Better Fantasy Baseball
August 11, 2015 5:14 PM   Subscribe

Better Fantasy Baseball
This is a one-week fantasy baseball site I hacked together to learn clojure. My friends and I like it, so I thought I would forward it along.

The draft is an auction draft with five people.

The whole season is just seven days, so you can start it in the middle or end of the real baseball season.

There are no trades, starting lineups, or anything else to worry about - just pick'em and play!
Role: Developer
posted by The Ted (3 comments total)

I've never played fantasy baseball but this looks like a neat introduction. Is Facebook login required? I got to the end of the auction and declined to link up with FB, so it looks like it didn't save.
posted by exogenous at 10:13 AM on August 12, 2015

Hi Exogenous,

Thanks for checking in - yes, right now FB login is required - I couldn't get google's oauth library to work, so unfortunately I had to go with the f-book.

If I do another iteration it looks like I should roll my own signups. Thanks again for the comment!
posted by The Ted at 11:02 AM on August 12, 2015

Oh, I personally don't mind using third party authentication, but I guess advance warning that it is required would be nice. I'd incorrectly guessed that there would be another option after declining the FB link, that's all. No big deal. Thanks for sharing this!
posted by exogenous at 11:54 AM on August 12, 2015

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