33 posts tagged with Internet.
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Partial Time Travel, and Other Thoughts on Our Media Diets

A consideration of how the Internet causes "samebrain", and some ways to break out of our digital ruts and buck our corporate recommendation engine overlords, including looking in unexpected places, consuming the media of other locations and times, and, um... just typing in random URLs.
posted by helenoreoax on Jan 19, 2024 - 0 comments

Incredible Doom: Eternal September

A new comic series we're launching today in the Incredible Doom universe (that Metafilter has been so kind to!), Eternal September is an intimate, harrowing series about teenagers navigating the wild, dangerous days of the early web. You can read Issue 1 free online today, and you'll be able to read the entire series for free as it's posted to followers. No ads, no trackers, no middlemen, we're going back to our roots on the open web. [more inside]
posted by churl on Sep 26, 2023 - 2 comments

Preserving Worlds - Season 2

Visit virtual worlds of the past! Meet the netizens keeping them going. Let's re-wild the information superhighway! Can cyberspace be a better place? A streaming documentary series on the cultures and communities of antique virtual worlds. Every episode is standalone, so you don't need to have seen season 1. [more inside]
posted by One Second Before Awakening on May 22, 2023 - 0 comments

Information Warfare Is Without Limits and So Are Its Consequences

If we fail to see the last eight years as anything less than eight years of continuous war, we fail to understand the politics of cyberspace.
posted by schmudde on Jul 13, 2022 - 0 comments

The Worst House On The Internet

Remember when you went trick-or-treating and there was always that one house on the block that gave out the worst treats? Now everyone on the Internet can re-experience that same feeling of Halloween disappointment. You’re welcome! [more inside]
posted by missjenny on Oct 25, 2021 - 14 comments

Preserving Worlds

Preserving Worlds is a documentary travelogue through aging but beloved virtual worlds. Join us as we explore dated chat environments, appreciate player-created art, and meet people working against obsolescence to keep the communities they care about alive and accessible. [more inside]
posted by One Second Before Awakening on May 14, 2021 - 2 comments

Incredible Doom: Season One

A gut-wrenching coming of age story of unlikely alliances, magic, daring escapes, young love, and crime sprees, all squeezed over 2400 baud modems. We're so proud to be finally releasing the entire 6-issue print and web comic Incredible Doom free for everyone to read online, no strings attached. We also made a new little video to give you an idea of what it's like. [more inside]
posted by churl on Sep 17, 2019 - 6 comments

Escorts in NC since Backpage shutdown

The complexities of sex work in the post-backpage era, focusing on North Carolina's Research Triangle
posted by FiftyShadesOfBae on Jul 12, 2018 - 0 comments

Sprinkles: a javascript repeating pattern creator

A pattern generator to create repeating sprinkly designs. Sprinkle colours, width, density, and length are adjustable. Comes with included theme presets.
posted by smasuch on Mar 5, 2018 - 3 comments

Incredible Doom

Today my friend Matt and I are finally launching a new web & print comic series we’ve been working on for almost a year. It’s about teenagers in the '90s getting into life & death situations over the early Internet. [more inside]
posted by churl on Oct 3, 2017 - 11 comments

Find out what's #TRENTing from a brash cartoon character

Short comedy video series: Trent is a sort of Max Headroom for the social media era — but only sort of. He lives inside the matrix, telling you what's #TRENTing, in a brash style — mixing a Scandinavian accent with a Brooklyn attitude. In this episode, Trent weighs in on the Ghost in the Shell controversy, the Vice President's rule about dining alone with women, and your search history being up for sale. WARNING: "Mature" language. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Apr 1, 2017 - 2 comments

xn--qeiaa.ws: Emoji Domain Registration

Domains can be more than just letters and numbers. Most people have no idea they can just type a bunch of hearts in their address bar and go to a domain... and yet, it works!
posted by ph00dz on Dec 8, 2016 - 2 comments

I am the Internet: AMA

It's me - the Internet. You know, the place with all the cat videos and pornography? Well, now you can ask me questions and I'll try to answer them! As best as I can, anyhow. Sorry in advance for all the typos. [more inside]
posted by avoision on Dec 7, 2016 - 1 comment

Media/digital literacy, with snarky puppets.

An update on what we've been up to at The Media Show, including an interview with the head of punk label Kill Rock Stars and arguing with a puppet version of Richard Stallman. [more inside]
posted by gusandrews on Aug 16, 2016 - 0 comments


when a site asks you to sign up for their thing and then the 'no thank you' link is some hot garbage. [more inside]
posted by danb on Mar 26, 2016 - 1 comment

How do I get my Facebook back? Is the Internet good or bad? How do ads know my location?

A handful of new puppety Media Show episodes for your entertainment, and possible use in helping friends, family, and students understand media and technology better: [more inside]
posted by gusandrews on Sep 18, 2015 - 1 comment

Awesomelytics: cross-site real-time and historical web analytics

In addition to standard web analytics features — view detailed visitor information in real time on a world map, analyze historical information on visits, record events, and so on — Awesomelytics lets you retrieve visitor events on any of your properties from any of your other properties when you install the tracking code on multiple websites. This allows you to follow your users as they move between your sites and act on information gleaned on your other websites. Installation is straightforward and is documented for various platforms. A WordPress plugin is also available.
posted by quarantine on Jul 6, 2015 - 2 comments

What is #GamerGate currently ruining?

