July 15

IUDs for All
Contraception, and control and understanding of your own body are pressing topics. IUDs are remarkably effective, but not as available or as popular as they could be – and insertion is more painful than it should be. We’re investigating innovations to empower women to design and insert their own IUDs. [more inside]

July 13

Information Warfare Is Without Limits and So Are Its Consequences
If we fail to see the last eight years as anything less than eight years of continuous war, we fail to understand the politics of cyberspace.

July 12

Bad Moon Rising: The Strange Untold Story of the Cult Leader, his Newspaper and the Right
With the Moonies (previously on Metafilter) back in the news after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, I've re-released a free edition of my 2008 nonfiction book on this group and its connections to right-wing politics in the U.S. and Japan. In a new preface, I discuss why I made the PDF freely available with hopes of helping young people trapped inside this group.

July 9

In Which Dr. Strange Swears Like A Normal Person
Dumb fun where a re-read of Marvel Mastersworks' Doctor Strange compendiums leads to me swapping out his various oaths for the single most versatile word in the English language. Work in progress. Since I do have a professional life where I'm expected to maintain a level of decorum, there's a password. [more inside]

July 8

Making a watermelon chair from green wood  
I started making colourful stools for kids a couple of years ago in my spare time. Recently I was part of a project to film the process, and this is the result :). The link above goes to a short little teaser and some still photos, or you can go here for the whole video. [more inside]

June 23

Solfetta: a free web-based ear training app
I created Solfetta because I wanted a convenient way to practice playing by ear on my phone that could help build associations between the music being played and Solfa symbols (you can also display intervals, or note names in any key). You can play what you want or use a library of well-known melodies to get started. The tuning can be changed to match any recording. Code (VanillaJS) is on GitHub.

June 17

The many faces of Boris Johnson
I’ve just compiled 36 of my photographs showing London street art images of Boris Johnson into a single Twitter thread. The roles Johnson’s shown in here include comedian, demon, Beatle, blackface minstrel, clown, monster, glove-puppet, shoeshine, dominatrix, junkie and sexy manga boy. Threadreader.

June 16

Every Diner in Whatcom County, WA
I'm a recent transplant to Bellingham, Washington. In addition to rain and deer, we have lots of diners. I have decided to eat at and review each one based on the following criteria: Vibe, Song Heard, Coffee, Did the yolk pop?, Can I sit and read a while?, and Price. I'm up to 14 so far, about eight more to go! [more inside]

June 11

Woefully Neglected
Sorry for the lack of updates! Yesterday was 10 years to the day since the last update to this site. [more inside]

June 10

AI-generated art and comics about cats, from the future! I've been generating these using a tool called Midjourney, which has proved especially good at mimicking the pen-and-ink art style of New Yorker cartoons. I'm having a ton of fun making these (“new yorker cartoon about a cat being chased by a swarm of bees” is my favorite so far), so I set up a dedicated Instagram. New cat comics/art/weirdness a couple of times a day!

Penga, a penguin physics game
I recently integrated Planck.js into a client's product and wanted to reuse that knowledge to make a fun game, so I picked an idea and tweeted along as I refined & built it. [more inside]

June 7

Short story: "Theory of Knowledge"
A story about revenge, written in the form of an epistemology exam. [more inside]

June 6

"Still Me," my latest music video
I wrote the music using some Apple loops and original stuff too. I used GarageBand for iOS. And iMovie for iOS. My partner did a lot of the video-ing. I love the old French doll and the bluejay finger puppets.

June 1

This digital history project reveals a comprehensive history of housing discrimination and segregation across the US' North and West. Complicating the notion that most racist policies existed only in the Jim Crow south, Unvarnished includes a national narrative on how racist policies and practices created a segregated nation, along with six "local spotlight" stories for Appleton, WI; West Hartford, CT; Brea, CA; Naperville, IL; Oak Park, IL; and Columbus, OH. [more inside]

May 31

INSIDE: The Photobook
Last June, my brother texted me a rave review urging me to watch Bo Burnham's Netflix special INSIDE, which had been languishing on my to-watch list along with a hundred other things. I ended up loving it so much that I made this exhaustive megapost about it. As thanks (and for his 30th birthday present), I embarked on a project to turn the entire special into a coffee table-style photobook. It took a biiit longer than I thought (about six months longer!), but the project is now complete. Process, photos, and full PDF available... Inside. [more inside]

May 27

May 24

... a look back at your Amazon shopping history
Amazon allows you to export your shopping history as a CSV. Nozama helps you parse your purchases. Slice and dice past your spending by year, category and item. [more inside]

May 23

Our new verification system, which tests for correct behavior in bioinformatics software packages. We crafted tests to unify correct behavior when tools encounter various edge cases—potentially unexpected inputs that exemplify the limits of the format. Inspired by the web standards Acid tests.

