5 posts tagged with humor by jabo.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.
21st Halloween Cartoon
Greetings succubi, incubi and mid-levelcubi!
The 21st Annual Jabo Halloween Cartoon is now alive and kicking and screaming and yelling. So carve out some time from your hectic havoc, toss those computer glasses and wreck your eyesight on some mildly amusing scrawlings. The full catalog of catastrophic cartoons can be unveiled here. Happy Halloween y Dias de los Muertos!
Halloween is dead, long live Halloween…
It’s my 20th Annual Halloween Cartoon and it’s packed with bone-chilling bon mots and spine-tingling satire. It may be a tad bit behind schedule, but it is Dias de las Muertas… somewhere. And if you like this, be sure to visit the bowels (eyeeeeew) of my blog for departed versions from years past. Happy (late) Halloween!
My 19th Annual Halloween Cartoon!
Just getting this one in before the sun rises. Yet another mish-mash of miserable machinations all inspired by my unhealthy obsession with Creepy and Eerie magazines. But these are in color so you can see all the carnage without any imagination whatsoever! Happy Halloween!
My 18th Annual Halloween cartoon
It's that time o' the year when I rasterize my hallucinations to the dark and nameless interweb for a bit of fright entertainment. WARNING: it includes (shudder) Dick Cheney which may blaspheme some browsers. Enter if you dare and have a splendid Samhain!
Hey boils and ghouls! My 17th annual cartoon madness has been stitched together and reanimated for your Halloween viewing pleasure. CAUTION - political humor directed at the ruinous right-wing. Read with care and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!