What I Had for Dinner Tonight
April 2, 2008 7:34 PM
What I Had for Dinner Tonight
Not recipes, just conversation, this blog arose from a daily ichat conversation between two foodies on different continents, which then spread further into the #mofirc irc channel... and someone *looks innocent* joked hey maybe we should start a blog..... and What I Had for Dinner Tonight was born. Your host is es el Queso - long time member of Monkeyfilter, and one keen cook. Posters come from a range of backgrounds, cooking skill sets and countries. The concept is simple - tell us what you had for dinner. Whether you cooked it, someone else cooked it or the guy down the road cooked it - have no reservations about joining in and telling us.
Not recipes, just conversation, this blog arose from a daily ichat conversation between two foodies on different continents, which then spread further into the #mofirc irc channel... and someone *looks innocent* joked hey maybe we should start a blog..... and What I Had for Dinner Tonight was born. Your host is es el Queso - long time member of Monkeyfilter, and one keen cook. Posters come from a range of backgrounds, cooking skill sets and countries. The concept is simple - tell us what you had for dinner. Whether you cooked it, someone else cooked it or the guy down the road cooked it - have no reservations about joining in and telling us.
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