May 21

Mel's Loop - A Comprenesive Companion to the Story of Mel
TL;DR: On this date 39 years ago The Story of Mel was published on Usenet by its author. Today, we launch Mel’s Loop project (https://melsloop.com), with some fascinating details about the epic hacker folklore tale, its characters' biographies and origins! [more inside]

May 19

Hyper: A Bookmarklet to Optimize Reading Speed
This bookmarklet enables one to optimize reading speed by bolding the first few letters of each word in text. It operates on any HTML and can also be accessed within the webpage. [more inside]

May 17

Corkery’s Farewell (1875): a Peaky Blinders ballad.
The term “Peaky Blinders” was still a decade away from being coined when Jeremiah Corkery and his thuggish mates murdered a Birmingham policeman called William Lines in March 1875. But it's only the name they lacked. Corkery's execution four months after the killing produced at least two songs about him and a great deal of press coverage lamenting the lawless state of the Victorian city's streets. PlanetSlade’s latest gallows ballads essay has the full story, plus a look at how the real Peakies differed sharply from their TV counterparts. [more inside]

May 13

The Daily Brief -- News as Information
A reboot of a project we ran from 1995 to 2000, the Daily Brief is a news summary intended to provide our readers with unbiased, no-agenda, clear, and timely information that is needed to maintain essential awareness of important events and information from around the world. Maybe MeFi needs a News link up there in the header where the Daily Brief can be repurposed for intelligent ingestion and commentary? [more inside]

May 5

How the age-appropriate debate is altering curriculum in Tennessee and nationwide  
A story we've been working on at Chalkbeat for a little while, on the challenges faced by curriculum in Williamson Co., Tennessee. A lot of these kinds of moral panic stories concentrate on the things that individual actors say, but for this reporting my team dug into the report for all 31 texts that had been challenged, and tried to put them into context of exactly what the complaints were, and how they were addressed. [more inside]

Datasette Lite
I've been working on Datasette, a Python application for exploring databases for a few years now. Today I released a new tool built on top of it: Datasette Lite, which runs the existing server-side Python application entirely in your browser, using a WebAssembly version of Python. [more inside]

May 3

Every .horse domain  
A simple website which lists every .horse domain. All of them. In one place. It is not alphabetised because horses are not alphabetised.

April 30

8+ Years of Painting Slideshow
Since about 2014 I have been trying to learn to paint, specifically with acrylics. If you ever wondered what an 8+ year timeline of paintings might look like, the good and the bad and the very bad, the steps forward and the steps backward, then I have made one of those. [more inside]

Lexigram is a bespoke word delivery service. Receive a single unique handwritten word, personally chosen by our resident wordsmith and delivered to you anywhere in the world, for as little (or as much) as £3 a word. [more inside]

April 29

Every Bad Thing That Could Possibly Happen to You: Creepy Stories for Kids and Adults
A blog of short stories detailing every awful fate that might befall someone, written for both kids and adults. Some are creepy, some are sad, some are funny. All are strange, weird and bizarre. New stories every Wednesday evening. [more inside]

April 22

Ancient Animals  
I have no experience with clay or sculpting, but I wanted to learn. I needed a project, so I started copying ancient animal sculptures that I found on the web. These were all made between November 2021 and April 2022. They're made with air dry clay, and painted with acrylic paints. I haven't tried kiln firing or glazing yet! [more inside]

April 21

BOKEH game
I wanted to make a simple webgame similar to those old Flash ones where you eat smaller fish & avoid bigger ones. A 'budget' of 1-1.5 days seemed sensible and I tweeted updates while building it.

April 18

Aura is my latest album. It's a jazz album featuring me on bass with three great musicians playing songs I wrote. I don't know what style I'd call it, but it's definitely influenced by various artists on the ECM label.

Quality-adjusted life days: quantifying wellness
I've found that the traditional 1-10 scale on which doctors ask me to rate my mood or physical pain doesn’t capture the full range of my experience. I've developed a framework that I find more meaningful, and want to share it.

April 17

London's Ukraine War street art
The first bit of London street art I saw addressing Putin's war against Ukraine appeared on Day Two of the war itself. More and more examples followed as I wandered round London over the next few weeks, including graffiti murals, home-made posters and protest stickers. I've stitched together 26 photographs of the best witty, angry and inventive pieces I've found so far into a couple of PlanetSlade collages here. [more inside]

April 16

For iOS devices, a "shortcut" to quickly create links/quotes from a web page for posting to an HTML-based forum (like MetaFilter.) [more inside]

April 15

Reunion Tour
I contributed three songs to a collaborative Blaseball album, Reunion Tour, the fourth in a series of "Away Games" albums that collect songs about teams other than the Garages. [more inside]

April 14

My latest painting
This is my latest painting

April 13

Milk Barn Farm
After a couple decades of making websites (and often talking about them here), I was burnt out, unable to sleep, and in constant physical pain. So I moved away from SF and started growing hemp for CBD, and it helped! Milk Barn Farm is my attempt to share that with the world. [more inside]

