302 posts tagged with Humor.
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He didn't kill a soul that he didn't proceed to revive.

I had set out to write a fun story absolutely filled to the brim with the undead, and in order to make room I had to leave out all of the forced pathos of survivors screaming "maybe we're the monsters!" Last February I posted my serialized online novel, Codex Nekromantia, to Projects. Many long months of tweaking and proofreading later, I'm happy to announce that it has been published! The ebook is available from today, but the paperback edition is delayed by a week due to Hurricane Irene fiddling with the power lines at the printing facility. Which is only fitting, considering that the book documents an (un)natural disaster.
posted by burnfirewalls on Sep 1, 2011 - 0 comments

Monsters of Grok: fake band shirts for history's greatest thinkers

If want to live in a world where being a scientist is considered bad ass, and philosophers are worshiped like rock stars, so my newest lineup of t-shirts parodies famous band logos by re-purposing them to celebrate some of the world's most influential minds. Hope you enjoy them.
posted by Jezztek on Aug 31, 2011 - 14 comments

Huxtable Hotness

An episode-by-episode recap and critique of every outfit worn on "The Cosby Show." [more inside]
posted by Help, I can't stop talking! on Aug 23, 2011 - 7 comments

Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow

My middle grade children's horror novel, Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow, has been published by Knopf and is officially available today! I both wrote and illustrated it, and it's loosely based on my art and animated series, Childrin R Skary. Book trailer here.
posted by katillathehun on Aug 23, 2011 - 2 comments

The Artless Bystander

Satirical, 1st person weblog about current "hot topics" [more inside]
posted by hellojed on Jun 30, 2011 - 2 comments

Gifted Police Sketch Artist - Video

I directed this short comedy sketch for a friend's comedy group. Check it out and pass the word along! Hoping to break 20,000 views by the end of the week! [more inside]
posted by KWile on Jun 22, 2011 - 0 comments

MeFi Intern

This is the link to my daily blog of my summer internship with MetaFilter. Each day I describe the tasks and activities that I was apart of and all the random things my boss asks me to do.
posted by Dominic. Allen on Jun 17, 2011 - 22 comments

WTF with Marc Maron: the Public Radio Show

WTF is a popular podcast hosted by comedian Marc Maron. He interviews comics (and once in a while non-comics) about their lives and how their minds work, and generates really amazing insights. Since I'm a public radio producer, I talked Marc into making a limited-run public radio series out of some of the best episodes of the show. My colleague Nick White helped. You can listen to (and review) the episodes at PRX.org.
posted by YoungAmerican on May 17, 2011 - 2 comments

Kobold Pit

Kobolds are simple creatures. They like to sit in pits. They like to eat. They like to make giant skull piles. You are here to help them fulfil these dreams. [more inside]
posted by Zarkonnen on May 16, 2011 - 5 comments

NestFeather: Edgy Novelty Products and Blog

NestFeather creates edgy novelty products for grown-ups. We've recently launched our blog (posts every other Friday) and hope to post back this fall when our first two products will be available. [more inside]
posted by parrot_person on May 6, 2011 - 2 comments

Instant Breakfast

Every day, I write something silly about that date's history. It's called Instant Breakfast, and it's pretty stupid. [more inside]
posted by davidjmcgee on Apr 21, 2011 - 4 comments

English Majeure

is a new webcomic I've started. Jokes about books- so far I've done Rand, Mailer, Milton, Vidal, Thompson, and Tolkien. Lots more to come, with at least one update a week. Oh, and the "About" page features the most dignified picture of me ever taken.
posted by COBRA! on Apr 21, 2011 - 4 comments

The Electric Lightsaber Orchestra

My friend Matthew and I started coming up with music acts that ought to exist in the Star Wars universe. Before you know it, we had an entire imaginary music festival. And a poster. And a domain to host the poster. I think we got a little carried away. Anyway, if you've ever dreamed of seeing Darth Cab for Cutie share a stage with Kessel Run-DMC, then Tatunes is the festival for you.
posted by yankeefog on Apr 14, 2011 - 4 comments

Reviews of Everyday Objects

Pretty simple. A video series reviewing different everyday objects.
posted by a47danger on Apr 14, 2011 - 0 comments

Fun With Internet Dating

Purely anonymous online dating blunders for the amusement of all. Sometimes the best pick-up lines have to be crafted meticulously in advance.
posted by timory on Apr 13, 2011 - 10 comments

How Fucked Is Muni?

