216 posts tagged with blog.
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Melodic Expectation
Every week day, I post a link and a little write-up to a free album, single, or EP. By free, I mean a recording posted by the artist or their label that is available for instant download, pay-what-you-want download, or we'll-email-you-a-link download. (I research enough to be sure the download is legitimate and working at time of post.) Genres are all over the place but include electronic, ambient, indie rock, pop, chiptune, etc. Want to fill your mp3-playing-device for free? Do it here.
Instant Breakfast
Every day, I write something silly about that date's history. It's called Instant Breakfast, and it's pretty stupid. [more inside]
The On-Line Blog of Integer Sequences
I'm a big fan of recreational mathematics. I would, from time to time, poke around The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences and be startled both by the sheer volume of it, and also by the nuggets of deeply interesting sequences I would occasionally find. After a year of dithering, I've finally started keeping a blog discussing (in brief detail) interesting sequences found therein.
Meanderthals: A Hiking Blog
I am fortunate to live in a beautiful environment, the mountains of western North Carolina, and have the opportunity to day hike nearly every week, year round. The Blue Ridge Parkway is nearby, as are a couple of national forests, Pisgah and Nantahala. It is fair to say I love to hike. There is information on the web about some of the very popular hikes in this area, but for the most part there is scant trail reporting available. I aim to improve that situation with this hiking blog. I offer experience with trail length and conditions, elevation change, and how to get there. I detail the features along the way with terrain maps and photos. Perhaps if I'm lucky, I will encourage folks to get out and explore the great outdoors. [more inside]
After realizing I retain historical dates, facts and context a lot more easily if it's presented to me visually, I compiled a list of films related to British history (covering pre-history to The Future) and sorted them chronologically. Now, we're working our way through the list, and blogging about it.
Your servant in the kitchen
I am the latest in a long line of Kenwood Chef owners in my family. This is my blog about learning to live and cook with the Kenwood (and sometimes wondering what was my gran thinking?)
Ranting against the War on Women.
I started this website, as you can tell by its URL, as a response to the egregious billboard by Lamar Advertising that hung in Soho very briefly, but continues to hang in other cities around the country. It has morphed into a place where I go nuts, no holds barred, against the War on Women in America. [more inside]
Juggle Chainsaws
Where I attempt to play every game released in the United States roughly in chronological order. Thanks a lot Nintendo of America for your wonderful record keeping on this continent! [more inside]
The Cassette Masters (1988-1994)
From the ages of 12 to 18, I recorded thousands of songs in my bedroom studio with the help of friends, family, and some seriously outmoded synthesizers. This blog chronicles my "life and times" as a precocious, introverted, and frighteningly prolific synthpop prodigy coming of age in the Midwestern flats with an array of Jurassic technology. (WARNING: Blog moves chronologically. It may take a while to reach wholly listenable material.)
Analogue Diversions
Analogue Diversions is a blog about card games, board games, and other related fun. [more inside]
My blog about Celiac Disease and gluten free living.
My blog about Celiac Disease, how to get started going gluten free, and reviews on recipes and products. [more inside]
Examples of Targeted Email Attacks
Blog providing screenshot examples of socially engineered and/or specifically targeted spear-phishing emails, intended to entice the recipient to install trojans and/or malware. These are real emails that my colleagues or I have received, and therefore the examples are generally focused on the China/Taiwan analyst community in Washington, D.C. [more inside]
How Are You Not Dead?
The Grim Reaper his own bad self apparently keeps looking me right in the eye, but keeps saying, “Not now, dude.”
A budding collection of unusual essays.
Movies About The Future
Future fantasies/current anxieties. Movie reviews/cultural theory essays on future-themed cinema. [more inside]
Your Hipster Meme Is Completely F---ing Played Out
My attempt to turn some of the existing LOLHIPSTERS sites on their ear by way of deconstruction. At least, that's the highbrow explanation. At the very least, I want to satirize the mocking of my hipster brethren around the world.
28 Things To Do in 28 Days
After a not-so-great 2011, I devised an ambitious plan to bootstrap myself out of a funk: do a "different" thing every day for the month of February. This is the blog of those days.
Heroine Love
No, not that kind of heroine. 12 amazing book bloggers join me throughout February to celebrate their favorite literary heroines. Along the way, conversation is sparked and plenty of prizes are won. [more inside]
The Corpse Debutante
I have a new blog; it is about not being able to draw. Here's the mission statement.
Offbeat Eats
Since late 2005, I've been tracking some of the more interesting places I've eaten, mostly so that other travelers can find some of the more obscure places I've enjoyed. The latest effort has been porting the whole thing to wordpress and getting full geotagging working so that you can easily see my places by category and map. Feedback wanted, since I'm trying to make this sight actually useful to people.