Polyidus: identifying viral integration sites from chimeric sequencing reads
The free Polyidus software identifies the exact genomic regions for integration of a known virus. We developed Polyidus to identify viral integration sites with chimeric sequencing reads from any paired-end sequencing data. First, Polyidus aligns reads to a viral genome. It allows for partial mapping using local alignment, and removes any sequencing fragment where neither read maps to the virus. Second, Polyidus aligns the selected reads to the host genome, permitting partial mapping. Third, Polyidus identifies chimeric reads: those reads mapped partially to the host genome and partially to the virus genome. Fourth, for each chimeric read, Polyidus reports the start and strand of integration in both the host and viral genomes. Polyidus also reports the number of chimeric reads supporting each integration site. [more inside]

April 10

Set Side B
I thought to myself, what was the least zeitgeisty thing we could create in this year of our frog 2022? As a result, me and a couple of friends have started a new gaming blog, called Set Side B! I was inspired by the final loss of the archives of old GameSetWatch, where I wrote @Play long ago. You can still find it on the Wayback Machine, but even so, that site hasn't been updated since 2011 anyway. Set Side B is our effort to do something about its loss. I will be writing on a bunch of topics there, both shortly and longly, but mostly shortly. Including roguelikes. Please enjoy our overbearing randomess!

April 9

Dog of the Dead
My first novel in a new fantasy series called "Ms. Whitaker's Last Year" is up on Kindle! Martha Whitaker is a middle school English teacher who refuses to let anything interfere with what she thinks is important, not even her own possible death, an immense egg on her kitchen table, or a mob of the deceased trying to retrieve their escaped dog. Martha is both utterly focused and utterly wrongheaded, but she will do anything, including braving the bleak concourses of the Afterlife, to help out the various young people who rely on her.

April 7

Crafting: Ceramics and Metal Wire Trees
Posting some of the metal crafts I’ve made during the pandemic – particularly my “quarantine trees.” Also posting examples of ceramics pieces I've made since I started taking pottery classes in 2019. Ongoing.

April 5

The Flaws of Gravity
My first novel's out! It's an urban fantasy set in Montreal and the Niagara Region of Ontario. If you like urban fantasy, or more specifically: mysterious Faeries, gravity-defying action, museum heists and lovers to enemies to...it's complicated? then please check it out! [more inside]

March 30

I’ve been experimenting with AI/machine learning recently, and trained my latest build on the complete set of 898 pokemon currently included in the pokemon.com database (as of 2021). To avoid contaminating the results, only information gleanable from the official pokedex was made available to my AI. Everything here therefore was clearly extrapolatable by inference from the dataset, even in cases where this seems unlikely. In the course of the experiment, 49 non-official Pokemon were generated. The full results (with notes) can be found at the link above. [more inside]

March 29

How many apples?  
A couple of years ago, Harvard statistics PhD student Kareem Carr ignited a firestorm of debate when he talked about 2+2=5. Apples kept coming up in the debate as the quintessential example of a countable thing. "I have two apples. I get two more apples. Now I have four apples. Always. Math is never wrong." For some reason the example was always apples. Thinking about that finally bore fruit in the making of this: How many apples do you count in this image? [more inside]

March 25

Brain Tape
Dogg, it is brain tape since young times. A deep dive / sacred reading podcast around the seminal webcomic Achewood, specifically the arc known as The Great Outdoor Fight. One of us knows everything about Achewood, the other knows basically nothing. Which one of us is Beef and which one is Ray is still undetermined. [more inside]

Brass sextet for 6 trumpets and epic digital signal processing
I haven't been able to make music with my brass quintet since the start of the pandemic. I ended up redirecting that grief into a 10-month quest to use extensive digital signal processing to transform live trumpet audio into realistic horn, trombone, and tuba, so I could play a sextet with myself.

A narrative game system over 200 years old: "The Impromptu Tale"
I worked up a rough translation of one of the collaborative story-telling games linked in this post: Pre-Surrealist Games. It's called "The Impromptu Tale," and there's a lot to it that modern tabletop gamers may find familiar.

March 23

A VR Schizophrenia Simulator for Us All
My senior year of college, I had a mental crisis of sorts. I was struggling with intrusive thoughts and was afraid that I’d blurt them out loud in class, thereby humiliating myself and inflicting emotional damage on both myself and my peers. I became convinced I had schizophrenia, although I wasn’t exhibiting any of the symptoms... [more inside]

March 20

Hermit Crabs of Paradise Cove, Vanuatu
I lived in Vanuatu for 4+ months pre-pandemic and was intrigued by the variety of Hermit Crabs on the beach. I decided to photograph them. These are my favorites. [more inside]

March 19

You think you're addicted to Spelling Bee?
Here's my NYT Spelling Bee inspired game, Spellbound. Besides coding it up, I created all the word lists. Compared to the NYT, there is more food and plants, fewer chemicals and fish, and no words that would embarrass anyone playing with their children. Free, no ads, no shared data, just for fun. And you don't need a subscription to the NYT to play it.

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