A web app to tell you how broken your favorite San Francisco MTA route is. Right now it's pretty simple, just pulling data from the NextMuni API when it's asked for a specific route, but I plan to revamp it this weekend to have it do periodic polling on each line so I can display stats on the front page. Other improvements in the works: get published schedules so the app will only show lines currently running, adjust the headway thresholds based on scheduled headway, collect stats for each line to rank the most broken lines in the system... got anything else I should do with this?
posted by spitefulcrow on Apr 5, 2011 - 1 comment

Joel on Coal

Software blogger Joel Spolsky has a new blog, where he discusses coal mining and its astounding parallels to software development and management. "The other crucial thing about having a schedule is that it forces you to decide what seams you are going to choose, and then it forces you to pick the least safe corridors and cut them rather than slipping into pillar-robbing (a.k.a. slope creep)." [more inside]
posted by brainwane on Mar 31, 2011 - 0 comments

Why Would You Click That?

You provide the linkbait, I provide the shame. I designed this site as an easy way for people to participate in April Fools' Day, without having to do much work on their own. It works best if you have a Facebook account, but you could use it via Twitter, your site/blog... basically anywhere you can share a link online. [more inside]
posted by avoision on Mar 31, 2011 - 4 comments

I Will Save You With My Fists

Eye-gouging! A fist-fight with the Pope! Helicopter thieves! Key plot points in big budget video games, retold to emphasize their ridiculosity.
posted by Sibrax on Mar 21, 2011 - 0 comments

Unintentionally Creepy

Dedicated to finding and sharing everything that wasn't intended to be creepy, but which nonetheless creeps.
posted by davidjmcgee on Mar 21, 2011 - 3 comments

Life, only with more attractive people. And product placement

Life in Photoshop delivers daily snark and humor on sexist and strange magazine ads. Think Catalog Living meets Photoshop Disasters. With a side of socio-political commentary. [more inside]
posted by paddingtonb on Mar 10, 2011 - 0 comments

Citation Needed Podcast

For over a year now, I've co-edited a blog collecting the best hilariously bad entries from wikipedia (previously discussed in the blue here.) Now I've decided to try and turn it into a comedy podcast! The first episode is up now.
posted by JoeGoblin on Feb 9, 2011 - 2 comments

An Illustrated Field Guide to Our Depressing Nature

A webcomic in which wildlife is ascribed various neuroses, unpleasant personality traits, and other assorted character flaws, presented in (loosely) the manner of a nature guide. Think Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom meets Eeyore. Updated weekly.
posted by logicpunk on Feb 5, 2011 - 5 comments

Draw Chewbacca

Announcing Draw Chewbacca, the Internet's premier online community for drawing Chewbacca. Join us and share your Chewbacca drawings!
posted by Xazeru on Feb 2, 2011 - 6 comments

The Corpse Debutante

I have a new blog; it is about not being able to draw. Here's the mission statement.
posted by Countess Elena on Feb 1, 2011 - 3 comments

Random Bands

Generates random band names and albums w/covers. Integration with Facebook and Google Image Search. (Possibly NSFW) [more inside]
posted by BoatMeme on Feb 1, 2011 - 0 comments

Valentine's Day Cards from FPCoA.