Dan's blog of math/art projects based on geometric curiosities
My friend Dan and I collaborate on mathy art projects! I throw ideas at him; he does all the hard work of the math and art; I get him to write down what he did, and I help photograph and edit. The blog is a mix of pretty pictures and detailed technical explanations — something for everyone. (Well, for everyone who really, really likes geometry.) So far: polyhedra, paper models, tractrices, reaction-diffusion systems, and bonus musical creations. Comments/questions/suggestions welcome.
The Daily Ping -- 11 years of toilet talk
Fellow mefi'er hijinx and I just relaunched The Daily Ping in time for our 11th birthday, starting our 12th year of writing every day (on alternating days). Topics are usually light and often center around Oreos, toilets, and TV shows from the 1980s with occasional forays into technology and other pop culture stuff. [more inside]
The Tart Little Piggy Stays Warm in the Kitchen
I'm trapped in the frozen North. I stay sane by obsessing over food.
Law and the Multiverse
Have you ever wondered "Does Batman's close cooperation with the Gotham police department make him a state actor for Fourth Amendment purposes? Is evidence that he gathers even admissible?" Well, I did. [more inside]
Project Neighbor
I've started a new blog about working to make your life happier, more secure, and more generous. Introductory post at Tea Party Jesus here.
LGBT etcetera
A blog that I started this year that deals with LGBT (+queer, questioning etc.) issues from a teen perspective. Topics have included the term, "queer", homophobia stemming from the bible, the "It Gets Better Project", and the new ALA award for lgbt youth literature. [more inside]
Write your principal to encourage safer schools for LGBTQ teens.
WriteYourPrincipal is a grassroots effort to encourage people to ask their former school principals what their alma maters are doing to end LGBTQ harassment and bullying in their schools. I'm collecting and posting letters that people have been writing to their school principals. From one of my favorites, written by the friend and mentor who came up with this idea in the first place: "Until she knows that . . . her teachers and peers will treat her with dignity and respect, a young person who thinks she might be gay she will feel lonely and scared — no matter how many friends she appears to have. She needs to know she has the support of the adults around them. "
Covertura - The Sincerest Form of Flattery
Covers of songs. Inspired in no small part by all the fantastic posts and questions about covers on the blue and the green, I'm posting one cover every day.
Popular posts have been
Bat for Lashes: "I'm on Fire" by Bruce Springsteen
Yann Tiersen: "Life on Mars" by David Bowie
Placebo: "Running Up That Hill" by Kate Bush.
I would appreciate any opinions, criticism and/or ideas to make it better. Thanks.
Bat for Lashes: "I'm on Fire" by Bruce Springsteen
Yann Tiersen: "Life on Mars" by David Bowie
Placebo: "Running Up That Hill" by Kate Bush.
I would appreciate any opinions, criticism and/or ideas to make it better. Thanks.
Caught Dead In That
I've started a photo blog dedicated to funny tombstones. Some photos I took myself; others I'm reblogging from elsewhere (with proper credit, of course.) The only rule is that they have to be real-- no styrofoam Halloween props, and no photoshopping.
Southern Tier 2010
I am cycling from San Diego CA to St. Augustine FL, starting Sept 18. I'll be writing about the experience en route through the nü-media smorgasbord of flickr, twitter, and a blog (theme of my own design, not quite ready for prime time).
The route I'll be taking is known as the Southern Tier. This is a self-supported tour. I'll be camping along the way, staying in homes when possible, and hotels when necessary.
My blog is morphing into a project
In the beginning it was exactly like ten thousand blogs of interest to nobody. It is now a little more interesting. For the last 50 days, there has been a post every five days, regularly alternating on the subjects of literature, philosophy, psychology, and metaphysics. I have many partially completed and nearly completed and complete posts to follow on this schedule, perhaps indefinitely. After reading this Metatalk thread, and in particular these two (1,2) comments, I have decided to take the plunge and post here. If you want to look at one of those particular subjects, here is a link to a post on literature, here is a link to a post on philosophy, here is a link to a post on psychology, and here is a link to a post on metaphysics. In tribute to the aesthetics of Matthew Haughey, I have the closest blue background to Metafilter blue available on the base blogger palette.
No Baggage Challenge
Heyo. I'm traveling as a producer and cameraman (and director...and editor...) for a project that will take travel writer Rolf Potts around the world in 6 weeks (hitting 12 countries on 5 continents) with one twist: he's doing it with no luggage. No backpack, no man purse -- not even a fanny pack. [more inside]
Epic, a Multimedia Novel
Ok guys, hypertext novels sure are the worst. Here's another nonetheless. [more inside]
Whale Shark Websites
Thanks to the advice of several MeFites, I've finally got round to building a site to show off my projects (how delightfully meta!), write about the interaction of the web and small business, and maybe drum up a little freelance WordPress work.
