20 posts tagged with Feminism.
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The Burning Lies: Witches, Radical Feminists, and Nazis
A short zine about about the curious life of an invented fact. Scholars peg early modern European witch-hunt deaths at 40,000, but estimates in the millions continue to circulate in feminist and Pagan communities. Where did these gross exaggerations come from, and what uses have they been put to? After reading this zine, you will know! [more inside]
Princess Unlimited
Ten years ago, when my daughter was little, I read too many picture books about princesses who sit around waiting to be rescued. In response, I wrote my own tale about a princess who faces a dragon, starts a business, and saves the kingdom. Today, it finally hits the shelves, with wonderful art from Raissa Figueroa. It got a great review from School Library Journal: "This essential purchase smashes societal barriers erected against gender"! [more inside]
Women and Other Monsters book
My essay collection about feminism and mythological monsters is out! It's a combination of personal writing and cultural analysis, looking at how myths about monstrous women still influence us and how we can reclaim those images. Of specific interest to Metafilter: it includes a chapter expanded from the essay linked in this FPP, and some discussion of the emotional labor thread including a few quotes from Mefites. (Also mentioned the emotional labor thread on this week's Longform Podcast.)
WOKE ME UP INSIDE: Evanescence, Wokeness, and 2018
(note to mods: I posted this two months ago when it was a little baby; it is now a Whole Done Thing and I thought it might be OK to repost it as such. Feel free to slap my hand, delete, etc. if not.) A complete essay series reconsidering Evanescence's major label debut Fallen through a variety of feminist-theory lenses, because... why not. Or, from the intro post: "What I do want to do is take an album I liked, and still like, and reconsider it as the person I am now, in the world I’m forced by the dreadful circumstances of linear time to live in today." [more inside]
Woke Me Up Inside: Evanescence and Feminism
An in-progress reconsideration of Evanescence's major debut Fallen through a variety of feminist-theory lenses, because... why not. Or, from the intro post: "What I do want to do is take an album I liked, and still like, and reconsider it as the person I am now, in the world I’m forced by the dreadful circumstances of linear time to live in today." [more inside]
Queer Lady Magician
Remember this question about being a Queer Lady Magician? It's real now. Coming to a Melbourne Fringe near you. [more inside]
On the Responsibilities of White American Women
Ever since the election, I have been obsessed with the possible reasons that many white American women voted for Trump, and the reasons that many white American feminists continue to not support measures that would be beneficial for queer women and women of color. This essay is the result of that obsession.
Reader on Revolutionary Feminism
I work with a group that just put together a second edition of a reader on Revolutionary Feminism. It includes a century of debates between communist, anarchism and radical feminists, extending from 1890 to 1983. Groups in 21 cities and four countries did study groups on the Revolutionary Feminism reader in the fall and winter of 2015. This collection is beautifully laid out, easy to share, and includes a lot of great material on lost traditions of queer and women's liberation movements. [more inside]
12 Awesome Women of the Stage
12 Awesome Women of the Stage (You've Never Heard Of) is published as the third in a series for 10-13 year olds. It is the third in a series which highlights the achievements and legacies of women that young people may never have heard of. It takes a look at the lives and careers of women both on the stage and behind the curtain. JumpMag (the publisher) is an advertising free, girl-positive environment, which aims to create opportunities for young people and provide role models for young women. [more inside]
Why Are You So Angry?
A six-part video series on angry video gamers as means of talking about privilege, feminist backlash, do-gooder derogation, harassment, and online community. They are functionally the sequel to my video about internet fame, This Is Phil Fish. (previously) [more inside]
What is #GamerGate currently ruining?
Everything about #GamerGate has been, as mefi would say, super inside baseball, so I set up a website to show everyone what misogynist crap they're currently doing and stuck a blog on the back with brief summaries and links to people who have covered it more in depth. It's very inspired by single-serve sites even though I've added a lot more to it by now. About the project.
Imagining a Safer Space: Building Community & Ending Harassment in Punk
I recently got harassed in a pretty terrifying way at a punk venue in Austin, Texas. I used my experience as inspiration for a piece that examines why and how harassers are allowed to continue operating within the punk community, as well as how to establish community norms that holds them accountable for their actions. [more inside]
All Her Buzzing Eyes
A cyberpunk retelling of Hamlet, from Ophelia's perspective. My first published science fiction story!
barrl: gusty winds may exist
I started one of those blogs people have where they write about all the stuff they care about. Topics include, among other things: social justice and feminism, video games (especially Dragon Age) and menstruation. Also, there are jokes. [more inside]
If we liberate male sexuality, the war against women can end
"When a man enters my secret room, he steps into another world, where the taboos, rules and expectations of the outside world are lifted, or bent to serve our mutual pleasure.. [more inside]
IGNITE: Women Fuelling Science and Technology
IGNITE aims to highlight women and girls working in STEM in various ways - as developers, artists, activists, community organisers, educators, and much more. We're also collecting #BeTheSpark stories on how you got interested in STEM, so if you have a story to share please contribute!
New feminist guild for Guild Wars 2.
If there are any GW2 players on Metafilter, my girlfriend (MeFi's nonmerci) and I have created a guild whose purpose is to gather like-minded players who are tired of constantly being barraged by homophobic and misogynistic banter in map chat, team chat... pretty much all parts of the game. We haven't advertised it in game because we are afraid of getting trolled but we have made a post on a community forum.
Our guild "advertisement" can be found here. If you have any tips on how we are approaching this, how the announcement sounds, etc. that would be greatly appreciated!
If you are interested in joining the guild or you know someone who might be interested, our in game names are: "Finola Redmayne" and "Magen Gaderian"
Tiny Fix Bike Gang
Tiny Fix is a bike gang run by female fixed gear cyclists under five-foot-two who work on making Chicago’s bike scene more inclusive and, more importantly, way more fun. We blog at tinyfixbikegang.com, organize bar nights and group rides, volunteer for bike events, and throw alleycat races that anyone can ride. [more inside]
Public Books
A curated monthly review devoted to spirited debate about books and the arts, created by and for a transnational community of writers, artists, and activists. Inaugural contributors include Tobias Kelly, Bruce Robbins, Lawrence Weschler (interviewing Errol Morris), Laura Norén, David Henkin, Adam Morris, and Sharon Marcus. Brought to you by the editors of Public Culture and NYU's Institute for Public Knowledge. [more inside]
Ranting against the War on Women.
I started this website, as you can tell by its URL, as a response to the egregious billboard by Lamar Advertising that hung in Soho very briefly, but continues to hang in other cities around the country. It has morphed into a place where I go nuts, no holds barred, against the War on Women in America. [more inside]