Valentine's Day is only two weeks away! And you've forgotten Valentine's cards again, you cad. Well, we haven't. Send your tolerated one a Valentine and let them know you cared. Love the Fakeproject Corporation of America.
posted by fake on Jan 31, 2011 - 7 comments

The Daily Ping -- 11 years of toilet talk

Fellow mefi'er hijinx and I just relaunched The Daily Ping in time for our 11th birthday, starting our 12th year of writing every day (on alternating days). Topics are usually light and often center around Oreos, toilets, and TV shows from the 1980s with occasional forays into technology and other pop culture stuff. [more inside]
posted by laze on Jan 6, 2011 - 1 comment

Randomly generated resolutions for 2011

Click and click again to generate random new years resolutions for 2011, based on a corpus of tweets collected yesterday and today. Sometimes nonsensical, sometimes absurd, sometimes even plausible. "Be more dedicated to achieve. It avoids disappointment. which means you'll have to be." (potentially NSFW) [more inside]
posted by aparrish on Jan 1, 2011 - 8 comments

Helpful Farming Tips - Learn from the Master

Successful sustainable agriculture doesn't depend on being totally serious all the time, but proper hoeing technique helps. Once you've mastered that you can take care of those pesky hornworms and then learn to move forage animals with greater ease.
posted by pixelfarmer on Dec 29, 2010 - 0 comments

Better Names (for baby)

A book of fake baby names, full PDF and twitter as well.
posted by CharlesV42 on Dec 10, 2010 - 5 comments


A weekly humor webcomic I started a month ago. I can't guarantee anything, but it may have you hanging on the edge of your seat, it may reawaken your purpose in life, it may make you chortle. It's a semi-continuation of my weekly college comics (also on the site). [more inside]
posted by bittermensch on Nov 30, 2010 - 7 comments

Offbeat webcomic

I've been doing this for the past few months to entertain myself and possibly some of the people I work with. I don't know for sure, they may be fake laughing. I thought I'd open myself up for random abuse from strangers & ask what you guys think.
posted by Treefood on Nov 25, 2010 - 6 comments

Not A Douche

An antisocial network for people who feel like they might like a web site where they talk about themselves, but who don't need a new place to talk to others, or to mention boring things like favorite books and movies and quotations. [more inside]
posted by Rory Marinich on Nov 4, 2010 - 2 comments


Pretty much the most important website of all time.
posted by livejamie on Oct 27, 2010 - 6 comments

ToonBee - Share Your Story

ToonBee allows you to share a story graphically, artistic ability not required. Do you have a story to share? Something to gripe about at work? Want to poke fun at your friends? ToonBee is a place where you can freely express yourself.
posted by ironghost on Oct 22, 2010 - 1 comment

Siamese Twins

KADM just released a new short video by Jason Maran. It could be the strangest love story every told. It might be the most profound tale of sibling rivalry since Cain and Abel. It certainly is NSFW. [more inside]
posted by KADM on Oct 22, 2010 - 0 comments


BASIC DECENCY is a print collection containing the first 44 installments of my webcomic Gentleman's Gentleman, instructing one in the fine art of not being an uncivilized ass. On top of the 44 comic strips, the bonus materials include an illustrated guide to personality types, an awesome Interrobang-created guide to old-timey gentlemanry, an essay by Rebecca Collins on arch-Gentleman Dominick Dunne, and a very embarrassing About The Author photograph.
posted by COBRA! on Oct 19, 2010 - 2 comments

Marlowe the Monster

My current pet project is Marlowe, a sculpted webcomic/picturebook. It follows the life of a well meaning, slightly misguided, slightly shy, rather blobby monster with six eyes and two tentacles. Topics covered include asexual reproduction, (monster) civil rights, depression and lesbian sex(all SFW). Updates Wednesdays.
posted by sawdustbear on Sep 23, 2010 - 15 comments

Caught Dead In That

I've started a photo blog dedicated to funny tombstones. Some photos I took myself; others I'm reblogging from elsewhere (with proper credit, of course.) The only rule is that they have to be real-- no styrofoam Halloween props, and no photoshopping.
posted by yankeefog on Sep 20, 2010 - 15 comments