The Dingbat Project
Dingbats are modern shoebox-on-stilts apartment houses ubiquitous to the Sun Belt and west coast. No doubt you've seen a few. Built mostly during the 1950s-1970s, these stucco boxes often feature shmaltzy wrought iron lamps and names like 'Camelot' or 'Roman Gardens;' some are just downright depressing. The Dingbat project is a (perhaps humorous, sometimes educational) catalog of the Dingbats, architectural mishaps, and other urban detritus I encounter in Los Angeles County and the San Francisco Bay Area.
Less Cancer, More Cake: A Charity Run Fundraiser
On Oct. 10, my birthday, I will be running in the Portland (OR) Charity Half-Marathon, in affiliation with the American Cancer Society. I am selling photos I have taken in New Orleans, where I have lived for the past four years, in order to help raise at least $1,000 and hopefully reach my goal of $1,500 (and am also accepting direct donations). I will be officially running in memory of the late Emilie Lemmons of St. Paul MN, a dear friend of mine who died in Dec. 2008 after a long battle with sarcoma. She was 40 years old. [more inside]
Singing Whilst Driving
A blog devoted to scenes of singing in the car (or bus, or helicopter) from TV & the movies. [more inside]
Dispatches From Whitcomb Street
I'm recording my craft, food, fledgling garden, and other various and sundry domestic-ish experiments here. [more inside]
17 Tins of Corn. 1 Winner
17 types of tinned corn in a Buenos Aires supermarket. I will test each one to declare a winner. [more inside]
The Staff of the Messanger: A media and gaming blog
In the depths of my year long unemployment, I've relaunched my blog. It's a personal blog, and since most of what I do is consume media, it's mostly going to be about media. The big attraction for anyone with interest in tabletop roleplaying games is that I'm going to be talking about and posting material from my ongoing Shadowrun campaign. [more inside]
Digital camera blog
After 5 years of digital photography as a hobby, I realized I'd spent a lot of time buying and selling gear online. Hopefully this will be helpful to others who find themselves in the same predicament.
I started a blog full of lies. Very silly non-realities pop into my head all day, so I've started to write them down. [more inside]
This is my personal blog, where I post all my FPP's for posterity and other tidbits I find amusing or distressing. [more inside]
Chance Ranch
Two girls in Central Texas. Chickens, garden, rabbits; doing our best to work toward self-sufficiency and learning a lot along the way. Local food, local love. [more inside]
Chew Chew Chew Redux
You may remember the AskMe describing the prick who gums bikes locked up outside of my apartment. In response to the demands of MeFites, emilyd22222 and I have created a blog to document our progress in tracking and capturing the one we now refer to as The Gum Bandit. We document gummings and strategic progress. There's opportunity for troubleshooting for technologically savvy Mefites, as well as some miscellany for fun.
The travel and photo blog of a Canadian couple making their way around the world.
London, Italy, Morocco, Romania, Turkey, Iran, SE Asia: Our journey isn't exactly linear, and traveling on one way tickets has meant our plans have already changed more times than I can count, but it's been pretty good so far. Plus we have some really good photos. [more inside]
indexical (a photoblog)
I am a visual artist in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and this is my photoblog. I have been posting fairly regularly over the past year (233 photos so far). I think of my photoblog as a photographic notebook, a tool I use to record and develop visual ideas over time. It is also a good excuse to wander around with a camera. [more inside]
Swearing with spices
My selection of photographs from supermarkets. I sneak in and arrange the spices into swear words, which makes me laugh. I have only found that Tescos has the required packaging to make this work, but if you know different please email me via the site and I will take your contributions. Only a few updates at the minute, but many more rude ideas floating around my head.
Spillway: Card-Carrying Neophilia
Spillway, my blog, is now one year old. It's a portal to my writing and journalism. May contain traces of serial killers' back gardens, George Orwell, short stories, gangland civic pride, security infrastructure and zones, love for an underpass, London retro-futurism, Swiss minaret alternatives, how childhood movies shape the world of tomorrow, Koolhaas and Tatlin, Poundbury and insane asylums. (Why Spillway? Why "card-carrying neophilia"?)
A Whole Bunch Of Shoes
55 pairs of shoes. One pair a day. Photography by me, feet by my girlfriend. [more inside]
I am attempting to homebrew a beer for all of the classes in Team Fortress 2. I'm hoping to ship a box of them to the developers at Valve when the project is completed as a testament to my fandom. This is the blog where I document the planning, brewing, and tasting of those beers. [more inside]