cortex's votes
Displaying vote 601 to 620 of 630

Hate On!
Hating the rich, powerful and famous so you don't have to. Your basic celebrity, pop culture news and gossip site, except I never have anything good to say about anyone.
posted by nyxxxx at 9:17 PM on June 22, 2006

Snacksby: A Recipe Site
I got tired of not being able to tell a cooking site "Hey! I've got two onions, 4 eggs, a loaf of bread and some mayo. What can I make?", so I made one that would listen. Snacksby can learn about substitutions and new measurements, and since it's after 1997 it's got things like tagging and rating (and rounded borders!)
posted by soma lkzx at 8:50 AM on June 20, 2006

Worst of YouTube
Dinner Party Head digs through all the noise, muck, and funny videos on YouTube to find the most worthless wastes of bandwidth on the internet.
posted by a47danger at 1:53 PM on June 13, 2006

My Juggling Music Video Entry - Fatboy Slim Video Contest
Vova Galchenko is one of the world's greatest living jugglers. I teamed up with him over the last month to create an entry in Fatboy Slim's latest music video contest. Please comment, rate and share this video.
posted by MarkBakalor at 10:14 PM on June 12, 2006

MetaFilter Writers Group
The MetaFilter Writers Group, as suggested by grumblebee in this MetaTalk post, is open for business. The plan is for members to post short fiction—short as in 500 words—on a weekly theme. There's also a section where members can submit their other fiction work or poetry for the group to read and discuss. If you'd like to join in the fun, you can register here. The first weekly theme is announced here.
posted by jack_mo at 3:24 PM on June 9, 2006

The Sound of Young America
"A public radio show about things that are awesome." This is my radio show. In conception, it's a more fun, younger-targeted version of Fresh Air, with some original comedy mixed in. Right now, I'm moving from "this is a fun hobby" to "I just got an email from Public Radio International."
posted by YoungAmerican at 11:30 AM on June 5, 2006

Pushpin Revolution EP
A 6-track EP of retrofuturist electronic music, available for free download under a Creative Commons license, in .mp3 and .flac formats. 22 minutes of poppy, sometimes danceable synthpop.
posted by cathodeheart at 8:08 PM on May 26, 2006

American Walrus Spring 06 Issue
I run the American Walrus Magazine, a submissions-based comics quarterly. This is our first issue, but we're hoping to turn it into a place where anybody with talent and a good story can get their stuff published, whether or not they've ever been published or even drawn comics before. This one's being offered for free online in its entirety. Future issues will probably be online in excerpt form. There's a lot of excellent comics in this issue, but space considerations forced us to shrink it a bit. There's a high resolution pdf on the page for better viewing, though. We operate at a velcro-shoe-fastener budget, so we're also selling ties with cartoon characters on them and t-shirts in an attempt to finance the printing of the summer issue. Highlights of the Spring Issue include:
-Killer School Girl Part One by Rebecca Doyle
-A jaunty Christopher Walken mask by Brandon Bird
-A pulp painting of Hunter Thompson fighting a shark by Steven Fromtling
-Tales of childhood angst by Andy Warner
-The bizarro fantasies of Alexa Rose
-...and more.

The summer issue's coming, too, so if you draw comics, send them our way! Lastly, if you just can't get enough, I also run a comics blog on the main page of the site.
posted by renraw at 7:54 PM on May 29, 2006 is a community site for bassists. It goes live June 1, 2006. We hope to keep the focus on bass education while also providing gear reviews, interviews, and a friendly forum for discussion. MeFi bassists are especially welcome, of course. It's a drupal-powered site (a platform we picked in part because of an AskMeFi thread). We've got some good content already and hope to have a lot more rolling in the next month.
posted by wheat at 7:51 PM on May 31, 2006
Content matters.

Clean, effective copy is the most important thing on your site. Get addicted to content.
posted by generichuman at 8:05 AM on June 3, 2006

Armageddon Or Not?
I tried this briefly last year, but when I found a plug-in to put a 1-10 rating system on WordPress and Barry Manilow's album hit #1, I knew that this was the right time for an interactive web-based system for public voting on the doom-worthiness of current Apocalyptic trends (Global Warming, Bird Flu, Britney's Babies, etc.). So please, visit, vote and suggest some of the Signs of the Apocalypse I have obviously missed. But do it soon. The world could end tomorrow.
posted by wendell at 11:33 PM on May 11, 2006

Machine Gum - comics by me!
A series of comics and experiments in funny pictures. Machine Gum is an outlet for me to play around in the medium of comics. It's not a webcomic per se since it's not confined to a singular narrative or format; it's more like a playground where I can have fun with the medium and with drawing silly things. Fun for the whole family!
posted by Robot Johnny at 9:21 AM on April 27, 2006

