4 posts tagged with dinosaurs.
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Songs About Dinosaurs - Professor Goldstein and the Adjuncts
MefiMusic Alum makes good with a pop punk progressive-ska Weezercore old school concept album. [more inside]
Radioactive Trailers
COMING SOON TO OUR THEATER! Monsters! Aliens! Bikers! Vampires! Witches! Dinosaurs! Barbarians! Zombies! Natives! Swordsmen! Devil worshipers! Cool cats! Ass-kicking soul brothers! Sorceresses! Sharktopi! Action! Horror! Mystery! The occult! Low production values! Nonsensical editing! Cheesy acting! Cheap special effects! Ed Wood! Roger Corman! Bert I. Gordon! The Asylum! And much more! Please visit our snack bar! Movies are your best value! And now--OUR SHOW (NSFW in places) Extra: Drive-In Intermissions! [more inside]
This is my blog covering the Conservative Dinosaur Readiness Movement. It is a satirical blog about a right wing survivalist group that is paranoid that dinosaurs are going to return somehow and conquer earth. While it is satire, I also try to incorporate good science when I can, I interview legit people in the paleontology field such as Kirk Johnson and Peter Larson. [more inside]
Grover Cleveland: Dinosaur Wrangler
A trailer for a film that doesn't exist but should. Created for Badass Digest's Filmmaking Frenzy contest.