Everything about #GamerGate has been, as mefi would say, super inside baseball, so I set up a website to show everyone what misogynist crap they're currently doing and stuck a blog on the back with brief summaries and links to people who have covered it more in depth. It's very inspired by single-serve sites even though I've added a lot more to it by now. About the project.
posted by NoraReed on May 7, 2015 - 4 comments

First Drafts of History

This Tumblr consists of the earliest extant versions of various Wikipedia articles. It's easy to overlook what an ambitious project Wikipedia is in its design, and the way in which its articles have been built bit by bit into extraordinarily useful resources from often very modest and unpromising beginnings. It's interesting as well to see how the editorial voice and organizational structure common on current articles have evolved over time. If you have suggestions for interesting articles to examine, let me know.
posted by Horace Rumpole on Oct 16, 2014 - 2 comments

How to Recognize the Signs That You Work For a Corporate Cult

I've been "working" on this for a few years. It was originally for a certain magazine, but it got to be too long. I didn't feel like cutting it down to meet the word limit requirements.
posted by rabbit on Jun 15, 2014 - 0 comments

Five Thousand Selfies (SLYP)

"Call me young snapchat / Selfiedor Dali / I'm the MVP of this JPG game" Five Thousand Selfies is comprised of 5000+ faces flickering by at 10 FPS. Might induce seizures. [more inside]
posted by cmyr on Oct 2, 2013 - 0 comments

Royalton Community Radio

Royalton Community Radio (RCR) is an independent, community-based, all volunteer, non-profit station — based in South Royalton, Vermont — which intends to educate and entertain our audience with diverse, thought provoking local programming that has been neglected or under-represented by other media. In particular, RCR's programming reflects the values of environmental/agricultural sustainability, freedom of expression, grassroots democracy and the uniqueness of our creative, cultural community. [more inside]
posted by terrapin on Mar 14, 2013 - 3 comments


a bookmarklet for creating erasure poems from web pages
posted by raisindebt on Mar 5, 2013 - 6 comments

Must Read

On Must Read, you choose the one article you think everyone should read—right now—then share it with a note explaining why. Follow people who post great must-reads, and your timeline becomes a command center for vital reading; you see their current must-reads, and nothing else. [more inside]
posted by defenestration on Jan 24, 2013 - 14 comments


GIFbites is a regular podcast and tumblr on/about/for animated GIFs. Each episode lasts no more than 15 seconds. [more inside]
posted by 0bvious on Dec 31, 2012 - 4 comments

Where Will the Books Go, 1962 essay by John R. Platt

In 1962, John R. Platt predicted a personal microfilm library of all the world's written records would soon be installed in every home. In essence, he hypothesised a pre-digital Internet powered by photographic film, optical lenses and the postal service. [more inside]
posted by distorte on Nov 7, 2012 - 2 comments

Your Mother, the Hacker

Need help explaining your Internet-y job to your mom? We're here to help! We're sending out Mother's Day e-cards to clue her in on the nonsense that is the Web. Pick some terms and they'll show up friendly-like in her inbox this Sunday. Web servers, the Cloud, PHP, and a gazillion more await! There's also a version with holiday-appropriate floweriness.
posted by soma lkzx on May 10, 2012 - 0 comments

Blogologues: Younger Than Springtime

Hi all! Our company has been experimenting with this crazy comedy project in which we perform the internet, completely verbatim. We've done a bunch of one-night engagements of the project with new themes every time, and for the first time ever we have a 16-performance run. We're performing weekends through May 5th in the west village of NYC. [more inside]
posted by paperdolls12 on Apr 17, 2012 - 0 comments


A web/interactive/music video by Yung Jake. [more inside]
posted by beanstshirt on Mar 15, 2012 - 0 comments

What Is TOR? or "The face of the surveillance state is totally an octopus in a top hat"

WHAT IS TOR: A poster for the Electronic Frontier Foundation by Molly Crabapple and myself explains what the TOR network of anonymous nodes does, why it's important, and what you can do to help, via the medium of cartoon raccoons in waistcoats.
posted by The Whelk on Jun 8, 2011 - 5 comments

Jeff Johnston : Computational Graphic Design

For the past few years I've been developing techniques for computational graphic design. This is my new website, showing some of my work.
posted by jeffj on Mar 30, 2011 - 3 comments

Emerging Technologies Summer Institute: Crowdsourced Professional Development

There's tons of cool web apps out there that may or may not be useful to you; I often learn about these apps through Twitter or other social media when my colleagues and friends discover something they think is awesome. So this summer I thought I'd try to gather all that discovery together in one place, so that those of us who are interested could influence each other and spark some ideas. I've invited anyone who's interested to post a screencast of their favourite internet finds, and show us why they think it's cool, for the month of July only. [more inside]
posted by Hildegarde on Jul 18, 2010 - 0 comments

Where Spam Comes From

Many people don't know. The good thing is, there's parts of the process which are really easy to explain through visual metaphors. So we did, by constructing a giant mechanical spider marionette. Enjoy.
posted by gusandrews on May 25, 2010 - 2 comments

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