Grazer's Song a Day Songs
Inspired by the results of various rigorous ‘blank’-a-day exercises of writers (100 nights, 100 stories – click the banner at top) and artists (40 days of drawing) that I’ve seen online, I’ve decided it’s time to take the challenge myself, and write/record a song a day. With the notion that no melody or idea is too small, overused or simple, I’ve set a few restrictions for myself: I have to make the song up on the spot – sit down, write the song, record it. For the most part, lyrics have to be improvised, but I can improvise freely then write them down before recording (though this has generally not been the case). If I do a take and it’s not terrible, I have to leave it and move on to overdubs and attempt to fix and flaws with additional vocals or sounds. I’ve allowed myself a seven day buffer before uploading (and uploaded 12 songs here before announcing), since I’m a busy guy and all… but any days I miss I’ll have to make up by recording two songs the next. And I must accept failure if what I record is no good, and move on. I’ve chosen the blogger format for the song directory so I can easily post links from anywhere, and so anyone interested can leave comments on the songs. I hope that listeners will take part in helping me choose which aspects of which songs work and which do not, so I can further develop. I have no idea how long I'll be able to keep it up, but I hope to make it to at least fifty songs. If you’re looking for a song to start with, try today’s upload, eye peach.
posted by SmileyChewtrain at 8:37 AM on April 21, 2006

A veritable tiny treasure trove of centered text and songs ranging from awful to awesome await! ki(10)z is my band. Which includes me. My New Year's resolution was to try to write a song a week, but I seem to have fallen quite far behind. At any rate, these are some songs.
posted by The Great Big Mulp at 1:34 PM on April 16, 2006

The Scarring Party
The Scarring Party is a band that I play upright bass in. We've been together almost a year now and have just finished recording our first full length album. While we don't have a terribly in depth website yet, we have a few MP3s available.
posted by drezdn at 12:22 PM on December 5, 2005

'Blue Shoals' by The Earl Stoner Band.
Earl and I used to blog together at randomWalks. Now we jam. mp3s at Earl's MySpace page. CC licensed!
posted by xowie at 2:08 PM on February 26, 2006

Soplerfo mp3 archive
Here’s a downloadable archive of nearly all of the music I’ve made. It is now available under a Creative Commons Sampling + license. The music was composed primarily on a computer and the majority of its parts are made up of live instruments and samples of strange sounds. I like to think of it as clinky clanky music that you can sometimes hum to.
posted by soplerfo at 9:12 AM on November 9, 2005

Red On Strike
We just recorded our first CD, so here's some rockin' punk for your listening pleasure. Enjoy!
posted by InfidelZombie at 10:06 AM on February 2, 2006

Maxx Klaxon @ BYTE
For NYC residents (or those visiting this weekend): Maxx Klaxon [my alter ego] emerges from his bunker for a live show at BYTE on Sunday, February 12. He'll have new music -- and a new partner in crime.

Marlene Mars is an accomplished keyboardist, classically trained vocalist, and PSYOPS expert. She brings a glamorous new dimension to Maxx's stage show. BYTE is NYC's monthly synth sexy event, featuring live music, visuals, DJs, and burlesque performance. Maxx and Marlene are this month's exclusive musical act -- with a set of beautiful, dirty, political electropop (including a brand new song) that's not to be missed.

Indulge your inner freak, stay up late on a Sunday, and come on out for cheap drinks, wild sights and mind-altering sounds.
posted by Artifice_Eternity at 10:01 PM on February 9, 2006

Both Ends of a Gun
Is a recording produced for RPM Challenge, the first event of its type. Based on the models of National Novel Writing Month and National Album Writing Month, the RPM (Record Production Month) Challenge asked bands and musicians from the Portsmouth, NH, music scene to write and record all the material for a 10-song or 25-minute album within the single month of February. This CD was my contribution to the project; it consists of songs built around two iconic American couples, Bonnie and Clyde, and Annie Oakley and Frank Butler. Submissions ran the gamut from highly produced, layered, professional studio work to humble kitchen-counter efforts like my own. The project, spearheaded by the local arts and culture paper, The Wire, galvanized the local music scene and forged connections between musicians both within and across genres. It's been a boon to the music community, and the model should definitely be emulated. The Portsmouth group is now throwing down the gauntlet by issuing the challenge to Northampton, MA, Portland, ME, and the entire State of Vermont.
posted by Miko at 12:02 PM on April 14, 2006

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