffell on Jul 18, 2016 - 4 comments

Dress British Think Yiddish

I have been teaching myself Yiddish, mostly using the sort of brute-force, memorize 1,000 words using smart flashcards techniques offered up by various hacky "hack the language" web gurus. And it's been working surprisingly well. At the end of three months, I could understand between 70 percent and 80 percent of every headline I read in the Yiddish Foreward, and, in general, I am more comfortable with the Yiddish I have learned since I started than I am with the Hebrew I spent 12 years studying. [more inside]
posted by maxsparber on Apr 28, 2016 - 0 comments

Figuring out the best way to learn a langauge

Long time reader, first time poster. My friend and I are trying to learn Swedish as quickly as possible using online tools. We started in the middle of December and are almost done studying. We've contacted a grad student at a local university and he's going to test us on our ability to speak Swedish. We have a few posts up (including a review of language tools!) and would love to hear your thoughts or feedback. Wish us (or me) luck on the test!
posted by carlsjuniorweathers on Jan 15, 2016 - 1 comment

No Child of Mine!

I made a Twitter bot that completes the phrase "No child of mine . . ." using a list of weird and funny phrases I found and thought up. [more inside]
posted by ShanShen on Oct 11, 2015 - 1 comment

Pajubá: The secret language of Brazilian trans women

A brief illustrated essay about Pajubá, a mix of Yoruba and Portuguese that Brazilian travestis use in daily life, published in Matter (Medium). [more inside]
posted by TheGoodBlood on Jul 23, 2015 - 3 comments

Fuck Shit Up

Fuck Shit Up is a Chrome extension that semi-judiciously sprinkles some "fuck"s into whatever web page you're reading. Not enough fucks? Hit the button a few more times. Gets interesting results when applied to news, dry technical stuff, Wikipedia, and Twitter at the least. [more inside]
posted by ignignokt on Apr 18, 2015 - 5 comments

Every Non-Word

A bot that tweets random combinations of English syllables. [more inside]
posted by rottytooth on Mar 25, 2015 - 9 comments

ITP Code Poetry Slam 2014

I'm organizing a code poetry slam in New York City on November 14. Submissions are now open. Judges, special guests, etc. to be announced. Stay tuned. [more inside]
posted by TheMadStork on Sep 20, 2014 - 2 comments

Every Curd

Tweeting all the delicious dairy products, in alphabetical order. @everycurd is my tribute to [mefi's own!] @aparrish's classic twitter bot @everyword, whose task is now complete.
posted by moonmilk on Sep 1, 2014 - 0 comments

Back Tang Wiesenfeld text generation

Markov chain-style text generation that conforms to Zipf's law. Very spiffy. [more inside]
posted by curuinor on Jul 28, 2014 - 0 comments

Ten Thousand Sonnets

Using Python 2.7 and the Natural Language Toolkit, I created a program called Sonnetizer that generates 14-line rhyming sonnets in (mostly) iambic pentameter from any text corpus. Using Sonnetizer, I generated 10,000 unique sonnets from the sonnets of William Shakespeare, and compiled them into a PDF.
posted by TheMadStork on Jun 5, 2014 - 3 comments

Avail: a programming language that lets you build tools instead of workarounds

Avail is a new and ambitious programming language - which, for the record, I did not build. I did, however, help with the extensive and impressive documentation on the website. I also ported a text-adventure-style game, "The Ship of Stories" to Avail, and it is included with the standard download as an example program to play with! Considering that I'm not a programmer, this is one of the most interesting things about Avail, to me. It was trivial for me to do this, and I find that the code itself is amazingly readable.
posted by lriG rorriM on Apr 28, 2014 - 0 comments


A metaphor generator a cut above the random. Using Wordnik's related words API, we can give you a metaphor that has an even better chance of making sense.
posted by dame on Nov 20, 2013 - 8 comments

Building an Open-Source Language Map

I was working on some pretty fun language visualizations, but it turns out there's no worldwide, open dataset of where languages are spoken. So I figured hey, let's make one! [more inside]
posted by soma lkzx on May 20, 2013 - 6 comments

Firefly Chinese (Tumblr)

A friend and I are working through the Josh Whedon TV series Firefly and translating the Chinese phrases in each episode. We post video clips from the show and audio clips of us pronouncing the phrases along with our non-expert analysis of the word usage. We've posted everything from the pilot ("Serenity") and we're now working on episode 2 ("The Train Job"). Hopefully we'll finish up in the next month or so but I figured we mind as well share now as folks all over are already celebrating the show's tenth year anniversary.
posted by jng on Oct 30, 2012 - 5 comments


A general-purpose dataflow programming language based on Python, written in Python [more inside]
posted by ikotler on Aug 16, 2012 - 0 comments

The Long Bleep, a podcast and blog about taboo language.

The Long Bleep will be a public forum for discussion of four-letter words, "dirty" words, swearing, cursing, obscenities, and more. The first step is a questionnaire. Its results will be used to create podcasts and blog posts structured around things that really happened when taboo language was used: confrontations, first encounters, eureka moments, learning situations. Those stories will lead us down cultural and historical paths as we tease out the complicated relationship English-speakers worldwide have with "dirty" words. More information on the blog.
posted by Mo Nickels on Apr 21, 2012 - 3 comments

Tower of Babelfish - A Language Learning Method

I had to speak 4/5 languages for my job, and in the process of learning them, I've landed on a pretty solid language learning method that brought me to fluency (C1) in French in 5 months, with about an hour/day time investment. This website shows you how to do the same!
posted by sdis on Mar 18, 2012 - 2 comments

Drunk Eliza

The classic chatbot Eliza written in Entropy, the language of disorder. [more inside]
posted by rottytooth on Feb 22, 2012 - 3 comments


"You are CAPTAIN S. PELLER, starfighter pilot extraordinaire. Your mission: defeat the CHARACTERRORS, evil space aliens bent on galactic dominance. Their only weakness: a CHARACTERROR will subsume any letter fired into it. CHARACTERRORS forming English words can be detonated and thus destroyed." A word game made for February's Experimental Gameplay Competition. [more inside]
posted by aparrish on Mar 1, 2011 - 4 comments

Randomly generated resolutions for 2011

Click and click again to generate random new years resolutions for 2011, based on a corpus of tweets collected yesterday and today. Sometimes nonsensical, sometimes absurd, sometimes even plausible. "Be more dedicated to achieve. It avoids disappointment. which means you'll have to be." (potentially NSFW) [more inside]
posted by aparrish on Jan 1, 2011 - 8 comments

A multilingual natural language generator for software translation

A computer program that interactively produces text in English and German from a single representation. The source code. [more inside]
posted by Zarkonnen on Sep 26, 2010 - 1 comment

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