5 posts tagged with roguelike by JHarris.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.
Roguelike Radio #159, on Shiren the Wanderer
I recorded an episode of the longstanding podcast Roguelike Radio on Spike-Chunsoft's latest roguelike game, Shiren the Wanderer: The Mystery Dungeon of Serpentcoil Island, a.k.a. Shiren 6. It's an hour and a half long, and we had a great time recording it. If you're interested in roguelikes, I think you'll like it!
Book compilation, @Play: Exploring Roguelike Games
I have a book out! It's a compilation of my @Play columns on roguelike games, with some new material. It's part of the current StoryBundle too, with some new material. ALSO, one piece on the book is up as @Play 83, AND another is up now on Kotaku! [more inside]
@Play, my old four-year column on roguelike games, play, history, theory and development, has returned.
Roguelike Radio Interview with Glenn Wichman
Glenn Wichman is one of the three people who made the computer game Rogue, bits of which are visible in roguelikes (of course), many computer RPGs, and MMORPGs. We interviewed him today for the Roguelike Radio podcast.
Roguelike Radio
Roguelike Radio is a weekly podcast that reviews roguelike games, one per episode. I join in with Episode 3, on Brogue. Other participants in various episodes include Andrew Doull (of Unangband), Scott Edgar, Erez Ben-Aharon and Darren Grey.