A Chair of Ice and Fire
April 4, 2014 7:11 AM   Subscribe

A Chair of Ice and Fire
How to do you explain everything that's occurred on Game of Thrones to your annoying kid brother, who shouldn't be watching it? Here's one possibility!

This is a stop motion project made by a small group of artists/friends called PlaidWorks. A Chair of Ice and Fire was one of those ideas that got floated and immediately seized on by everyone as being too much fun. It was also our most ambitious project date, involving extensive planning including designing and building an animation table, with camera rig, along with writing drafts and readings and character design.

It was a wobbly good time, that taught us a ton!
Role: writer, designer, artist, puppeteer, video editor, vocals
posted by Brandon Blatcher (0 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite

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