Spouse Notes
February 19, 2007 10:23 AM

Spouse Notes
Spouse Notes is a project that collects notes written from one loved one to another. I thought it would be interesting to share the funny, embarrassing and bizarre messages that my wife writes to me.

My hope for Spouse Notes is to have an archive of awful pet names, Dear John letters and the like. More importantly, I wanted to find a way to preserve these special moments. Email seems to last forever these days, but the random, "Pick up the dog crap!" message scrawled on a post-it note is always permanently destroyed.

I understand that the idea of collecting personal/private missives isn't new or novel, but I do feel that Spouse Notes has a unique niche. Even if it only serves as a destination for collecting my wife's messages, the project is fun aside to my day-to-day work. I do, however, hope to collect more messages like this and this.

The site has received a few random submissions and I thought that perhaps the MeFi group might provide some meaningful feedback.
posted by snowsuit (0 comments total)

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