11 posts tagged with Tumblr and photography.
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Coachella Valley Photo Spheres Project (Tumblr)
I want to map cool, interesting, and (mostly) scenic places in a region I live and drive around a lot in, and have come to appreciate and love. It happens to host the largest music festival in the USA at the moment. It's kind of a quiet, nice place to explore and relax in (though not as much in the scorching-hot summer). [more inside]
Tumblr blog for my workplace
I work at a public garden as a gardener. I have recently started up a tumblr blog for the garden in addition to my own personal tumblr blog which I've introduced in a previous Metafilter Projects post. [more inside]
Small landmarks
Small landmarks is a book project that I've been serializing on Tumblr. The book combines photographs with notebook writings, mostly drawn from places I've lived over the past few years: Halifax, Montreal and western Newfoundland. The work is about walking, finding things, stringing small moments together into something more. [more inside]
Max Sits on Things
Max is our cat and he is an asshole. He likes to sit on things. I am cataloging what he sits on.
Animated Jimfs
Over the summer I picked up a 35mm camera that takes four images in sequence on a single frame. Naturally, the next step was turning the best (or at least the most interesting) of those images into very brief, rather rough, animated gifs. I publish these gifs on my blog, Animated Jimfs.
My Big Box Of Nostalgia
I've got a box full of old stuff. Let's have a look at it!
Sleepwalk LA
Photos, mostly of LA, mostly with a Holga.
Tulpendiebe is the companion tumblr for my novel Kino, dedicated to Weimar Republic art, people, music, and events -- especially German silent film, along with anything related to the world of the book (which I mentioned here before.) And because copyright, piracy, and remixing are among the themes of Kino, I am inviting anyone to participate and send their own artwork, music, photos, and writing inspired by the tumblr. You can see submissions so far here.
the square foot
A new photoblog documenting Portland one square foot at a time. Flora, fauna, graffiti, food, art, &c. A few new pictures each day. [more inside]
Random photos on the highway
I've been wanting to do a photo essay of drivers that sit too close to the steering wheel for over a decade. When I finally got around to rigging something up, the moments of serendipity were way too fun to limit the project to such a narrow theme. I give you Passenger Window. [more inside]
Apres Garde
A tumble log of stuff I find I like on Google Street View. There are some other things thrown in , but that's basically it. [more inside]