54 posts tagged with movies.
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Movie showtimes for Mexico. We currently have the most popular movie theater chains in Mexico City, Jalisco and Nuevo Leon, and we'll add more cities and chains soon. [more inside]
posted by clearlydemon on Sep 24, 2010 - 4 comments

The Captured Bird

I'm producing a short horror film that's being directed by a female horror icon, and Executive Produced by Guillermo del Toro. In order to promote and fundraise for the film, we're producing a series of videos entitled "Horror Film School", where we interview the Masters of Horror about how to make your first film. First up: George Romero. [more inside]
posted by Bobby Bittman on Sep 17, 2010 - 5 comments

Superheroes in court: the full story

In the world of superhero comics, everyone is suing everyone else. Relatives of Jerry Siegel (the writer who created Superman) recently won a historic court victory giving them 50% of the copyright in Supie's first appearance. Relatives of Joe Shuster (Siegel's artist partner) are suing for the remaining 50% now. Meanwhile, relatives of Jack Kirby, Marvel Comics' most important founding artist, are using the same lawyer to challenge Marvel over characters like Spider-Man, Iron Man and Thor. Stan Lee, who worked with Kirby in creating all those characters, won his own lucrative victory against the company in 2005. And we've seen other comic book lawsuits from Steve Gerber (over Howard the Duck), Dan DeCarlo (Josie & the Pussycats), Marv Wolfman (Blade), Carmine Infantino (The Flash) and Gary Friedrich (Ghost Rider). It's partly Hollywood money that explains this rash of lawsuits, and partly a quirk of US law which is only now putting all the most valuable superhero characters up for grabs. To learn more, please click the link above.
posted by Paul Slade on Jul 15, 2010 - 3 comments

Killer Disco Wedding

On August 8th, 1978, you a cordially invited to the wedding of Gwen Anne Sanderson and Brent Forrest Hall. There will be dinner. There will be dancing. There will be murder. Killer Disco Wedding. A destination wedding, where the destination is death. What do you get when you mash up a grindhouse trailer with a '90s compilation album commercial...well, this. Shot over the weekend in Los Angeles last month.
posted by wonderwonder on Jun 16, 2010 - 4 comments

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