37 posts tagged with Gaming.
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Stage Magician Plays (PNGTubing)
I've turned my stage magician self into a PNGTuber (like a VTuber but more lo-fi) to stream games and talk stage magic! I'm currently exploring the stage magic in the Ace Attorney series (& other games), regularly playing Genshin Impact, and trying out random games from time to time! I stream Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday evenings AEDT (UTC+11) or you can catch up to VODS on YouTube.
What's in a map?
An exploration of Ocarina of Time's mini-map, and of just how many layers of design it contains. For fans of Nintendo and/or information design!
Chess Patch Notes
The history of chess rule changes presented as if they were patch notes from a Blizzard game like Overwatch. Seems fitting with the recent AlphaZero work exploring chess variants and the joining of forces between the gaming and chess streamer communities. Some background here.
Random Animal Crossing Island Dream Codes
The latest release of Animal Crossing New Horizons let’s users upload their islands so others can visit at anytime, you just need their dream address. I made a tool that aggregates Dream addresses from public social media posts so users can easily get a random dream island to visit.
3D Printable Tabletop Shipping Containers
My first stab at 3D modeling in a couple of decades turned into an obsessive deep dive into ISO standards: a set of 3D printable intermodal shipping containers for tabletop RPG games. [more inside]
Pierre Menard's The Asteroids
Perhaps the most significant game of our time [more inside]
256 Farben: The Game
After a visit to SFMOMA, I was inspired to turn German abstract artist Gerhard Richter's "Colour Charts" into a block-breaker game. [more inside]
Extended Play
Extended Play is a fanzine devoted to retro, indie and niche gaming interests. Our first issue is out! It is free to download, looks pretty slick, and has lots of fun and interesting features. There is also a print version on sale.
Pocket Conspiracies, a group role-playing app
I wrote and programmed a group role-playing app! The gist is everyone playing needs to be in the same room and have the app on their smartphone, and then they perform together a series of challenges. It's for 3-10 players, takes 20-45 min, ages 10+. The app is free, doesn't have ads, and doesn't track your info beyond what is strictly needed to run the game. [more inside]
Glitch Forever Wiki
I have, with some help, revived the Glitch Strategy Wiki for the long-gone and much-mourned MMO, Glitch. [more inside]
Mobile-Friendly Compendium for Eclipse Phase
Eclipse Phase is a cool (if crunchy) tabletop RPG that mashes up post-singularity science fiction, survival horror, and enthusiastic transhumanism. The folks at Posthuman Studios have released it under a generous Creative Commons license that allows the community to expand, remix, and experiment with even the "canon" materials in the books. To that end, I've built a giant online compendium of every skill, power, character trait, creature, piece of gear, weapon, location, faction, NPC, and pregen character in all of Eclipse Phase's published books. Nerrrrrrrrrrrd.
My Kickstarter Project Gamer Theory
From the Kickstarter: "My book is divided into two parts. The first part is a point-by-point response to McKenzie Wark's excellent Gamer Theory (2007, Harvard University Press). The second part offers an expanded definition of Gamer Theory, complete with suggestions for ways the reader can think critically about gaming and still enjoy the hell out of it. " [more inside]
Book compilation, @Play: Exploring Roguelike Games
I have a book out! It's a compilation of my @Play columns on roguelike games, with some new material. It's part of the current StoryBundle too, with some new material. ALSO, one piece on the book is up as @Play 83, AND another is up now on Kotaku! [more inside]
Aporkalypse Revisited [Minecraft gaming]
Over the Christmas holidays, the Minecraft Aporkalypse gang from the MeFightClub community resurrected the Aporkalypse server (the talk of the Metafilter community back in 2011) and placed it online for a special winter reunion. The server is still up and has a crowd of the regulars online every evening. [more inside]
Otherfoot: Only Pen and Paper Required
I put together a website dedicated to my all-time favorite game, Otherfoot (mentioned previously in my 2006 FPP about ink-and-paper games). Otherfoot is a card game, played with a newly-created homemade deck every time. Gameplay is similar to Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity (pre-dating the latter), with key differences laid out in the FAQ (and reposted below). The game concept was developed by friends of my brother, and I've derived a lot of joy from playing Otherfoot with old and new friends for more than 10 years. [more inside]
Eudaimoneers is an invitation-only boutique ad network for indie gaming publishers and gaming fans
Display advertising on the web is kind of broken. It's become an escalating war of all against all, and gamers are the adblockingest demographic there is. Eudaimoneers wants to call a truce, bring back a little trust and integrity, and make things better for indie gaming site owners, for the gamers who visit their sites, for advertisers who want to reach them, and do some good in the process: we will donate 10% of our revenues to charities selected by network members every month. [more inside]
Space Nerds In Space
Space Nerds In Space is an open source (GPL) multiplayer networked starship bridge simulator for linux inspired by Artemis: Starship Bridge Simulator that I've been working on for the last few years. It's still not "complete", since, well, I can't stop working on it, but it is complete enough. The idea is, you get a bunch of your friends together with a bunch of computers and a projector, and then you drive around and shoot stuff (kind of like Friday night in a small Texas town, except you're driving the Hubble Space Telescope instead of an El Camino.) There are stations for Navigation, Weapons, Engineering, Damage Control, Science, Communications, and a "Demon" station which serves as a kind of "Game master" station where various things can be injected into the game, and from which Lua scripts of various scenarios might be run. If you're reading this, you probably already know whether it's your kind of thing. [more inside]
What is #GamerGate currently ruining?
