19 posts tagged with stopmotion.
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The Lifecycle Of A Singular Organism (and other short animations)

I've recently been trying to make a short piece of animation a day. Most are under a minute, but a few are a little longer. The Lifecycle Of A Singular Organism (stopmotion, 3m3s); Who Of Ourselves Should Be Ashamed (stopmotion, 58 seconds); Risk Reward (stopmotion, 1m8s); A Circle And A Square (text animation, 30 seconds); The Collusion Of Artifice (stopmotion, 41 seconds); Manipulations of Perspective (stopmotion, 1m13s). There's also (many more) inside: [more inside]
posted by dng on Mar 3, 2021 - 7 comments

Noon All Year ... and more

3350 days ago I posted to Metafilter Project a timelapse music video about the founding year of our little sheep farm in Vermont. Since then, the camera equipment has definitely improved ... and the videos have gotten significantly shorter.* Most importantly, the view is still awesome. [more inside]
posted by terrapin on Feb 7, 2019 - 8 comments

New animation reel

A fast cut of some of my personal and commercial animation projects from 2012 up to today. [more inside]
posted by tessmartin on Jul 24, 2017 - 3 comments

Trailer for Ginevra

I have finished my first project using the multi-plane animation stand I built this Fall. The trailer for the short film Ginevra is now online. Based on Percy Shelley's poem "The Dirge", Ginevra depicts the aftermath of the murder of a young woman. As her distraught mother looks on, she learns that life after death involves a transition she never could have imagined. [more inside]
posted by tessmartin on Jan 3, 2017 - 4 comments

Girl With Pearl Earring

I worked on a video for Ted Ed, the educational branch of TED Talks. It’s about the Dutch Renaissance painter Jan Vermeer, and specifically, his painting The Girl with a Pearl Earring. It was created with frame by frame animation under the camera, some paint on glass animation, some Photoshop animation, and a lot of After Effects compositing. This blog post has a link to the video, stills, and behind the scenes shots.
posted by tessmartin on Nov 2, 2016 - 3 comments

I built a multi-plane animation stand

I’m really happy to finally finish a new multi-plane animation stand set up after two weeks of building, visiting hard ware stores, hunting for fabric and transporting heavy glass in a suitcase by bus. Link includes a time lapse video showing the building process, followed by detail shots with more information and a test shot inspired by Blade Runner.
posted by tessmartin on Oct 3, 2016 - 4 comments

Animation Arts Booster Organization

Last Fall I launched a non-profit to support independent animation in the Pacific Northwest of the USA. Our website provides visitors (animators and fans alike) with an overview of the history and current scene in the area, as well as a wealth of resources on film festivals, artist residencies, grant applications, etc. [more inside]
posted by tessmartin on May 17, 2016 - 0 comments

Animation Arts Booster

Last Fall I launched a non-profit to support independent animation in the Pacific Northwest of the USA. Our website provides visitors (animators and fans alike) with an overview of the history and current scene in the area, as well as a wealth of resources on film festivals, artist residencies, grant applications, etc. [more inside]
posted by bq on May 16, 2016 - 0 comments

Oh My

I am very happy to announce that the music video I was slaving away over in February and March has just come out! Made for The Animators, out of Melbourne, it features a chase through the snow, some magical realism, a very cute animal, and a whole lot of painted plastic cut-outs. I have some stills and 'making of' pictures on my blog.
posted by tessmartin on Apr 13, 2016 - 1 comment

Loop GIF inspired by The Shining

This animated GIF was created for the Loopdeloop competition, based in Australia. Each month there is a different theme, and this month’s was….sisters. I immediately thought of two sisters and two hotels: the twins from The Shining, perhaps the most sinister sisters of all, who live in the movie’s Overlook Hotel, but also the Hotel Budapest, shaped like a cylinder and with more than a little Overlook-creepiness to it.
posted by tessmartin on Jan 20, 2016 - 3 comments

The Lost Mariner - Film and Making Of

The Lost Mariner is an animated interpretation of Dr. Oliver Sacks’ case study found in his book The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. It uses photographs to visualize the rare memory condition of patient Jimmie G. This film was finished in 2014 and after appearing in many film festivals over the past year is finally available online. [more inside]
posted by tessmartin on Dec 18, 2015 - 0 comments

Into The Fire

Into The Fire (youtube - vimeo) is a short stop motion film about death and what comes after, made this weekend as part of the 2015 Colchester Film Festival 60 Hour Film Challenge.
posted by dng on Oct 4, 2015 - 0 comments

Reel of work from 2011 to 2014

A reel that showcases a selection of my work from 2011 to August 2014. tessmartinart.com Unless otherwise stated, all clips are from personal films. [more inside]
posted by tessmartin on May 1, 2015 - 0 comments

The Marvel Explanation

Can Joey explain the Marvel Cinematic Universe to his sister Cassie, who only has eyes for Rocket Raccoon? Click to find out!
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jul 31, 2014 - 0 comments

Mario: animated short

In Italian playgrounds a song is chanted that dates back to World War I. This paint on glass animation tells this dark tale of a soldier who returns home from war to find his girlfriend has left him. [more inside]
posted by tessmartin on Jul 14, 2014 - 2 comments

Documentary: Round Window stained glass, stop motion

I make stained glass windows for a living. For a long time I've wanted to make a stop motion movie of a window going together. So I finally did it. [more inside]
posted by yesster on Jun 19, 2014 - 5 comments

animation marathon segment

A few months ago I took part in an animation marathon as part of the Fete de L’Anim in Lille and Tourcoing. Myself and two classmates from St Joost created 10 seconds of animation in two days. It was super fun and you can watch our segment here, and the whole compilation here. Our little clip and its companions are playing at this year’s Annecy Off, an alternative festival in Annecy dedicated to young filmmakers.
posted by tessmartin on Jun 13, 2014 - 3 comments

A Chair of Ice and Fire

How to do you explain everything that's occurred on Game of Thrones to your annoying kid brother, who shouldn't be watching it? Here's one possibility! [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Apr 4, 2014 - 0 comments

Whale Story

A fisherman experiences a moment of connection with a female humpback whale in the waters off of San Francisco. Is this an example of inter-species communication or a mysterious fluke? This true story, originally reported by RadioLab is retold in paint on a 16 foot high wall with the help of the passing public in Seattle's Cal Anderson Park.
posted by bq on Feb 1, 2012 - 0 comments

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