15 posts tagged with Sports.
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Dodgeball Finder: Discover dodgeball leagues & events near you to make friends and stay fit

When you think of dodgeball, do you remember being pummeled with 8.5" kickballs as a child or recall the 2004 cult classic movie? Many adults including myself have rediscovered dodgeball as a fun way to get exercise and make friends through local recreational leagues. Discovering and tracking nearby leagues and drop-in events is tedious and typically done through word-of-mouth (since web search results are incomplete and outdated). This motivated me to start a website to help players (initially just those living in the San Francisco Bay Area, California) to reliably find dodgeball happening near them. [more inside]
posted by mdean on Feb 19, 2024 - 0 comments

The Coin Toss World Cup

"Come one! Come all! And welcome to the ultimate test of skill... That's right, live from the Independent Monetary Kingdom of Coinland, it's time once again for The Coin Toss World Cup! 8 billion players from all around the world! One solitary winner! Who will it be? Who knows! But it could be you! And it has to be someone!" The Coin Toss World Cup is an exciting game of skill and talent in which YOU could become the number one "heads-or-tailser" in the world! All you have to do is choose (and not lose)! [more inside]
posted by dng on Jul 27, 2023 - 3 comments

jamstats: data analytics for roller derby games

The CRG roller derby scoreboard captures a ton of cool data, but it's kind of tricky to work with. I made Python tools to suck out all that juicy data and build plots: penalties per team and per skater, time to initial pass, mean net points per jammer, and lots more. I made it dead simple to use. [more inside]
posted by gurple on Dec 30, 2022 - 0 comments

Tennis for when there's no tennis.

I've spent 30+ years fiddling with sports simulation games and using them to learn how to code. I think the only thing that made me finally finish this app was the fact that professional tennis has not been played in four months, but maybe also because I wanted to hone my Flutter skills. So here's my lifetime side-project -- a tennis simulation app that's neither a pong derivative nor a sports management game. It's not even really a game at all. But you can add yourself to the player list, and tap away to see how you do. Available for testing on Android, coming later for iOS.
posted by thorny on Jul 7, 2020 - 0 comments

GoodReplay is a spoiler-free ranking of European football matches.

This webapp helps you pick the best on-demand ⚽ game replay to watch. You can also deliberately spoil only the games that meet your criteria. Say you want to save some time and know which matches feature score-less first halves. Or you’d rather avoid matches that went all the way to penalty kicks. You can do that, without ever seeing the final scores. [more inside]
posted by a complicated history on Dec 21, 2018 - 1 comment

Daily condensed MLB game videos, delivered to your inbox

This was my weekend project - it delivers a link to MLB's condensed game videos (12-15 min long) direct to your inbox every day at 7AM EST. I find it useful to keep up-to-date with what's going on with my team in a different time zone. [more inside]
posted by The Ted on Apr 27, 2016 - 2 comments

Better Fantasy Baseball

This is a one-week fantasy baseball site I hacked together to learn clojure. My friends and I like it, so I thought I would forward it along. [more inside]
posted by The Ted on Aug 11, 2015 - 3 comments

Genetic Football

You got your football simulator in my evolutionary model! No, YOU got your genetic algorithms in MY incredibly realistic football simulator! Which is to say: Genetic Football applies the ideas of natural selection to some very, very dumb simulated football players and lets you try and evolve the league over time. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Apr 28, 2015 - 7 comments

Fat Tire Flyer: Repack and the Birth of Mountain Biking

My book on my mountain bike adventures is out on VeloPress. I was one of the "hippie daredevils" whose goofy hobby of modifying old bikes to race them downhill turned into the modern sport of mountain biking. This weekend I received a glowing review from the Wall Street Journal. Previous reviews, all overwhelmingly positive: Dirt Rag US Cycling Report Marin Independent Journal Pez Cycling News Winkbooks
posted by Repack Rider on Nov 25, 2014 - 2 comments

March Madness Bracket: The Greatest Fictional Colleges of All Time

Many hours were wasted making seedings and filling out spreadsheets and unartfully ms-painting to create this bracket of fake colleges, universities battling it out for dominance. Here it is! Despite being full of errors, it is definitive. [more inside]
posted by Potomac Avenue on Mar 26, 2014 - 2 comments

Queefer Sutherland has a Lexistential Crisis

On the brutal art of roller derby. "The whistle blows and total chaos follows—you run forward, try to run, are hit down in a quick business-like way, economically, before you manage a second step. You stumble up, no-handed, as practiced—better than expected—but already others are ripping past you, the whole pack is churning: you will be left behind. You are skating forward somehow, swimming towards safety, when you are walloped—there’s no other word for it—clear off the track. A soft ribbon is driven from you, half a spoonful, maybe, of urine..."
posted by matosnic10 on Jun 3, 2013 - 0 comments

The History League

Faux sports team t-shirts for important people, events, and movements in history. What can I say, I like to combine a visual style that's usually associated with being "macho" and interests that are stereotypically considered "geeky". If you have any additional suggestions they'd be most welcome! [more inside]
posted by Jezztek on Nov 24, 2012 - 15 comments

Sad Girls On ESPN

A single-serving tumblog (because the world needs more of those) that follows the odd trend of ESPN and other sports networks showing pictures of sad-looking girls as filler whenever the home team is losing. It's not high art or anything, but it's fun. I do the caption writing and theme designing, the sad girls are either my captures or from elsewhere on the internet. My brother daniel striped tiger also occasionally contributes on captions.
posted by The Esteemed Doctor Bunsen Honeydew on Dec 8, 2011 - 16 comments

The Good Men Project

“The Good Men Project is a glimpse of what enlightened masculinity might look like in the 21st century,” the press raved when we launched, and that was exactly what we were hoping for. Finally, “a cerebral, new media alternative” to glossy men’s magazines was born. In fact, The Good Men Project is not so much a magazine as a social movement; an ongoing in-depth discussion that has by now involved millions of people, all getting back to a core question of “what does it mean to be a good man in these modern times?”. [more inside]
posted by JackVarnell on Oct 16, 2011 - 6 comments

The Twitter-Powered Terrible Towel

The power of team spirit harnesses the potential of technology to create...THE TWERRIBLE TOWEL!! Every tweet tagged with #steelersnation twirls the towel one time. Check it out at http://twerribletowel.com
posted by missjenny on Feb 1, 2011 - 3 comments

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