Everything about #GamerGate has been, as mefi would say, super inside baseball, so I set up a website to show everyone what misogynist crap they're currently doing and stuck a blog on the back with brief summaries and links to people who have covered it more in depth. It's very inspired by single-serve sites even though I've added a lot more to it by now. About the project.
barrl: gusty winds may exist
I started one of those blogs people have where they write about all the stuff they care about. Topics include, among other things: social justice and feminism, video games (especially Dragon Age) and menstruation. Also, there are jokes. [more inside]
Console Obscura - a retro gaming culture and history podcast
Console Obscura is a podcast dedicated to video games and the people who play them. Ephemera, nostalgia, absurdity, history, culture, arcana and trivia are all fair game. If you remember what a new power pad smelled like, or Ganon's laugh sounds like, OR If none of that rings a bell but you enjoy a group of funny children of the 80s talking trash, this podcast is for you. Game on!
@Play, my old four-year column on roguelike games, play, history, theory and development, has returned.
Intelligent Gamer
I started a new website which focuses on news for the Intelligent Gamer. It's a multi platform gaming news and reviews site that I describe as the Anti-Kotaku. [more inside]
Badly Drawn Videogames using MS Paint
I was bored one day and started sketching out some old computer/video games screen shots in MS Paint. Somebody suggested I put them on a tumblr, which I did, then promptly forgot about it again until now.
NJW Games | Tabletop RPGs and more
I started this blog to support my game, Blade & Crown, but it's now quite extensive in itself. There are many articles of general use to tabletop RPG gamers, including adventure ideas, gaming history, reviews, worldbuilding, GMing tips & tricks and more.
ONOPO is a reimagining of an iconic American board game. I attempted to simplify and clarify the game system, removing any thematic metaphors and other non-essential elements. Inspired by abstract strategy games, I designed a minimal iconographic system which uses as little language as possible. [more inside]
"Commander" is a popular, casual format of Magic: The Gathering with constrained deck construction rules. ManabaseCrafter helps players select the format-legal cards that provide "mana", the core resource of gameplay, for their specific decks.
Blade & Crown
A tabletop, pen-and-paper fantasy RPG, Blade & Crown balances 80s realism and indie narrativism. It's a gritty, somewhat crunchy system, with lots of detail, twelve characteristics, a skill list, etc. But it's also strongly influenced by modern, indie games, so there are lots of active enticements for players to take control of the narrative, put their characters into adventurous situations and help immerse everyone in the game. It's already available as a PDF at DriveThruRPG, and a print edition should be following soon.
These automatic arms.
"These automatic arms" is a short Windows game -- maybe 15 minutes long. You appear not to be in control of your arms. Bystanders may be in danger. A tin foil hat may help? Reunite with your child and give them a proper hug. [more inside]
Make No Wonder (HTML5 game)
Make No Wonder is an HTML5 game where you explore a procedurally-generated wilderness landscape, collecting resources and building structures and tools to survive. [more inside]
Fake War Stories
Whenever a group of gamers get together, there's always a period of swapping crazy gaming stories. Role-playing (tabletop or LARP), war gaming, FPS--everyone has a funny story to tell. We decided this would make for an awesome collaborative writing project and we're asking people to submit a short tale. We've already gotten a number of pretty funny ones.
Playfic, an experimental community for writing/playing interactive fiction
Playfic is a community for writing, sharing, and playing interactive fiction games (aka "text adventures") entirely from your browser, using a bizarre and wonderful "natural language"-inspired language called Inform 7. I wrote a bit more about it on my blog, along with some screenshots.
AtomPunk - a postapocalyptic cardgame
A co-op wastelands caravan card game for 1-4 players that lasts 30-45 minutes. Race for the Galaxy Vs. Magic the Gathering with a splash of euro gaming in a dirty Fallout post apocalyptic setting. This will be kickstarter.com funded and I would love any help with card ideas and mechanics. [more inside]
The Games Bible--new games book
Hello fellow MeFites, THE GAMES BIBLE is out as of last fall. Metafilter contributed a bunch of ideas for my games parties and even a game or two (which I used with permission). [more inside]
Gamefilter dot net
"So," I asks myself, "self: does the world need a Metafilter-like site dedicated to gaming?" The answer I got back was "Hell, yeah!" and Gamefilter is the result. It's the newest site in the burgeoning network of MefightClub websites, ripped off from inspired by Metafilter and fitting somewhere in between our more chatty private forum and the more long-form Full Glass Empty Clip group blog. You don't need to be a Mefight Club member to join in; registration is open to all. [more inside]
Favimon (a browser game)
Favimon is a browser-based game in which you battle your favourite websites, building a collection of icons as you attempt to conquer the web. Gotta cache 'em all! [more inside]
Game Design Essentials: 20 Non-Computer Games
At last! It took me a long time, but my latest Game Design Essentials article for Gamasutra is finally done and up! This time the focus is on games that don't require a computer to play. The focus of the article is to briefly summarize the games for an audience of computer game designers, but you might enjoy it too. [more inside]
Full Glass, Empty Clip
Three years on and Mefight Club, the not-very-secret-at-all offshoot community of Metafilter that likes to play games together, has decided that a public face a little more engaging than a login form might be a thing that we'd like to have. Also, you know, we're Mefites, so we're inordinately fond of typing words into boxes and hitting Post buttons.
So I made this: Full Glass Empty Clip, a brand new Gaming Group Blog, written by any and all of our 850-or-so Mefight Club members who feel an urge to write something about or at least related to gaming. [more inside]