ThePinkSuperhero's votes
Displaying vote 101 to 110 of 110

mefi universe search engine
I created several custom google co-op search engines, each with matching search extensions. One of them searches the entire mefi universe, including metachat, monkeyfilter, 9622, and the sites of mefi users who volunteer (or are volunteered by others). Tabs let you refine search by the blue, green, etc., and once user sites are added, the results will be weighed so the results will be: main site, fan sites, user sites (or whatever is most popular). This is similar to mathowie's recent offering, but covers more ground (if it's the sort of ground you want covered). Also, a search engine for finding screenplays, an engine for searching all CondeNast sites, and a link to my recently-started blog, where I mostly ruminate on TV and movies.
posted by bingo at 8:50 AM on February 16, 2007

Ask a Dumb Guy
Bad advice and incorrect information, free of charge.
posted by jbickers at 3:59 PM on February 5, 2007

Spouse Notes
Spouse Notes is a project that collects notes written from one loved one to another. I thought it would be interesting to share the funny, embarrassing and bizarre messages that my wife writes to me.

My hope for Spouse Notes is to have an archive of awful pet names, Dear John letters and the like. More importantly, I wanted to find a way to preserve these special moments. Email seems to last forever these days, but the random, "Pick up the dog crap!" message scrawled on a post-it note is always permanently destroyed.

I understand that the idea of collecting personal/private missives isn't new or novel, but I do feel that Spouse Notes has a unique niche. Even if it only serves as a destination for collecting my wife's messages, the project is fun aside to my day-to-day work. I do, however, hope to collect more messages like this and this.

The site has received a few random submissions and I thought that perhaps the MeFi group might provide some meaningful feedback.
posted by snowsuit at 10:23 AM on February 19, 2007

Both Ends of a Gun
Is a recording produced for RPM Challenge, the first event of its type. Based on the models of National Novel Writing Month and National Album Writing Month, the RPM (Record Production Month) Challenge asked bands and musicians from the Portsmouth, NH, music scene to write and record all the material for a 10-song or 25-minute album within the single month of February. This CD was my contribution to the project; it consists of songs built around two iconic American couples, Bonnie and Clyde, and Annie Oakley and Frank Butler. Submissions ran the gamut from highly produced, layered, professional studio work to humble kitchen-counter efforts like my own. The project, spearheaded by the local arts and culture paper, The Wire, galvanized the local music scene and forged connections between musicians both within and across genres. It's been a boon to the music community, and the model should definitely be emulated. The Portsmouth group is now throwing down the gauntlet by issuing the challenge to Northampton, MA, Portland, ME, and the entire State of Vermont.
posted by Miko at 12:02 PM on April 14, 2006

3 Years 3 Minutes
Three years of photographs, compressed down to a 3 minute movie and set to music.
posted by avoision at 12:30 PM on March 24, 2006

Glossed Over
Fashion magazines: they're simultaneously compelling and ridiculous. My site is dedicated to snarking on their more ludicrous aspects, with occasional forays into serious commentary. Updated every weekday.
posted by serialcomma at 5:19 AM on February 3, 2006

Wake Me! DC
Designed especially for riders of the Washington DC metro system, Wake Me! DC buttons are an essential part of sleeping on the metro. Tuck your wallet into a safe pocket, secure your purse under your arm, pin a button to your lapel, and nod off secure with the knowledge that you will be awoken at your stop.
posted by etoile at 11:14 AM on January 25, 2006

Goblin Market
My theatre company, Folding Chair Classical Theatre, is about to perform short plays by Harold Pinter and Christina Rossetti. The Pinter play, "A Kind of Alaska," was written in 1982, based on Oliver Sacks's "Awakenings." The Rossetti piece, a poem (and erotic fairy tale) called "Goblin Market," was written over 100 years earlier, in 1862. The two pieces are linked in interesting ways. If you live in NYC, I'd love to see you at one of the performances. But since Metafilter members live all over the world, here's a FREE MP3 PERFORMANCE of "Goblin Market."
posted by grumblebee at 2:02 PM on January 29, 2006

It is with great pleasure that I announce the follow up to this Ask Metafilter question from nine months ago (the original question was deleted, link goes to archival photo of the thread). Announcing the latest generation of Jonson!! This release features no Y chromosome, but is highly feature rich in terms of adorableness & comes factory loaded with good baby smell.
posted by jonson at 12:55 AM on December 19, 2005

Project Porchlight
How hard can it be to get everyone in Canada to make one change?

Project Porchlight is a volunteer-based, not-for-profit group that aims to deliver one free energy-saving compact fluorescent light bulb to every household in Canada. If we are successful, the results will be amazing: the resulting reduction in pollution from energy saved will be the equivalent of taking 66,000 cars off the road.

Our test launch in the neighborhood of Ottawa South has been a success, with more than ten thousand bulbs delivered to homes by hundreds of volunteers. Extensive media coverage and our new website have spread the word far and wide, and people have contacted us from all over Canada, asking for their neighborhood to be visited by Project Porchlight next.

Change is within reach. Visit us for the full scoop.
posted by danwalker at 6:56 AM on December 6, 2005

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