American Walrus Spring 06 Issue
May 29, 2006 7:54 PM

American Walrus Spring 06 Issue
I run the American Walrus Magazine, a submissions-based comics quarterly. This is our first issue, but we're hoping to turn it into a place where anybody with talent and a good story can get their stuff published, whether or not they've ever been published or even drawn comics before. This one's being offered for free online in its entirety. Future issues will probably be online in excerpt form. There's a lot of excellent comics in this issue, but space considerations forced us to shrink it a bit. There's a high resolution pdf on the page for better viewing, though. We operate at a velcro-shoe-fastener budget, so we're also selling ties with cartoon characters on them and t-shirts in an attempt to finance the printing of the summer issue. Highlights of the Spring Issue include:
-Killer School Girl Part One by Rebecca Doyle
-A jaunty Christopher Walken mask by Brandon Bird
-A pulp painting of Hunter Thompson fighting a shark by Steven Fromtling
-Tales of childhood angst by Andy Warner
-The bizarro fantasies of Alexa Rose
-...and more.

The summer issue's coming, too, so if you draw comics, send them our way! Lastly, if you just can't get enough, I also run a comics blog on the main page of the site.
posted by renraw (0 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

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