Objects, signs, and dictionaries

If it were still 1997, I would be out a billion dollars in domain names. But seeing as it isn't 1997, I've created three sites in three weeks. Feeding Objects is a site where people...feed objects. It's kind of in the name. Hey, I Found Your Sign is a site that encourages people to remove illegally placed business signs (we buy houses, earn cash from home) from their community. And, finally, My Dictionaric (because dictionaric.com was taken), the call-in podcast where I read the dictionary aloud until someone calls in to chat. I know, I know. I'm really raising the bar for quality internet content.
posted by a47danger on Aug 13, 2010 - 4 comments

Parody "I'm Voting Tea Party" Shirts

The Tea Party might have a quasi-mainstream official platform, but it also seems to be a magnet for far right loonies, angry racists, borderline psychotics and those that are simply grossly misinformed. These shirts are for those fringe nutjobs that make the Tea Party rallies so much fun to read about. "Obama is right handed, just like Hitler. That's why I'm voting tea Party!"
posted by Jezztek on Aug 9, 2010 - 12 comments

CMcL: Illustrations of Conversations

Breaking my years of MeFi silence (but I've been lurking all along!), here's a photocomic made up of conversations added to my own photographs. I'm making some efforts in my life to be less neurotic about certain things, and I'm in hopes that sharing these photos and dialogues with y'all will not only entertain a little, but also help me stop being such a hermit and maybe deal with some Stuff. [more inside]
posted by Gator on Jul 23, 2010 - 11 comments

"The Brothers Buffett" - The Combined Oeuvre of Jimmy Buffett and Warren Buffett

(They're not brothers.) I know squat about music, and jack squat about investing. But I'm taking every Warren Buffett letter (there are 32) and every Jimmy Buffett album (there are 32...kismet) and breaking them down on a weekly basis. And I'm investing $32,000 and writing a song a month to show what I learn. And, in general, being a jackass about it.
posted by johndavi on Jul 22, 2010 - 0 comments

The IT Crowd game

Somehow, Rob Manuel and I were lucky enough to be entrusted with Graham Linehan's beloved characters, so we've tried to pack the game with references to the show and daft memes. Apologies in advance for the rat song getting stuck in your head...
posted by malevolent on Jun 30, 2010 - 4 comments


This is my personal blog, where I post all my FPP's for posterity and other tidbits I find amusing or distressing. [more inside]
posted by reenum on Jun 25, 2010 - 0 comments

The Ankh-Morpork Undertaking Map

I made an Undertaking (subway) map for Ankh-Morpork, set about 50 years in the future (from canon “now”). I took some liberties with names of places, given the time gap. For instance, Dolly Sisters has become Dollisters, the Whore Pits has become Harpits. Locations are based on the canonical Ankh-Morpork map.
posted by dmd on Jun 11, 2010 - 6 comments

The Mullover

What happens when you combine a combover and a mullet? Why, a mullover, of course. [more inside]
posted by fhangler on May 29, 2010 - 2 comments

Submit a made up video game and I'll make your box art.

Every week, I ask the strangers of the internet to submit the title and short description of a video game that doesn't exist. I'll then draw the box art for someone's pretend game and post the results each Saturday. A semi-dorky blend of lulz-y photoshop practice and a heartfelt love for video games.
posted by cheap paper on May 20, 2010 - 8 comments

The Worst. | "A Podcast for Nice People"

"The Worst" is a St. Joseph, MO-based weekly pop culture podcast hosted by Kellen (me) and Justin. There's some local stuff that might only be of interest if you're from the Kansas City/St. Joseph/Lawrence/Omaha area, but mostly we keep our topics broad. RIYL: You Look Nice Today, Comedy Death Ray, etc. It's something we do strictly for fun, and we hope the fun is infectious. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
posted by HerArchitectLover on May 19, 2010 - 2 comments

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